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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. good lord, one day youll get my money....im just so poor......at the moment........
  2. Though digging up and olde thread..... does anyone have any images of the mitre cap worn by marines? or is it pretty much just the same as the grenadier? Over all, the infomation is there for infantry, not so much is coming up on marines(possibly because it would seem that there were not many of them).
  3. ....what i have seen......cannot be unseen............and it burns my cornea.......
  4. great scarecrow mission, heck thats worth a neighborhood contest at the least! one day....when i have a home....i hope to have something at least as disturbing in the front yard........
  5. every freaking time i look, people just give me ssoooo many reasons to want to move to florida!
  6. indeed Double Dutch is quite correct, there are many day-sailors.......... for sail these days(lol pun),most are in great condition and are just being sold by owners unaware of what getting a boat would really cost in funds and time. Heck you can even find much larger boats for sail quite cheaply, i was gonna get a columbia 26 for just $200 in great condition, but decided i couldnt really afford the cost of maintenance yet.......if you can afford the upkeep, getting a boat should be easy! Yours &co Isrl. Cross
  7. if indeed your interested in the reenacting side of it, you may want to give http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/ a try, it was one of the most helpful sites when i started out! and if hes even more of a history buff then http://www.bonaventu...atemythtory.htm might be a good place as well for some information, that may not quite fit in with most peoples views...........but are based in factual evidence. hope those are of some help to yee......... Yours &co Isrl. Cross
  8. what a strange sort of day.....

  9. HUZZAH! that is quite the smashing outfit m'dear! i am always glad to see someone take the period route. Thats goonna look great with a mantua etc. especially with the silk!...let me stop ranting........
  10. indeed sir, they wouldnt have to get out of them all the time......but in this particular image hogarth used the discarded stays to show she was a prostitute(Costume Close-up:1750-1790 CW Foundation). Though used as an artistic cue to the observer, i do wonder if it had some basis in common prostitutional (i think i just made up a word lol) practice. i wasnt alluding to women wearing pants.........i do...but im a sailor............yaaarr
  11. PoD VERY nice sir!!!! I really need to get across the pond for an event, what a grand time twould be!
  12. MINE EEYYEESSSS....they burn! petticoat breeches eeeewww............also can anyone spot that artists (hogarth) portrayal of a "working woman"....may it be known that it supports that most women wore stays...even the gals that had to get out of them..........often..........
  13. well i guess ill have to make a small kitchen box now, you have inspired me mr henry, for i have a few boards laying about........
  14. congratulations! treat her well and shell never let you down!.....and what a beautiful environment to sail in.....wwooowww......hope the winds are good!
  15. another great edition mission! i await seeing you again at PiP......
  16. .....fine all yee thrum haters.........ill just stay on duvall street with hurricane........though he may want to avoid the bars i frequent.........
  17. ppppeeeettttteeee get a thrum cap! TTHHHRRRRUMMM CCCAAAPPPP i dont want to be the only one......they are ssoooo period appropriate!
  18. good info, thanks PoD.......now i have to decide if i really do want fingerless gloves......*sigh*
  19. southern wwaaaaa? im commin to pip if thats what yee mean.....speaking of mandolin playing.....expect a pm MMUUHAHAHAHAh....thanks again all, i look forward to the monies.......and yes there shall be choreography....dancing sailors in cute little outfits too........
  20. canniball...very wise change of words sir..........nnaaww diosa....i dont like the village people, though we share similar tastes lololol thank yee both, ill have to kil....take yall for a ride sometime!
  21. thanks Double dutch! see you in a month or so!
  22. ooooh i see so you can go to this shannanrandoe valley but you cant come to a pyrate festival.......i see how you are.........youll get yours old man
  23. ....curse yee all and many thanks..........still have to finish some paperwork, but now i can drive vessels for money....which is the important part..........funny enough, if i ever want to call my character captain cross(and i wont) itll be legally true LOLOLOLOL
  24. Bacon?......if im bacon then i believe that ,with great haste, im to be committed..........lest i consume mine self.......
  25. funny enough there are a few drawing from criers of london of a few women wearing mens coats over their stays....lower class though, but then again there are the best and most interesting sorts of people...like sailors.
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