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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. yes i have! lol yeah...those legs need some stockings.....or do they already have them......lol....indeed, i know those shoes, they are from a european company called McFarthingbowls. The only person in the states who i know has them is our very own Ivan Henry/ mooseworth(the gun merchant)...as far as i last heard, he was quite happy with them.........i though they offered them in natural or brown at one time....id for sure get them then! Does anyone know the maker of the other shoes on the site? and if they are any good...$70 for a back up pair of shoes isnt bad at all......
  2. glad to know its not just me!
  3. not sure if its just me, but the website doesnt seen to be presently working........and id really like to check this out!...i have a feeling i know where the shoes are from.......
  4. i had no problem reading it at all(and im illiterate ) .....so many seniors round these parts......tis a wonder the royal navy hath not gotten hold of them by now........ well have to make flags MUCH larger, lest they not see who they are fighting........
  5. <3 fayma, thank you for making it happen! and a thanks to all others who helped with keeping sane! capt. sterling, lily, hurricane and anyone else who i didnt mean to not type!
  6. i have to find a screw so that my gun works......then get it repaired....clean it i need to rob a 7-11 for mmoooorreee money! finish all cj's stuff try and do a weskit before then get rubber souls put on mine shoes pack ....that doesnt seem too bad to me...yyyaaayyy!
  7. i think youv got him down on that one lolol great idea diosa!
  8. i have heard much of this wobble juice.........but hath had none to drink..........not even a drop.....though last year at pip, someone apparently had a pretty good knock off..........we must change this........soon......
  9. and what powerful humors i have diosa...mighty powerful.........OH NOES THE THREAD WAS HIJACKED AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! please cheeky.....dont hurt it...i need to sew.......lololol (i feel clever)
  10. lol nnoooo your not. i wouldnt fault anyone for confusing out of use equipment....and the title still isnt quite correct even,because there 2 serving mallets in those pictures...and fids....and net coverd bottles.........which have very little to do with sail making....so there, have cheer william!(with a side of bacon covered pizza as well).......i shall see you in the coming weeks my good sir! keep well and safe passage!
  11. i must avert mine young eyes! all manner of things here, such that i should not witness!!! ....i shall simply thank the Mekka II's boatswain.......and warn him, stay far and away of this diosa.........i, myself was viciously accosted by the lass, and thrown then from a vessel into dangerous waters! ooohhh she is a cruel temptress!
  12. ..............but please be rest assured that the archangel crew will be sure to sweep up little hamish into a prosperous life of hunting down those nefarious pirates in the name of king and country!.....as for his father....if we find him to be amongst the pirates....(and iv heard such that he is).....he shall be treated like all the rest............... yee will be missed salty, but school shall always come first! I await seeing you at some future event!
  13. .....i feel i must correct that mister red wake....that wooden flat thing as a seam rubber....i know this because that one is mine lolol.......in sail making, it is used to flatten the seams in sail canvas......or flatten seams in any other material really.............. cant say i would ever want a wooden caulking iron, not sure how well it would hold up to getting the crap beat out of it, and sometimes the caulking in between planks is quite hard............and there is bos'n cross's traditional boat class of the day!
  14. My "Latest Model" Cat O' Nine Tails will be accompanying me'self to PiP. Should one be interested I can be found in the Service of the Archangel. Dutch "X" (his mark) we already have someone in charge of that................*cough....though im sure your cat is nicer........bring some cordage if you can.....i need to......make stuff..........lol
  15. hhheeyyyy now, duvall is a center of culture and class........or not...lol.....see you at pip beowoulf
  16. what are your prices on cutlass master hawkyns? ...........i am.....in the market as it were........and have you any pictures?.......
  17. quite busy around these parts........

  18. oh noes! get better!
  19. iv got sutler john working on some now for me....should be ready for pip....now iv just got to get aallll the rest of that stuff........lol i look forward to attending, fighting in the streets looks just too fun!
  20. .......you missed one item from the list..........worth quite alot.........and good for.....service......
  21. dear me, first in the list is....make it to pip! -make earlier kit...because i MUST go to searl's raid cant stand to miss it.... -finish my 1704 marine coat and hat(the rest is done yyaaayyy) for MTA (though i may be the only marine lolololol) -get bandolier and charges -make a tool chest for all my new rigging tools. make chests for camp supplies -get a rreeaalll tent and hammock to hang in it -gather camp accessories so i dont starve.....and so camp looks "better" - finish living history rigging demo -sew more clothes in general wow that's actually not that much physically....though financially........
  22. good lord master foxe....this seems to be more than my cup of tea..........id love to attend........but alas, i am in america......i really must schedule a trip.....
  23. the happiest of natal days to yee!! many returns of the day!
  24. you still get to be white though....im a poor ,black, sad inner city youth...stuck in an urban sprawl of drugs ,dirt and melancholy.........damn...that last word gives me away.........fine ...yee have me beat sir!
  25. a happy natal day to m' favorite boatswain....other than m'self..........many happy returns o' the day!
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