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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. Iv actually heard that before..that i type very near to the way i speak.....and most people can hear me as they read....how strange...or..........is it that i have cool psycho mental powers and impose my mind on to others....yyess....i have become ppoowweeerrffuullll......beware mr.hand....rum cannot save you from the dark side.......(ya see what i did there..its cause im black AND evil.....im so whitty....).........what was this thread about?.....
  2. lady barbosa i dont see why that wwoouulldddnnt work.....though you do seem to neeedd a hole in zee middle, otherwise the choice of material seems inconsequential...... and thanks mr.roberts...funny enough i dont really like the style too much either BBUUTTT they were very popular at the time...so ill sacrifice..........ooohh the price we pay to be pc..........
  3. mr. cross is envious sir.........they'll look just smashing when their done.....what you using for buttons? anything fancy and time consuming??............this also reminds me(as well as the unnaturally cold temperatures in Virginia tonight low of 27 degrees) that i need wool breeches....*sigh........ Good work as always master roberts!
  4. *Cough* stays....*COUGH*....sewing stays.....*dies*.............. Im very glad to be a man...and not have to make them...sooorryy llaaddiieess.......... As for the two events, i at least want to get out to the mid west for SOMETHING....mike would want santa maria...........and i would like to get a fir trade era kit(or finish soldiers coat) for fort de chatres....i rreeaallyyy want to go to pikes river or paynetowne though...... Thanks again for the medical suggestions..iv made a few more without sickness so im sure it was just the cold YYYAAAYYYYYY! <3.........i dont know it if can make anything for you though........im technically the property of Captain Sterling(brought fair and square for 40 bucks)........he'll beat me something awful if i makes stuff for others.......*looks round in fear*...........
  5. vveerryy nice master roberts....ya fb *cough.........with your prickety stitches......bbaauughhh humbug......
  6. SALVATION ARMY PIRATE????!!!!!....... well i suppose thats about right....i think........and thank you for the kind words callenish, though i dont know about the envy part lol.......as for the old sutler man...ill fix his wagon.....fix it good.....
  7. ......i did have a cold at the time.......i have a feeling that may have had something to do with it..YYYAAYYY Lady constance for the win!! well i feel better now so i guess i could try another one.....
  8. What cheer ladies and gents.........Now let us examine my first go at passemeterie buttons.........lets all just agree that the first two were not at all pretty....made quite a few mistakes with time, pulling too hard...too many "spines" etc. bbuuttttt...for some reason on number 3 my mind had a revolation and aaalllll became clear to me.............im quite happy with that last one lol.....one other thing i learned is that doing these makes me feel ill afterward. It may be that im concentrating on one little circle for so long....but even now after finishing it 10 minutes ago i feel queasy..........(anyone else had this problem ?? sterling? mike??) this DID'NT happen when i did all the dorsets so i find it strange.........oh well...ill just take a break and then focus on turning the fabric underneath them into a short weskit! Thanks for lookin...
  9. .............so you waste maple syrup now too..........your not even good at being canadian....thank god your buttons might be pretty....speaking of pretty buttons..i feel a new thread comming on.........(hope you guys like the new place btw ).........
  10. Dude, collectively the wife and I have three better cameras... But we are still unpacking. Word to the wise, never move over the holiday season... it just takes too much longer to get everything done. But yes, I will try and take a better picture and post it instead when I get the chance. just like canadians......making excuses....... whats this "mooovviinngg" with your crazy maple syrup mumbo jumbo....i dont know what you think but THIS IS AMERICA............we make chances...........
  11. GET BETTER CAMERA........ I cant even complain OORR complement 'em mike................they look like they MIGHT be pretty, but eyes be damned i cannot tell...........
  12. Every single boat i work on, i got the jobs by simply walking to its berth...looking for the captain/owner/supervisor etc. and asking if they were hiring.......of course this only help is you know where zee boats ARE......word of mouth indeed does go a long way.....if you have any boats near involved in tourism(tour boats, dinner cruises etc.) then that may be a good starting point, especially if you dont have too much maritime experience yet......and please remember that almost all time underway can count toward a captains license....just in case you may want one in the future..........bests of luck to yee mate!
  13. see mad dogge...at least cousin robbie loves you................birds of a feather aye.............
  14. as a slight aside about the cd...its REALLY REALLY GOOD.....quite a bit of music on it......our own cousin Robbie even has a song....kinda........I definitely suggest it to all!
  15. one of these days old man...ill fix your wagon............"gillighands island" indeed..........jjuusstt wwaiittt...............
  16. AND YOU THINK IM CRAZY WITH THE NAME CHANGING!!!! NOW YOU SAY YOUR A BLOODY CAPTAIN!!!!!????? HAPPY CHRISTMAS YOU CRAZY OLDE MAN!!!!!....see what the mouse does...fills your head with silly dreams of flights of fancy and hope.....baaauuugghh humbug says i.....
  17. .........DEDDAAANNGG Callinish strait bucked on madddogge, dog gotta bounce and step up yo............. : on a sad side note, i only vaguely have any idea of what that means......if anything at all......im so...white......ssooo callenish..if im reading right.........then i should get mad dogge before he gets me.............i do have this whole bag full of fuzzy caterpillars from mexico........
  18. you all will be the death of me.........the rope dangling death of me.............
  19. you know...the minute i saw this i though" OH NO, THERE MUST BE MORE GUINNESS!" not...i hope no one died.....i only thought of the delicious beer......
  20. OH MY GOD HOW MANY OF THESE HAPPEN THIS MONTH......!!!!!...oh yeah happy belated b-dat matty.....maybe...lol... <3........ THESE BIRTHDAYS MUST STOP!!!
  21. Lovely as always to have talked with you at pip, happy belated natal day mark!
  22. I actually agree with Capt. Bo...i like short vignettes and little dramatic shorts...for a start that is.........i think this'll be pretty great rats
  23. Merry belated natal day mr.brand ...MMAANNY HAPPY RETURNS!
  24. OH MY GOD WHAT HAS THIS THREAD BECOME!!!!!! MOVIES NOW!!?????..........i have to stay away from you all................youll fill my head with silly dreams and hopes..........
  25. selling to the pirates now are we....no better way to catc....make friends.........godspeed to your money making endeavours!
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