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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. I voted to amend Maryland's constitution to allow for early voting. If I hadn't just stood in line, I'm not sure if I would have voted yes. The building next door is a polling place. There has to be at least 300 people waiting in line.
  2. See also the following: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=13497
  3. My polling place opened at 7. I left the house at 6:30, decided to get a cup of coffee, then headed over about 6:50. There was a line! I've never stood in a line to vote before. I did a head count, and there were about 70 people in front of me. By the time the doors opened there were at least 100 people in line. All told, it took me about a half an hour to get in and vote. On the way out the line was still long. It had dropped to about 60.
  4. My wife cleared a bunch of space on the hard drive (and I deleted at least one episode of Band of Brothers in hidef ) and set the FiOS to record the whole thing. But she forget to protect it, so the next day it was overwrote by a bunch repeats of Dirty Jobs. The fort in question is the one on Pea Patch Island. Fort... Fort... Delaware I think it is called. It's a cool place. A friend of mine was responsible for doing some of the restoration work on the some of the Civil War era rooms, then took my wife and I for a visit afterward. My wife thought she felt some "stuff" while we were out there, so she was really looking forward to seeing the episode. On the plus side, I think she said there's an episode of highlights of the trip airing this week.
  5. My apologies. I saw it was located in the wrong forum, but I was tied up with something else so didn't get a chance to move it until now.
  6. Happy Birthday Greg! Hope all is well over there in Germany.
  7. even better! http://www.hulu.com/watch/122/lost-in-space-the-sky-pirate
  8. Speaking of good tv! And that carrot would make for one hell of an avatar!
  9. Evidently the pirate figure didn't make it's saving throw against the Breast Dazzle Spell. We need more of this sort of thing at reenactments. It is historically accurate, right?
  10. I thought the same. It is actually nice to know I can muster the steadiness when I need to. If you enjoyed it back then, give it a try and maybe you'll be surprised!
  11. Cool. What scale ARRR those?
  12. I just watched a little clip of a previous episode. In the scene, he uses his musket to set off some gizmo that lights a bunch of bonfires. That appealed to my Rube Goldberg side.
  13. Indeed it is blackjohn, it will run on Friday nights though not sure of the channel...The third show is fast approaching so I hope tis better. Thanks. If I think about it, I'll give it a look-see.
  14. They won't. They can't. It's the pirate meme, and you can't kill it.
  15. It is on NBC. Doh! Yeah, I see that was actually in the thread's title...
  16. My son #1 is in second grade. This week his spelling pre-test put him on the B list. Which means he got the easy spelling words on the pre-test correct, so this week he gets to do the hard list. His spelling words are: jumpsuit chipmunk pumpkinseed umpire kerplunk bunkhouse junkyard crushable underbrush mushroom Today's homework (for spelling) was to use each of these words in a sentence at least six words in length. Now I don't know about you, but I don't remember having anything near as tough in my second grade class. Yesterday his math homework was pretty neat. He has a number sentence: 30+20. He had to come up with a written description of 30+20, say what it equaled, and then illustrate the story he wrote. I helped him with a story idea - trick or treating. So the story was he and his brother went trick or treating. He got 30 pieces of candy. His brother 20. Together they had 50. Again, I don't remember having anything nearly as tough in second grade. Oh, one of his spelling words last week - counterclockwise!
  17. Dash it all! Where's a good picture of Patrick Hand when you need one?!?!?
  18. Lost! Now you're talkin'! So this show is a weekly thing? On my local network tv?
  19. The lady I know who owns and operates the paddle-wheel driven Lantern Queen told me she would like to do a Steampunk cruise. When would you like to set sail?
  20. I'll follow you OT, with the caveat that we change bring this back on T after Halloween. My cat did a number on me the other day. I was doing laundry, and she likes to sit on the dryer to soak up the warmth. Since the kids were in the den, I picked her up with the intention of transporting her from atop the dryer to the den for a game of cat and mouse, chase the string, etc. She extended her claws and one of them managed to snag me in the little groove between my fingernail and the skin on the tip of my finger. Ouch. With a clothes basket in the other hand I was completely at her mercy. Her cat fu is strong.
  21. The best 70s band you've never heard of... Crack the Sky! Here, this one sort of works on a piratey level...
  22. Agreed! Good job!
  23. Many's the night I dreamed of cheese. Toasted, mostly.
  24. Ok, so Capn Jim, Mission, Red Cat Jenny and I are going to join forces and create our own think tank. Someone give us something to think about.
  25. I bet you have plenty of white Christmases, eh? That's gotta be nice.
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