Bos'n Cross
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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross
A big thanks to daniel for the link and info, i find it much to my interests! I fond it very interesting if indeed the Onslow was owned by the south sea company, it seems that slaving is the only thing that could keep them afloat after their famous market crash a year earlier....which is a shame....but interesting none the less.........thanks again!
Thanks red sea trade, sutlers were mine goal!........QUARTERMASTER JAMES... IIMMM A PPOORRRR MMAANNNN though i love the hats...im not captain sterling.....what chance hath a lowly ships carpenter for such fine hats....
Once again, in preparation for an even i ask for assistance....NO BUTT PASTE THIS TIME........... So sense im newer too the 17th century side of reenacting(thought admittedly the 17th is my FAVORITE fashion wise...except for that whole frilly restoration fluffy crap.......) So my friends, if you would be so kind as to lend me a few links to good sites and vendors.......of course ill look myself.....but i KNOW(....bagley.........) that some of you have beat me to it......i want a new hat...a tall one.......yup...........and a buff coat..........
I say other things as a sign of affection........you should pray never to hear them.............lest yee loose your soul................stupid mad dogge <3
Im alot more prepaired after this year as to what to expect....also, this will be after searls raid..so ill have more earlier era kit! Heck..i actually had my 1760s kit with me....and wore it quite a few times lol.......but i wasnt quite camped over with you guys ....... I vote for the boucan also.........
....wait for it...........wwaaiittt for itttt................................ AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW............i agree though, itll fit for a few months lol........if i see a thread titled baby stays.....ill just die.......
SERIOUSLY, THIS IS GETTING CRAZY!!!!! .....Happy natal day master foxe!
I may do alot of things in the night, but leaving eviden......i mean disfiguring horrid red marks isnt one of them........though not to fuzzy, they ssuurree are ugly little buggars......
Happy natal day mission! .....THIS DECEMBER CRAP MUST STOP!! AN END MUST BE PUT TO IT!!!!
who are these ...."strange" people?.....I SHALL BEAT THEM FOR BEING DIFFERENT!!!
TOO MANY DECEMBER PEOPLE........lol.....Happiest of Natal Days Stynky! twas a pleasure to meet you at pip!
.........hhuummmm.....you might be right.................i dont remember lolol....i was ..distracted...didnt care about the price......lol ....NEED PICS OF THAT!!!! No he bid $12 and btw, that would be ...ahem... my money.... I DIDNT mean that i didnt care about how much of your money i spent my lord........simply that i was caught up in the passion of the moment....my heart had swooned..........*runs off to hide the whip
YES I CAN SPEAK FOR MYSELF!!!! speaking is one thing i can never seem to stop doing..........lol and put me down for next year, wouldnt miss it for the world..........
.........hhuummmm.....you might be right.................i dont remember lolol....i was ..distracted...didnt care about the price......lol ....NEED PICS OF THAT!!!!
Do you remember the black coat i was wearing................so nnoppeeee.......i didnt try any ext ream methods, ill just let the coat be black........
Yes im going you silly man....................too many people have told me that ill like st.augustine so ill see if they are right.....
I hereby give my permission to my fellow pirates to use my photos for the purpose of presenting themselves as sexy, hawt, seafaring, wunderpirates. race card does it evey time......yup........ <3
........FREEDOM??!!!!..............nnaawwww you know id come back...who else would want such a mess as my self........lolol Dear lord how do i even start all of this.......Well a HHUUUGGEEEEE thanks to Fayma and Lilly for half killing thekmselves to plan all this, and that goes for Sterling and the Bonies also......... To the crew that helped me get there, thanks to all for driving safely and getting is there an back...without all of you i would have never made it to pip...... To Grace, Sterling, Silkie and Lilly, thank you for becomeing sort of my camp mothers(and very scary father) and keeping be sane, under control, and in contact with my mother(especially silkie work taking such good care of her little black boy)......... <3...diosa is kick ass.......lol...patrick hand too........i thank the snotties and youngblood for being good friends (and one of them a good minion)..........Mission I <3 you you badger poking fiend......Thanks to mad dogge,rats, matty, and 12 pound for being a great bunch to hang out and take pictures with, you guys are gentlemen and scholars ........Callenish ,salty and Haymish...i <3 you the so much(not just for the weapons)........... Mark G, Mike Bagley and kate, you guys are always great, i look forward to Searls raid with MMUUUCCHHHH anticipation........Thanks hurricane and blackjohn for slipping me drinks and getting me drink lol..damn absenthe........ To tony and William, the photos you guys took we just great and you both were damn cool....very glad i finally met hawkyns...cool man, i look forward to more purchases my friend......same to greg of the weeping heart............thanks to the wwhhoollee crew of the archangle for being so kind and accepting of me, and pressing me into service! I hope to be of at least some help to the crew lol.....Thanks to the boy whos kiss i brought fair and square(thanks to red jessie amd mike for making it last longer lol).....................dear lord i know im forgetting alot, theres too much..........Seriously , to all of you, thank you for making me feel welcomed, and loved...this past week was truly one of the best of my life, and it is rare for me to find a place where i really felt like i belonged...thank you all for that...it means more than you can ever know...........oh and a BIG thanks to Cannibal crispy, mary diamond, and william brand ..for...SETTING CIVIL RIGHTS BACK 300 YEARS...the naacp would FLIP...but i <3 ya....................................now enough with this mushy CRAP....
OOOOHH MY GGOOWWDD william you took a rreeaallyy good picture of me and i wants its!....i look so manly and smexy...lol........as well as those aammaazziingg sshots from mad dogge.....some of which look like a painting......in a scary cool way......pleeasee gentlemen i wants to stealz zem......if you dont let me ill pull the race card....you know ill do it.........
I was just pulling your leg a bit about the saw lol you badger poker you, a bloody apron would do fine, heck if you dont want to bloody your nice one, i can make you one and gore it up! Oh...and if you ever did the stretcher idea...twould be awsome......one idea suggested by someone during pip, is as you go about the battlefield, ask people if they are in an ok position (ex: is their a rock, cactus, black child etc. in your back?...then if so you could sort of shift the person into a better position while "fixing" them up....i though this a good idea, because then, you are actually helping funny enough)
I second marys comments crispy, you were absolutely wonderful, i dare say mission should investigate your hearing....a good leg sawn off should fix that right up!.......i do pray no other hilarious "handicaps" befall you next year..........
I and he ran around with us, yet told us nothing!! SSHHAAMMMEEE!!! Happy belated Natal Day you old salt! Twas truly a pleasure hanging out with you and kate....oh and great pics in the other thread........
I believe mr.foxe to be quite right in this opinion. A man with a bloody apron running around on a battlefield, and not fighting screams MEDIC! so yee need a bloody apron mission.....oh and a saw works better than an enema syringe...thought i like the latter.......lol
how does "buyer of boys" sound jess? i like it...has a dr.suess feel to it....... Israel Cross, Buyer of Boys, Went to the Market In search of New Toys. Israel Cross, Buyer of Boys, Doesn't buy Boys Who make too much Noise. Israel Cross binds them by Hand, He binds them by Feet, And then they leave Land! To sail 'cross Sea, To a far differen' shore, Ne'er to see their home anymore. Israel Cross, Buyer of Boys, Went to the Market, For to sell his new Toys. ..... <3 ...... If only you knew how true all of that was.....lololol ......and mission, ill take your word for it.....im not crazy enough to go looking around on olde threads....i could loose an eye on all the whitty and sharp comments............