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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. it would take aaalllootttttt of powder to whiten my face lololol....and a slave i am too, went for an honest 40 pounds
  2. SIR! my arse is quite round...firm...and luscious....not bony..........Dana, you have a point...i am sterlings slave after all.....callenish is just so mean, to drag this on my facebook as well....shame........ Dutch....to the ends of the earth......ill get you all back next weekend...........
  3. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ............... well thats about right really......... and ddoont worry dutch ill get a pic......
  4. HECK YES IM STILL GETTING THE GUN!!! the boat was only 5 bucks from a friend of a rich man who has too much and wanted to get rid of it, its a Columbia 26 sail boat and she floats well, just needs a hell of a cleaning......its not at all period accurate(being all fiber glass), but i shall love her all the same!
  5. ....... my god....LOOK WHAT YEE HAVE DONE!........... DAMN YOUR EYE STERLING!!! waltz or not, yee must have gotten me drunk and dressed me in this nonsense!...............I TOLD YOU ALL TIS LIKE AN INFECTION!! .......SAVE YOURSELVES!
  6. my local forecast isnt calling for rain next week? Is that what its sayin by you dutch??.......its supposed to be hot and humid as far as i can see....though that might of course bring an afternoon shower.......
  7. STERLING you started this nonsense, waltzing around with ye fancy cravats and lacie clothing, now look...its trickling down to the lowers....for shame, setting such an example.........oderlesseye, im glad ya have a good sound mind...that means the rum hasnt quite got ya yet....drink up........now i think i need to embroider a coat or two now.....
  8. ooohh wwhhyy...what did i do to deserve this lot..........should have stuck to me olde life........ill get that sterling.......*cough.......indeed master o'keefe, i shall do me best, though im a bot caught up having just brought my first boat....yyaaayyy....pics forthcoming......
  9. i am much a fan if this idea as well...any excuse to go to charleston really....lol i am sure you would find a vessle(or a few really) that would come to it.....making it a more history oriented event would float alot of peoples boats.......
  10. OOOOOHHH WWOOOEEE is the world......as though he needs more offspring.......well a congratulations to master bottles! May this one not come out as evil as you!
  11. First Ivan henry, now you odelesseye! There well be quite a few upperclass types around after a while......lol...looking qquuiitteee spifffffyy sir! Well met!
  12. a fine table master o'keefe, i do much love tusk tendons! Still havnt been able to get those sawhorse plans....ssoorryyyyyy
  13. good lord....you florida people seem to have so much fun..........so much to do down there good lord, i shall have to join one day...though it would take me a while to get the dear for so many eras.....
  14. this is ssssooooo very old..........Reginald Kirton is my name the last name is weird i admit, but as i can tell it is scottish for "church-settlement" or "churchland"...which......funny enough is the exact name of the part of town i live in lololololol.......
  15. SOME ONE GIVE THE LADY(and her cousin) A RIDE......!....ill make it worth your while..........yyeesss yyeessss
  16. yyeess i agree with the other dutch, pictures man! and be quick about it!
  17. looking good! if you dont mind, whats the source on the pic (and iff yee have any oootthheerreess on earlier sailors to share lololol......)
  18. i agree on master hands hammock suggestion....so very comfortable to just string one up and sleep, and with that and a simple canvas covering you have an effective and neat looking shelter for events!
  20. ........excuse me sir but even in my red kit i wouldnt give robbie a metal......( i feel so clever lol...)
  21. that sometimes happens to me if i havnt been on the site in a while, go to the bottom and look at active content insatead, after you do that(and someone adds something new) it usually works again for me
  22. .........damn you mr foxe.......having a good time....... real ships...*grumble grumble......real accents......damn you.......
  23. Yeah ye old fart... i got this ticking in me back....and a touch of the rheumatism......mmee oollddee jjooiinnttss.......... i suppose i really MUST get a gun now if i can buy powder!
  24. i shall sir, im actually after a bottle of pacifique absinthe if i can get me handson it lolol
  25. you know i havnt yet had my favorite drink(oh and i ddooonnttt at all believe the hallucination claims, i have yet to see a thiinnng!)sense turning 21, i shall have to order a bottle!
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