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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. ..........when we next leave Bristol..i vote we LEAVE HIM THERE.....im a tad frightened at what sickness he might bring amongst us..........MESS UP ALL M' HUMORS!!!! ALL UP IN MA' HUMORS YO......
  2. here here! huzzah for silkie!!....oy captain......im surprized youd have such a photo in a visible spot...i would have though hed be hidden him from view......id rather be seen with syphilis than your dear cousin........lol
  3. dutch...your aware that...in general...black people look the same...i dont look like quintor...he just looks like every other old bald black guy........yup........
  4. HUZZAH! i didntr think anyone got any pox pics!....lol.....
  5. And id like to say animal, twas a real pleasure having yourself and your lady in camp! Id be hard pressed to find finer company! i look forward to the next event you can attend!
  6. it belongs to dutch for his rope-making machine.........yup.......
  7. Indeed twas a grand time in the port o' hampton this past weeks end! Many great moments, the best of which were spent with me extended family! I cannot wait till beufort next month! ........Captain Sterling....even better than duncans expression....was chips.....lol <3
  8. Great time at blackbeards!

  9. this man hopes that good paying customers remember that it wont be hot for long...and that someone else feels cold before he or she feels hot.........
  10. not sure bouts the chlorine but theres a fair bit of..."other" remedies in them polluted waters...........
  11. ............ callenish...your terrible.......
  12. so much to do...before....weekend...so.....much...

  13. Just as a heads up i will be selling a few HANDWOVEN...and HANDSPUN.....monmouth caps in various colors...and did i mention that they are from PERIOD ACCURATE Romnie wool form PERIOD ACCURATE TIME TRAVERSING SHEEP!!!! Yup...they are that good .......$30 gets you a wonderful cap....see my head for an example..... .
  14. great clip, glad to see some publicity......looking very sharp there dutchie!
  15. has to say that adam cyphers does some great work, im really quite chuffed with me knife!

  16. i shall be on hand for any help needed Dutchie. I will probably find myself present for any and all events envolving the boat, as well as helping in re-rigging, i have a few rigging supplies/ tools to be used..lol
  17. OOhhh noooo im a day late! Happy brithday ladies!
  18. yyyaaaaaaayyyy imma gonna kills stuff with it lolol.........
  19. i do wonder if ill go...o wait i was called out by master walker it seems........who has forgotten who he belongs to ........i think he needs reminding captain!
  20. .....vampire Sterling is a hell of alot bette rthan the "twilight" kids...and is better with the ladies....

  21. CAPTAIN CAPTAIN!!! nothin meant by it sir, just a bit of friendly posting betwixt the crew, tis a hard thing to forget a former life.....being on the account and all.....what wond...........HHHEEEYYY NNOOWWW, have you seen the new taring on the shrouds sir, well serviced they are........oh if it isnt the young marine captain...bless 'em hes lost his glasses.............
  22. i dont think mine arms would dare strike the beautiful form that is myself....one wonders about these pieces of paper..........such command over the marine captain.........*whispers to the able bodied seamen* (AVERT YEE EYE CAPTAIN THIS IS SECRET ,YOU TO MADD DOGGE!!)..............i think we shall hold a foc'sel meeting..........dont tell de'dogge ore ole one eye........there be papers needin to be got....master walker will make a diversion......... *done whisperin* .........WELL I GUESS ILL JUST HAVE TO BEAT M'SELF *wink wink*
  23. i swear mission your really know how to make someone with they were there....lolol...great read as always!
  24. as a friend of the above mentioned miscreant i can attest to his knowledge and skill Yours and Co. I. Cross
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