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Bos'n Cross

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Everything posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. lololol thankies brig! ......i think i shall join you in laundry on my next birthday....tis all downhill now anyway......
  2. lololololol you know i actually like that peanuts cartoon dance.........lol i think it would look good in shackles...............
  3. ..........free?.........*a glimmer of hope in the eye..........privilege?.............* does happy slave dance...................................(dont really know what the hell that dance looks like......)
  4. ooooohh i can see it now........" HOW DARE YOU TOUCH........HAND PAINTED.......COST MORE THAN.......HAND BLOCKED...........BETTER THAN YOURS...........MMUUHAhAHHAHAHHA" aallll day looonngg ooovveerr an ooovveerr just because he has somethink pretty......enjoy it old man...just remember to will it to the young master cross............
  5. <3 thankies silkie, you didnt miss it, you said it on facebook already!
  6. hes got a little empire going........he must be stopped....tell take aaaallllll of our mmoonnneeyyyy!
  7. YYAAAYYY another birthday! Happy Natal Day lady Constance!
  8. i find it very strange that a whole weird conversation happened here lol i <3 yee all and thanks for the well wishes)and the song from the olde sutler)....at was fun turning 21...but sadly, at the abc store...the didnt card me...i had me hand on my id, ready to whip it out..........and they just rang me up and sent me on my way....the bastards......
  9. Well done sir,im quite the fan of the knitted coif, very few people actually seem to ever wear them.........i think we need more early era events, inspire more people to do this stuff......i need to finish mine..lol
  10. i found the grunting noise slightly disturbing............QUITE disturbing.......HU-ZZAH!
  11. A happy belated to you trader!
  12. Shed better log in to see our well wishes!!!!! Happy belated mary!
  13. tis my drink of choice...a fine potion.....quite fine.........
  14. one part of helping is knowing what your goin for, are you trying for a more historically correct kit, or just something to have fun in?
  15. im personally always up for a good shanty!
  16. Great as always you weird old man.........i really need to go to this next year...yup...for ssuurreee
  17. mr cross hopes to sneak up on the day beeefffoorrrreeee the explorer rowing .........wants a tent he does........
  18. im no pyrate...anymore.....nore is my captain, and honorable man he is!
  19. Thanks to all for a wonderful time, my crew, CSF, and the home team vigilants especially.........a fine job on the event duncan,and especially a thanks for getting me aboard the schooner farewell...i qquuiitttee enjoyed that.....and now....a shower...and sleep.......
  20. A happy birthday to my favorite def auctioneer!...hed better log on and see our good wishes......
  21. Well ill throw in my little bit...so here is the black mans point of view......... As most of you know, im quite the little history lover....and im also quite the ham...i love acting and playing a part quite a bit.....so im on the immersion part of the table...........bbuuttt i often find that most others arnt quite as into the characterization aspect.........many members of my crew are, and thats one of the reasons i really wanted to join the archangels....but on that very same side i rreaallyy like education...the only problem is is i find alot of tourists dont quite understand the first person portrails at first....and sadly dont even really seem to want to hear anything more than pyrates this and pyrates that....which stemps from events being labled as "pirates" stuff...id rather things be called "maritime festivals" which then may or MAY not include pyrates, but would definitely have sailors......but i slightly digress...........As for me, i try my best to remind people that not all was fun and games, i also try to stress the point that first and foremost i am a sailor(like many here that is im actual job), at one time or another i may have done a few illegal things...but im still a sailor........now adays im also trying to talk aboyt ships and carpentry(which actually seems to work well for 1) Getting their attention 2) Not being called a pirate all the time...............as well as talking about the role of africans at the time..... the times that i think i got the best message through was when i laid out the truths of slavery.....as the ONLY BLACK GUY its my obligation.........i am aware that i do indeed make light of alot of horrors in the world...but if you really get me going...well you get the point.....when people ask me "where there really any black pirates?" and i lay out the ungly truth...and they respond "wow i never would have though that, that so interesting" then thats when i feel the best...if i stayed in character(like at mta when an older gentlemen unleashed a torrent of persona related questions, that i answered quite well,silkie was there lol) than i feel eevveenn better about it...im not sure what to call that(living history education ..?), but thats what im after when ever i go to an event.........that and to make a group of old ladies turn whiter from me saying something thats utterly racist and brash......after all...i love to be bad ...mmuuahahaha.....so there you have it my pale faced friends.....the ramblings of israel cross.........
  22. infections are pretty in the morning, youd better not lets such an unpowerful thing as that do you in.......thats my job old man...........
  23. but hawkins...i...i...need...to give you my money......need.......
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