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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. i assure all that its not pink...though im fine with it if t'were....lol thanks for all the comments and insults........and i can get past sterling and his goonies........black men run so fast that light itself cant catch then........thats why we look dark...because the light cant keep up.......so ill get away....again........cap maccool ..i too love the too many buttons look...i just dont like making ..the too many buttons look lol...i think it took like 3 days of sewing at work on the ferry.............
  2. Well these are part one of my future soldiers kit.....plus reds just a good color to have lol new breeches very happy with these....and for the firts time they actually have hand sewn grommets in the back ! Best of all..sleeved weskit with WAY TOO MANY BUTTONS(sorry idk how to rotate the images on the pub lol)...........i must say im quite chuffed with both overall....up next the soldiers coat and full gaiters......then som leathery bits...i think master bagley may be needed...........
  3. gov'nor....i though you said youd never post that picture....sterling'll beat me fierce if he knew i was into that stuff.........
  4. next time ill do that booty thing that the black girls do(i dont know what the kids call that these days)........ill have a wwwhhooolllee show...ill show ya...ILL SHOW YA ALLL!!!! MMUUAHAHHA
  5. i dont have the T ...but iv got the A, heck that was one of my strongest selling points at pip...............immortal you say pete?....does this involve some sacrilegious heathen ritual?...iy better....i havent sacrificed anything in quite some time..........lemme get out ma chicken bones and mojo bag.........
  6. Thanks master foxe......i hope to be able to come across something my self......interestingly, iv found a couple of newspaper articles complaining about ships carpenters running away.....i really find that sorta strange.........
  7. LOLOLOL im changing the pockets a bit now lololol i post the new weskit AND breeches tommorow...lol.....well done as always to master roberts...............mines better *cough cough*
  8. I WAS ROBBED!!! DESTROYED!!!! DAMN THEIR EYES!!.....my one good scene was cut....buuutt im in the background of two shots......great jobs to diosa, mad kitty, and dutch for the camera time...though i must say...they seemed to linger on the wench competition for quite some time...............
  9. aaahhh a fine REAL township t'would be..........i do wonder is one day will get a colonial mystic seaport to live/work in.......that would be great.........oh...and colonial williamsburg isnt hiring atm.........sadness...........
  10. damn you thatcher......i was gonna jump on that..........
  11. Very content with a little home in town such as this, i want it very close to the waterfront/tavern/ordinary/brothel/ships......and behind an little garden, and a barn for woodworking/small boatbuilding..........and i want some of the neighbors to be jealous that a free black man can do so well.....dont hate the payer...hate the game,fictional haters........*cough*........but i digress...oh what a life it would be......if only.....WAIT..............*goes to the colonial williamsburg hiring page*
  12. To mr. foxe, you might be able to help me on something similar(or anyone else for that matter) Im looking for what the ships carpenter would have carried with him,or had on board, I know most of the hand tools(and am buying them) but what other items might he need, for instance would a ships carpenter have a shave horse on board, would he need a woodworking bench ..etc. I have a fair amount about land based carpentry of our period, but cannot find as much about their watery cousins.........
  13. i love you foxe...take that in the best way possible...........
  14. this'll all go to his head....we must kill this beast before it destroys our sweet little town!......next thing you know hell want a cable show......
  15. i was there for one of those......."well be back after this" parts...yyaayy being on tv!
  16. Very nice my good sir! glad to see that someone else likes ties instead of buttons all the time!
  17. "See, he has to do that because he's Israel Cross, Action Hero! complete with a !" ...i just DIIEEDDD when i read that....DIED!....quite hilarious mission!.........good show!
  18. Great job mooseworth, new site looks GREAT..your a gentleman and a scholar!
  19. ..........it is what is says sutler.........iv done wicked things........wicked wicked things.........
  20. .............my mommy could never lie....just like the time she told me that the kids weren't laughing AT me........wait..............*sniff*.....*cries*...my whole life has been a liiieeee.......wwooeee is meeee......
  21. have you looked at mr.crosses listing of professions lol he can fix your wagon...(though i actually cant yet LOLOLOLOL....need to learn ccaarrppeennttrryy!!!)...............what have i done to deserve such cruelty.........and mr hand..I DO SOUND LIKE JAMES EARL JONES......MY MOMA SAID I HAVE A DEEP MANLY VOICE!!!! MANLY!!!
  22. Nice fabric, Mr. Cross ~ JoAnn's? I think we may have the same ~ found yards of it in clearance late 2008 ~ you would think I would have done something with it by now. Very nice job on the buttons! Indeed lady diamond! I found mine in the same place on clearance......iv had it a half a year before figuring out what to do with it (short waistcoat in this case)....when i see good linen on sale i buy first...figure out later!
  23. Were you working on the Amistad on New Year's Eve in Norfolk?

  24. Master Cross, I wasn't sure if you needed to check with the Capt'n on the color of things. I know that the marines are red coat and the Abled Bodied Seaman are Blue westkit and gray coat. But I'm not sure if you need to check. Just a thought. Don't freak out though. :P It's probably not a big deal.

  25. .....iv never had it....my parents hate of it has deprived me the chance at even a taste............my twelve days of christmas have always been both fruitcake and figgy pudding-less........and i never did get ANY golden rings.........i must say your recipe make it look to be quite good.....but a baker, i am not.........enjoy it my good sir!
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