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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. the happiest of natal days to old man hawkyns!!!.....many returns etc.&etc.
  2. thanks, though a bit later than i was hoping, its good for an example all the same...ill see if i can do some digging on this guy........
  3. LOLOL this is for hhiissttoorryy...not profit...i think....
  4. of course you can try a few out, i went through quite a few before this one....which is was too good...lol.............pylos parker for some reason sounds like a super hero...who likes fire......
  5. .......i guess ill pay someone else to make stuff for me......yup......
  6. ....what black guy?........
  7. i agree with the sea level theory....makes good sense!....sorry cap lolol .......
  8. i may have to cry more.......i might need to go through The Beggar's Opera to see if another of my favorite songs is aaaaacccttuuaalllllyy there...... *shudders
  9. id like to point out that i indeed DID HAVE IT RIGHT.....he said vertical line from western new york till you hit the atlantic...so that goes down to almost SC so HA!........i didnt take chart plotting for nothing.................
  10. well...as for upcomming event in the atlantic area.....April Fells Point Privateer Fest. in Baltimore ,Maryland..... then in July....... in Hampton, Virginia (right up the road for me) is the Hampton Blackbeard festival ....august in N. Carolina is the Beaufort Pirate invasion....all great events that i make very sure to attend each year!
  11. nnnnnoooooooooooo.........*cries in a huddled mass........thankfully, i have sense discovered a college resource for 17th century broadsides.........which i now use instead.....English Broadside Ballad Archive thanks for pointing that out master foxe, it shall be noted and not used.......i like this on better anyway! Villany Rewarded, or the Pirates Last Farewell
  12. ..........i wonder if sterling would claim me so quickly..... *cries ............just because im poxed.........
  13. .....i could cry.........you are a kind man....a giving man........*raises a glass, takes a shot on your honor (i really did......any good reason to drink says i...)
  14. Great review master foxe! I wouldnt expect any different...you have inspired me to give this a read. I own it, but hadn't yet gotten to reading it......
  15. darn, im late!!!! Happy natal day to salty! many happy returns!! i hope to see you and yours very soon!
  16. i really need to visit that museum!
  17. Be sure to watch this video mates, after all, yours truly in all his sexiness makes an appearance!............OOOOOHHH and the colonial seaport foundation is good to...lol (im not nearly as good looking as the boat)
  18. I love you......ill say it freely....for this goes along quite nicely with the colonial seaport foundations customs house........
  19. Nice! i love the things that go into steampunk weapons..........great job master hand!
  20. i am no vampire, i cannot die! the ships churgeon (imaginary though he is) tells me the pox shall keep me forever alive! ......also......t'would do you well sutler, to not insult me............lest i with hold the funds owed ...............
  21. ....i got your tea pot...wheres my pokin stick! *looks for cudgel...........lololol aye cascabel, i have a racial bonus t'ward thievin , why look now!...i some how have your wallet...and bike...lolol............my dear captain sir....just remember that you let me aboard....too late now....the way back is shut....... lolol .................. oooooh look something shiny......*wanders away
  22. yes, you all seem to have me figured out........now mr.lasseter.....what is this "black"........are you saying im like a pot........because im black....!! MY PEOPLE HAVE STRUG............*cough...sorry just came right out...all automatic like........
  23. i dont envy the stay making.....godspeed m'lady!
  24. im in as well with the pyrate hunters!
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