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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. There's a wicked wench in our midst's I see. Of course, Darling, the notice can be placed here. No worries, mate. Good luck in your endeavor.
  2. LOL, I'll bring the cocktail sauce!!
  3. I'm going to take a stab here and say it will be in the "Buena Vista" timeslot. Call me psychic or psychotic; only time will tell.
  4. How to become a Disney Pirate or Princess for a day. Park Party Information
  5. I'm glad you weren't offended; I hate to have to moderator myself.
  6. What would they call the category? Best Actor in a Special Technical Effect Regional Distribution [bASTERD OSCAR]? Oh I'm being bad, but then I love to mess with "powers that be".
  7. This fashion designer is a little slow on the uptake and inspiration. Gwen Stefani's line "Lamb" had better pirate-inspired style in last year's line.
  8. I was told by the Lady that I had to get in here and give you a proper welcome. So if you're buying, I'm welcoming....to a drink, that is.
  9. I'll reserve judgement until I see POTC III.
  10. Arrrrgh! Until the mouse catches me. BRAHAHAHAHA!
  11. Me mate just came back from the waters of CES (Consumer Electronic Show). Pirates be making waves there as well. Here be some treasure to plunder until the booty of the online game is available. Pirates of the Caribbean Online Game TRAILER
  12. Until I'm told (by someone with direct ties) to take away the link, click and save away.
  13. My apologizies to PirateSSe. This thread is being locked so as no more flogging can occur.
  14. Jealous, jealous, jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. ahh, but I think PirateSSe likes to be flogged! Bugger, now I'm going to have to move this thread to "A way to a Pyrate's heart."
  16. Nope, nothing I hadn't seen or already own. oh wait, that site doesn't have the (2) 5 foot bus stop wraps I scored in 2003. I plan on mounting them to the sails of my ship and painting the hull black. It will look something like this:
  17. Hmmmm, how to say this? The person who took this picture got in a lot of trouble for letting it get out. We all make mistakes, but we all don't work for the mouse with alot of money to make or break our careers. As moderator in this forum, let me kill this discussion once and for all. First, it is out of respect and compassion for the individual who works on POTC that we at the Pub are NOT allowing the pic to be reposted here. Second, it is because we don't want the big eyes of the mouse on us. Why draw attention when all of us good pirates know where to find the treasure if we want it? No reason to bring them to our Tortuga, I say.
  18. Huzzah and fair winds, Captain and Kathy. Let us know yer calendar as soon as ye can. I'm currently in the planning stages of an east coast adventure and would love to add your port if it works out.
  19. Black Sam's Uvulae?
  20. Lady Snow, My heartfelt condolences to you. May you find strength in your friends here at the pub and at home. Take care,
  21. I wouldn't be keeping to me duties if I didn't notice the details. Me mates wants to know what he needs to do to get on yer gift giving list.
  22. hmmmm, a hunting of the site shows a daily adult fee to be $30. Of course, if you want to be camping, that would be more.
  23. ahore? Please tell me that was a mistype and not a freudian slip.
  24. If yer lookin for some open pub singing, I say Estrella War is your place. Az Ren Fest is a pretty tightly organized society. Estrella War encampements always welcome traveling bards and such. I'd say this is where your time will be better spent.
  25. What a completely awesome picture of Kathy! Huzzah! She looks great!
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