Bos'n Cross
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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross
November 2009 | Fort de Chartres Rendezvous
Bos'n Cross replied to silas thatcher's topic in November
and two hours closer to me....muuuhahahahah ........*cough.......... iv been looking around for a BIG rendezvous to go to.....think.....think..........great pictures by the way, looked like a really good time! -
.........................Rounding third and on to home !! Thats HOME RUN FOR STERLING!!....thanks for covering all the bases captain!
.......rounding second....!
....rounding first
Hey all, im also bringing a 10 gallon water dispenser (the big orange things lol) but worry not, it is cleverly disguised in canvas(yyyaayyyy) im gonna bring some powdered gatoraid for it, but im sure ill run out of that eventually.......still good for water though........
Woah... best smelling fire... not the best smelling Camp...... If ye gots sensitive nostrils like that flea bitten Pyrate Hunter Sturlin'.... ye wanna be way up wind from me.....(an' that's before I start fartin' the 1812 oviture......) .....i think i might actually be afraid......but iv done stranger things then suffer horrid smells....for my love of pork.............that poor little old lady........................*cough...........i actually think iv heard of your legendary smell mr.hand, i look forward to it...i think.....
fine by me..........as long as im there really lol playing tetris with tents is a tricky bussiness.......i was never good at tertis...so it better that someone beat me to it........
indeed sir, ill be around camp for sure, ill still try get my tent closer, sense i am attempting the earlier impression also...but ill probably go for the closest, and best smelling fire...........pork is.....ggooooddd....bacon...yyesss................
Missions correctt, they were wooden. Strangly enough i once meet a man who collected olde tavern signs......... are you sure you want to use an actuall seal "hide" look, i think its more traditional to at least paint on what ever emblem you want...though i admit that may take some thinking....i kind of like the idea of a seal head with a knife and fork on either side....though that might imply that the dish you serve is...........
im afraid.....now i wonder what sterlings car is...........oh god...it could be.......a........convertable....*shudders........lol and im glad you got a giggle out of it silkie i <3 yee teeeheheheheheheh :3 ..........
OH NO! not again! ill be packed with a bunch of cargo...deep inside dutch's trailer.........bound for the new world....and a new life......of ensla...*cough............. well that wasnt pc...and i dont mean period correct....sorry all....i couldnt help it... :3
well............now on to....................the actual intent of the thread.....................................ssooooooooooooooooooo as long as Captain Sterlings ok with it(space wise) or if i can get it in dutch's trailer, ill bring down some big bags of charcoal with us. Im also bringing a dutch oven, and mabey a small brazier, for my self to give a shot at cooking on(are the park ones the type on tall stands or are they close to the ground?), if no brazier ill use which ever fire im closest too lol. Are there any grocery stores reasonably close to the site? Or anywhere else to get sundry goods?
i agree with animal in this respect, honesty most people dont know the difference between us and a revolutionary war reenactor, and honestly i dont think they really care...sadly enough....as long as you educate them about whats your doing and what people once did and mabey even why they did it if your feeling particularly adventurous...........and make the kids smile .................all shall be well. Though ill be in the mercury crew camp, i will have an earlier era kit buccaneer kit(thoug i might fit better with the Serle's Raid guys, because for some reason i seem to have leaned towards a more soldierish impression...........dont know how it happened lol)...........hhumm how close are the camps?, if possible i could sort of scoot inbetween, i think my tent is more along what you guys will have....for the most part its a square tarp (diamond tent style)....though it does indeed have a flap closure.....
I like the way that one is rigged and the design of the sails. (Knowing little about ships, I am going to guess that it's not PC because I like it.) indeed mission, the rover is modeled after a late 19th century cargo schooner, so unfortunately its not pc for ouuuurrrr time, but is for another time...lol well also the hull is welded steel but thats neither here nor there.............
Well while i dont have much experience, i am a bit of a safety prude. I being a cast-away, accepted into the mercury camp, i offer my services, though in what capacity i may be of help is not yet known..............wow that came out really.....weird......
I sail aboard this as my full time job, called the american rover, iv also started volunteering aboard these the susan/sarah constant, the godspeed and discovery at jamestowne settlement, though iv yet to actually go out on them yet (our sailing season starts in april) still alot of fun though
Veerryyy nice all around sir...i swear you are getting quite good at this......WELL DONE!....though that reminds me that mmyyy boarding axe is well.......it needs covering lol.....keep it up m8, love to see more!
!! I shall close my young impressionable eyes, lest they be scathe-ed by all this talk of drunkenness and perno..pornography..........sshhaammee..............
Having read several actual copies of period surgical manuals in pdf form, allow me to give some pointers. 1. When spelling a word, use any word order that comes to mind which is relatively close to the pronunciation. It is perfectly acceptable to spell a word three different ways in the same paragraph. 2. Randomly replace the letter 'j' with the letter 'i', particularly when it comes at the beginning of a word. So, 'juice' becomes 'iuce' (You can drop the second 'i' because of the spelling rule - see #1. Or you can not. I have also seen it written 'iuice.') 3. Ditto the letter 'w' with two v's: 'vv.' 4. Ditto the letter 's' with a letter that looks mostly like 'f.' In addition to the rule in # 2 about 's' coming at the beginning. You should also change it when there are two s's together in a word. So the first one is written like an 'f' and the second is written like an 's.' Like: 'fucsefs.' (That is not a swear word, it is written that way to keep people on their toes.) 5. If you are tired of writing a word because it's long or you've already written it before, feel free to superscript the last letter that you feel like writing. For example, you can write the word 'attitude' as 'attitu.' (Converting it using rule #1, you can really be PC by writing it as 'atatu.' 6. Sprinkle Latin phrases in occasionally. Misspell and abbreviate them for best effect. (Note: this may just be in the surgical manuals. Common folks probably couldn't write in Latin. Actually, common folks probably couldn't write at all.) 7. In place of 'etc.' always, always use '&c.' (This is mondo cool IMHO.) 8. Randomly italicize words. For example, a few (very few) authors always italicize locations, foreign phrases and things like '&c." Most just italicize these words occasionally. Some don't italicize them at all. 9. Occasionally run the letters o & e together in the Latin fashion to form 'œ' as well as running a & e together to form 'æ.' The 'æ' is more common than the 'œ.' It often appears at the beginning of words that have no reason to have one or the other letters, which looks like 'Æ.' So you might decide to say, "Æ ate eht pices of pi" or "I æte eyt peeces of pye." However, don't overuse this because "Æ æte æyt pæces of pæ" just looks silly. 10. Make some of the words ending with an 'ess' sound positively biblical by adding 'eth' to the end of such words. So, for example, 'suffice' becomes 'sufficieth' or (even better) 'sufeyceth.' 11. Apostrophe's are right out. Never use them. Ever. We're not even going to talk about it. [Edit: Ok, we are going to talk about it, but I'm not going to change it. ] 12. If you want to change to the opposite meaning of a word, throw an 'un' at the beginning of it. So, if you wanted to talk about someone not wearing a cloth, you could write 'He was unwaring a cloath.' 13. A hard 'c' is clearly weak, so you must give it support. Add a 'k' to it or even a 'ke' if the 'c' looks like it might be vulnerable. 'Attic' is pretty wimpy, so you would want to write it as 'Atticke.' 14. Ditto words ending in 'e.' Throw an extra 'e' on occasionally in case the the first one gets lost. This is especially true in small words like 'be' (change to 'bee') and 'he' (change to 'hee'). 15. In fact, throw some 'e's at the end of other words that don't need them for any reason when the mood strikes you. 16. Mention God a lot. 17. Write in tedious run-on sentences. A sentence going for an entire page with lots of commas, semicolons and colons where there should obviously be periods is excellent 18th c. form. Here's a sample of such from Woodall's book The surgions mate which I basically randomly chose out of my 700 pages of notes for you. Unfortunately, I have already changed the i's back to j's, the f's back to s's and the vv's back to w's so you can't see that here. (Use your imagination to randomly change such things when you're reading this.) Of course, that's just some of them. If I think of any more, I'll post them for you. Have fun trying to write like that. (It's bad enough trying to read it.) Thate vvas freecking hilarioufe , i think that thif wille bee phunni ffrom iufte a wrighting standponte, god vvilling ; a fhanks too Missn on so great a compedeeum of rulles , godds will be don....... (yeeaah we totaly need to do this lady brower!)
NNooo this cant be!......... was looking forward to meeting mr. red wake......curses.......no one else better cancel .........so help me.....sorry to hear that william, hope some way come up for you!
Only if you write on parchment and with ink and quill ! I honestly think it would just be kind of fun to do , especially during the reenacting season.......... it would also be a good lesson at period handwriting and speach patterns......not too many letters a year though.....must expand on this...yyeess
chai tea........not to brave and manly at all...but tastes gggoooooddddddddd....i thinks....
im with you patrick TOOO MUCH SEWING!!!! sewing tent...weekend......need it.....WOW i just realized we both type in fragments..........how strange..yet...funny....
Good photos.....i think i agree on that comment about dutch....he seems a little too into it.........
I think you did a smashing good job on that cake m'lady! Looks so steamy i would want to eat it!(if its chocolate i think i may actually pass lolololol im one of the few that dont like the stuff....) Lovely painting job and all, you must make a second!