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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. look how many commented on this, cant be dead, perhaps we just need more to talk about.......plus this really is a bit of a slow time over all......look how busy the pub gets before pip........
  2. indeed pictures would be of good service......
  3. A health to the old pretender!
  4. its a long discussion, you may want to register and have a look on the 17th century boad at frontier folk...a couple of people have posted info on doing a dutch fisherman impression....more than one thread would be of service to you!
  5. here is a discussion on frontier-folk about said coverings....with alot more pictures.......
  6. @ beowoulf- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN OLD MAN!?
  7. happy natal day to mr. henry! my favorite man with a late 17th century hunting charge set.......
  8. what sale is this? i desire to be there!........i think that display also needs a free roaming deck chicken...or goat.....its just not right without it.......
  9. B.O.s fish wagon for some conch fritters...i make it my business to do so.....the Green Parrot and Blue Heaven(or is a Haven?) have alot of fans as well......enjoy yourself matty!
  10. YES...and to me, this one wasnt as clever as not only the first two, but even the last season.......i also HATE the explaination of what it really is...i think i was fine with the episode untill they figured it out.......
  11. didnt someone hypothesize about that when you were looking for the hat?...you need wooden shoes dutch....then youll actually be.....dutch......
  12. Patick Hand for the WIN!!!....Dutchman, if that isnt enough, head over to williamsburg, the coopers are very helpful....jamestowns casks and buckets are from them anyway.....
  13. my head just exploded........im none too sure how easy to read any of that is!
  14. thanks dutch...thought i wonder if this is just more proof for those who say franklin was a nutter ahead of the times......perhaps........perhaps....perhaps.....
  15. it wasnt the pyarate stuff! i just didnt like the episodes plot, it really seemed crappy in comparison to the season opening episodes............and iv grown not to expect tooooooo much from the history channel.......
  16. it wasnt my favorite episode...and that had not to do with the pyrate part...i felt that the explanation for the siren just wasn't quite up to snuff, nor the ending.........but the next episode looks to be very promising..........
  17. Happy Natal Day Lady Barbossa....may hector shower thee with gifts!
  18. mission.....what have you done to this tread......*cries........
  19. mr.fox is the one in zee trousers and brown frock coat...........PoD you look very sporting in that red coat....makes a great targ......defender lol
  20. indeed i am after a few single comb dominiques from Mr.Valantine myself....(though their wont be any available till next year *cries).........i know of a few people on the frontier folk boards who take chickens to events with them...usually not much trouble they say........
  21. i do hope he sees these........a happiest of natal days to master hand!.....many returns!
  22. and why cant we bring chickens to events?
  23. aaaacctttuuaallyyyy...i was sleeping it off....i got royally pissed as it were....thanks all............ thanks as well to the many who chimed in over on yee facebooks...........
  24. Mr. fox............you just won major points for starting a historical discussion with the cranberries......mind you, i like them, so you win points for listening to them as well.........
  25. actually young sir....you do...a fine seaman like your self, should never be ashore with out!....and yes it mmmiighhhtt help you get up and down......but you are so young, i do not see why you would need it...........
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