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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. very nice master roberts...i much like it natural tan as well...you all just keep reminding me of the skills i dont yet have....shame....*cries
  2. ooh noooooeess im a day late! Happy belated natal day, many returns!
  3. at least i dont have a talking mouse on my shoulder..........
  4. EXCUSE ME!!!!! i detest being called a "closeter" ...iv been out and sashaying for years sir!...and it is nice to have a bit to talk about on the pub....lol...closet my @$$..........
  5. aye mooseworth, the first link goes to the second.... heres a link to the V&A museum...great stuff Search the Collections - Victoria and Albert Museum
  6. Lets us all hope that this gets worked out in the end, theres alot of time for change before pip.......would be a real shame not to be in the fort though, i really do love this event, it made my year, i should hope it will do the same next time..........best of luck to ya spike, i hope the seas get calmer around bone island <3
  7. lol i swear that gun taunts my mind so........as it stands i cant even seem to get the money to pay to get my captains license (after trying 3 times this year).....im holding on to hope......bbuuttttt my parents did as what i wanted for my birthday.....my sister got an expensive party for her last one....i asked for the gun...LOLOLOL...my priorities are slightly askew .......as for the olde stuff sellin man....he makes me want to stab a certain mouse...........
  8. indeed mate, i dont think yee a leper.....i just dont have any answer......though i hope you get it done...that kit will look absolutely stunning!
  9. i think that sleeved weskits, always look kind of PC cool.........they arean item that no renfaire pyrate is really going to wear(theyd go for a very pretty coat because it looks better...in some opinions)....so a sleeved weskit just bleeds...pc....also, they arnt very common in the reenacting circles yet, so they look different....i think i need a second one...(with less buttons)
  10. A shout out to all above...as well as to olde sutler jim, for my wonderful cartrige box, as well as for grace and dutchie's tables.......as well as a shout to the wheeping heart trading company...good stuff all around!
  11. YEEESSSS YYEEEEESSS.....i too much enjoy the color of the sleeved one......great job mate....
  12. eewww a day of love.....not even mission can cure that sickness...witchcraft it be............
  13. aint nothin but the devil........a witch he is........bet he floats......bewitchin cards an whatnot.........mind who you make friends with dutchman........might find ye self floatin likes a duck.......
  14. Happy natal day to our dear lady brower!
  15. OOOH NOOOOOO...i somehow missed this....happy belated natal day to master bagley!
  16. bollocks i already said it though......oh well Happy ACTUAL natalday captain!..........is mr.bagley hinting that today is his birthday as well?
  17. J8ksdad- Wonderful job mate, lovin the ticken weskit......the mercury iphones pretty bad ass....if you like ...THOSE..guys.......*grin Master McCool- Though not pc...i still like it...tis a very nice hollywood kit...i love the pic wit the patches and missing teeth lol..heck your wearing trousers in that on score one on the pc side! lol
  18. i hate you mr.henry.........your and your fancy white people clothin.....bbaaughhh humbug......(jealous much i am..lol )
  19. I guess ill just say it again on sunday......Happiest of natal days captain!
  20. same here......id actually like a sailing batteau...similar to this one built at fort ticonderoga.......one day...
  21. im attempting to learn from our shipwright on luna(bless him) and our own dutchman......but i think itll take years before im able to make something myself..........getting the lines and shape down seems to be the hardest thing.......
  22. unfortunately im gonna have to search for where its from, but the practice of claping a spring to the anchor cable was basicaly a way to get the anchor up enough out of the water to get under way, with out actually raising it by capstan.........particularly useful for quick getaways......where ever i saw thsi actually had a diagram of how ya do it....im gonna look for the source on that and get back to yee all later........
  23. Merriest o' natal days to yee lass!
  24. glad to see ye posting again...i likes the car...tis in one of me favorite colours.........a i think a certain captain may think its named after him.........
  25. bless 'em.....i still wanted to steal the chest Grace got from 'em.....but alass i cannot afford to order things......ill just have to harvest his brain for his carpentry and make my own........bbrraaaiinnnnssss.....
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