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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. so in recap...lol....everyone needs more knives and sticks.........what a gentle lot we must seem......
  2. now dutch i think we need a new picture of you sleeping on the boat....that pic makes it look like we have not done anything this whole time........
  3. i wish more people had walking sticks/ cudgels......in ssoooo many illustrations sailors ashore are shown(and described in journals) as always having their sticks handy to harass women...dogs...and each other with.....heck........to carry their bags from even...........but very few people have them
  4. he said gentleman.....not sailor...the gentleman cares......the sailor on board ship....doesn't much care....but he might care alot when trying to find a woman ashore....lol.........Bo, funny enough...even in period older people dressed like they did when they were younger....apparently we will all become set in our ways........i cant say i look forward to skinny jeans when im 40........lolol
  5. please remember that fashion changes quite a bit in time....think about how easy it is to recognize an out-fit from the 1980's in comparison to one here in the 2000's....and even though fashion may not have changed aasss quickly as it does at present,(due to the lack of lightning fast media) 20years is a long time to not buy new clothes......or to not be influenced by your "betters"
  6. oooh no, im a day late! Happy belated Natal Day to oderlesseye, many returns!
  7. i agree that the song is probably of black origin, i dont much know of it...i have a feeling its a 19th century tune.....id email mystic seaport...they are usually pretty good about helping out
  8. glad to see you, sorry if i missed you at fells point......i hope to see you at some more events!
  9. i being a sufferer of the said affliction, do agree for a discussion of the frenchie pox...and perhaps a bit of seaboard health in general.........
  10. i would say take less on longer trips perhaps so that you could take a smaller vehicle....one thing i know you get stuck with dutch, is taking alot of csf stuff........perhaps we could aplit the laod up some between some people...if im not in your truck or with someone else, i usually have some room left.............also, i do wonder, are there anythings you take that dont get used much? even csf stuff, iv been guilty of taking stuff that does not but sit...trying to sort it out myself.....
  11. i shall agree with my captain there.............the americas dont count in "anywhere"......now where iiisss my hammer......
  12. Happiest of Natal Days to you, and many happy returns of the day!......thanks for all the watermelon....
  13. hhhhhhhhheeeeeecckkkkk yeah!......................... i cant miss an opportunity to beat someone with questions! ..........especially if it leads to an improvement of my impression and furtherance of knowledge........just a nudge in the right direction and i read the rest on me own....
  14. personally....i wouldnt mind hearing mr.fox's thoughts on a better impression........
  15. thank you dutch......thats actually what i thought.......it seems so strange that sailors would not make learning to swim, a priority.......ESPECIALLY if they had seen natives and africans (who were to them unintelligible and savage) doing so.....though...perhaps the fact that they ccoouullddd swim, was used as further evidence of their inferiority.....dutch, does captain smith make any comments about his feelings on the matter?(this just proves that his book is one that i rreaalllyy should get)
  16. thank you for the links mark....though the new york times article...also did not open for me......i must say i would find the practice contrary to common sense, but then again, that is the common sense of today....not that of the 18th century.........i also i have come across numerous accounts of people drowning due to inability to swim...but...funny enough....on the wrecks off florida..it would seem that the local native and black populations could swim will eneough....and dive...so this make me wonder if that inability was a european handicap? mark, might you know off hand if the natives at near jamestown were capable?(i could send an email...but im being lazy and you might know lol)
  17. ooooohh noes! I is lates!! Happiest o' belated natal days to mine favorites blind cannoneer...and def auctioneer........
  18. Mr. Welsh......i love you for those trousers......well done sir!
  19. a bit ago fox posted Mr. Cullen's inventoried possessions...after he had been arrested for....something probably relating to pyracy(his brother went on the lamb as well,some of his stuff is listed here also)....BUT...this inventory is helpful to us because it is indeed a listing of items owned by someone known to be a sailor/pyrate.......... the reason his name was brought up though...is because...as you can see...he has listed one pair of boots and spirs......BUT pay attention later because also listed riding spats and a pillion..which is a type of saddle...thus he had been riding...or was planning to (reposted, from a thread by Mr.Fox) Pierce Cullen wasn't yer classic Caribbean pirate, but he was a genuine pirate in 1722. His leather portmanteau contained: "5 white shirts marked P.B.C. 1 white shirt marked C. 1 napkin marked C.A. 1714 1 napkin marked w.j. 1 white shirt 5 blew and white shirts 1 old frise coat 1 worsted damask wastcoat and serge damask breeches 1 pair of silk damask breeches 2 flannell wastcoats 2 bob wigs 1 pair of sleeved 1 pair of boots and spurs (Good Lord... here we go!) 4 plain cravat stocks 2 night caps 2 muslin cravats 1 pair of black silk stockings, 2 pair of white cotton stockings 1 pair of worsted stockings 1 towell 1 thread sack 1 blew and white bag 1 white Fustian wastcoate 1 old handkerchief 1 razor and hoand [sharpening stone?] 1[?] pair of blew and white riding spatterdashes 1 mail pillion 1 silk quilted stomacher" When he heard of the arrest of Pierce Cullen, his brother Andrew fled his lodgings, leaving behind a "wallet" containing: "1 Arithmetick Book signed Andrew Cullen 2 pair of breeches 2 flannell wastcoats 2 blew and white shirts 1 white shirt 6 plain cravat stocks 1 Turneover[?] 1 holland cravat 1/2 a yard of new holland 3 paire of yarn hose 1 paire of worsted hose 2 Wollen Caps 1 paire of shoes 2 blew and white baggs 2 Razers 1 knife and fork 1 Glove" [HCA 1/17, f. 163] It comes from the records of the High Court of Admiralty (HCA) in the National Archives at Kew. HCA 1/17 is the records of indictments and subsequent proceedings filed at the High Court of Admiralty, 1713-1724. The lists come from f[olio] 163 of that file.
  20. oh mission i know about the humors theory, i was just saying that i would hate to see what aaccttuuaallllyy came out of the patients mouth......i book that i was looking up "black bile" in, explains it nicely........thanks for posting it though, its great for anyone and you put it more simply!
  21. wow...i am so glad the medicine hath improved.....id hate to think what those "corrupt humors" might have been....eehh........ THANK YOU mark!...i hope someone can shed light on this, if you talk to fred, i believe he was near by when someone mentioned it.....they were having a rousing good time at my poxy expense.....
  22. well this does have me wondering...though not all to do with boots, just what the percentage of sailors who could not swim are....as well as period evidence of such.....TO MY PERIOD JOURNALS AAAWWWWAAAAYYYY!!!!........
  23. oh sir, no malice meant! i am friends with quite a few civil war groups, all of them on the confederate side mind you......i apologize, there is a bit of a running thing between myself and many of them to that effect........my friends unit has a member named mattew as well, who had shown interest in pyracy at mta, i though you were he...but you......are not........(which then make me wonder how many confererate units were ta mta)and no i wasnt griping about fort pillow, im really very non...griping....i just realized my good captain hadnt heard of it, an mentioned that he should look it up
  24. There is yet oonnnnneeee more reason sailors would not wish to wear boots on board a ship.....in the event that you fell overboard.....they would cause you to sink quite quickly........now i have hear it mentioned(though i have not a source on it) that sailors in period, where not quite as good at swimming as one would think......but by all means...lets not speed up your drowning with boots to drag you down......man i love the stirling castle wreck, i wooulldd looovvee to see drawings of what they think the prototype wheel on her looked like....*cough...if anyone has one...*cough......
  25. tarpleys store has it for sure, though im not after licorice......at the moment......sadly, i cannot find where i read about black bile.....iv gone through all of my books containing things on period medicine(that isn't a lot mind you) and have'nt come up with it.......nor have i found anything online about mercury as treatment making you have black foam/spittle.......i am sadness........
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