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Posts posted by madPete

  1. I'll chip in $20 towards food. Don't know where I'm being places in the Fort but Lily said something about putting me near electricity....whatever that means........

    Traditionally the Mercury has been the crew for all those without a crew. So welcome aboard!


  2. One of these days I'll have to compose a song about Mister Mallett and Bacon.

    I added Mister Mallett to the Ship's Muster. How did we go a year without adding Mister Mallet to the muster?

    Slacker! LOL - We are all guilty on that one...


  3. Now that I have two canoes and a kayak in my fleet, should I be addressed as Commodore?

    Last Battle for me this weekend at Glasgow, MO. I gotta be a damn yankee for the first time ever. Our Company is the host unit so we gotta go blue for the event. What a sorry way to end a reenacting "career" huh. Embarrassing to say the least. Wish I had kept my pyrate gear so I coulda showed-up with my wheel lock and gone rogue!


    Commodore Bo... Ifn ye come back to pirate'n, I'll buy ye a BIG hat...


  4. First, I appreciate that you want to do a project with the woodworking skills, and I can only say for the work and effort you are likely better off spending the time on a new rifle.

    I have a Traditions kentucky with a 2 piece stock that I built from a kit. it was $225 when I bought the kit and I bought it as an entry level way of participating in a Morgan's Riflemen group impression. I've gone back and forth over restocking it with a one piece stock in a nice chunk of walnut, just to make it more "correct looking". After considering the cost/effort to replace the stock, I then considered replacing the lock, turning the octogon barrel down on the forward end, and the other hardware necessary, i decided long term it was better, and more cost effective to just build a new rifle.

    In the end, I accepted my traditions rifle for what it is, a non authentic, but accurate shooting, reliable flinter and I am spending my efforts elsewhere. it will be used as a loaner for those starting out with nothing.

    I have also seen used examples that are much closer to what I envision in the $400-$500 range which is what you will have in it when you are done anyway (if not more).


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