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Jas. Hook

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Everything posted by Jas. Hook

  1. Tainted wine me thinks. Jas. Hook
  2. Nay Doctor, cooling water from the lakes it'll be. On second thought a cooling tower with a granite facade and cannons mounted does have a certain... appeal. Jas. Hook
  3. Wait just a tick....I am now royally confused. Is there food somewhere about? Or are you planning on eating us?!?! ... being served on black and red table linen, no doubt. Jas. Hook
  4. CGunner - It seems that these projects always come at the expence of the public. Downstate the want to erect wind generators off the State run beaches. Your view can be dispoiled but not mine. It's the same crapola every time. I'm not a Niagara County resident however I'll contact my local state senator and assemblyman as well as Mr. Ross in regards to NYPA's proposed site. GO NUCLEAR! Jas. Hook
  5. Yah means thar be other colors???????? The only red and black items in me kit are neckerchiefs. Jas. Hook
  6. Cap'n Black - A fine an' fair set of photos, sir. I like the lack of any cive-lie-sation in the background. Jas. Hook
  7. Ahoy Dutch - A bunch o' photos on the net, Google ship found, world trade Seems like they also found some additional artifacts, an anchor and a shoe. Jas. Hook
  8. Ahoy Cap'n -

    I looked into the event but as me kit is still lacking and we couldn't find a room nearby for Lady Patricia, I decided to bail on the event. With this wicked heat and humidity I guess it was just as well... I don't think I could have walked the plank att day to cool off. Pyrate Trading Co. failed in my hat order so I ordered through McKay's Pirate Trading Co...

  9. Recently finished Carl Hiaasen's Strip Tease, Basket Case and almost done with Sick Puppy. His writing makes me wonder if I'll ever go to Florida. Jas. Hook
  10. Eric - Hummmmmm.... seems like a lot of piratical folks floating about around the South China Sea, Philippine Sea, Sulu Sea, Java Sea, Timor Sea, Celebes Sea, etc. don't have a problem with sarongs. It hit 100 degrees and humid here yesterday.... I'm considering a tablecloth as a toga. Jas. Hook
  11. Avast, James! Willst thy be attending the festivities at Hampton? We, the Crewe o' the "Meka"II are inbound, due tomorrow.

  12. Happy Birthday USA

  13. Matty - Oh baby, after that comment, they're not even goin' give ye a wide plank to walk if the Bos'n catches ye. :D Jas. Hook
  14. Admiral Kilo - All of the by-products from combustion of tobacco. :D Jas. Hook
  15. Mr. Cross - LOL Like a block of Stilton or Cheddar or perhaps a prune danish. Bos'n, looks like you lucked into a very nice blade. Adam - Nice job! I like the pattern left by the rasp teeth and the antler handle. Jas. Hook
  16. Wench - Rum cake I'm hope'n.

  17. No M'lady Hook with an 'e'. Ner' a single nor double have I. Why I haven't spied many holders over the past few years, them hav'n fallen into disfavor. I do recall some nifty ones carved out of meerschaum though, as well as many meerschaum pipes. The one meerschaum I treasure to this day is the one that M'lady gave to me as a personal wedding gift thirty-five years ago. Hummmmm... a carved skull ye say. Could start a trend here and sort of replace the hot-as-hades clay pipes. Jas. Hook
  18. Here's a litle ditty for all you users of the leaf - "Tobacco doth an Indian weed, from the Devil it doth proceed, It picks your pocket and burns your clothes, and makes a chimney of your nose." Jas. Hook
  19. Kilo - "Once I smoke the cigar down enough, I split it open and smoke the remaining tobacco through my pipe." Yech... that's the worst, all that concentrated crap... leave the stub for your local hobo! Try some Captain Black (white pouch) pipe tobacco. These days I prefer a cigar usually with a 50+ ring size. Jas. Hook
  20. Mmmmm.......Dark and Stormy's........One part Cruzan Aged Dark Rum and two parts Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Over Ice. Cures what ale's ya on a hot sunny FL day. Gumb - Hot an' humid up here this weekend also... I went over to the dark side and did Bombay Saphire and tonic water with much ice. I haven't seen Bundaberg Ginger Beer the last brand I had was Regatta brand. Jas Hook
  21. Matty/Adam - On Long Island, NY we be. Jas. Hook
  22. LOL The early version of a neon bar sign. Jas. Hook
  23. Matty - I checked out some commercial on-line places an was poleaxed by the silver required for a light green blown seeded glass. Each piece was like a bottle o' Kraken an a half. It didn't sound too bad at .22 per sq. in. till ye add up the squares. 3 6x8 1 5x7.5 Considering the lantern was only 10 with ripple glass lens. Jas. Hook
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