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Posts posted by madPete

  1. Welcome aboard wascopirate!. I know the Kern County boys well. Were you by chance at the last Dana Pt Festival with them?

    Alas the days of busy interaction on the Pub seem to be at an end, mostly due to facebook. This is an excellent site for reference however.

    You can still ask questions and get answers, altho it may take a while to get answers.

    I'm sure our paths will cross, if they haven't already...



  2. William -you need to get set up with a traveling tent of some sort.

    It's not a stretch to fit a wedge tent, stakes, ropes, and cot (all wrapped in a wool blanket) into a zippered duffel that gets checked on plane. Under 50# and no big deal. An oar tent is even lighter and easier.

    I recently added poles that screw together and fit in the bag as well. Pm me and I'll give the details. Clothes fit in a carry-on and/or a backpack.

    I was gonna say it doesn't quite fit in a seabag, but if one made a seabag the same size as the duffel it just might...




  3. Dana Point Ocean Institute puts on a great event the 2nd weekend of September each year,  in conjunction with the Toshiba tall ships festival. The tall ships travel up and down the California coast and offer tours and sails. The waterfront is packed with pirates and pirate loving public, vendors and a pirate camp.

    There is a British Naval unit that mans the Brig Pilgrim and each year the Pirates row in to take over the ship 3 times a day for the public.

    There is a good showing of pirates of an Historical nature, and shooting of cannons and flintlocks off the pier.



  4. January 20

    On this date in 1801, HMS Mercury, Cptn. T. Rogers, captured Sans Pareille, Lt. Gabriel Renault, off Sardinia.

    On this day in 1649, At the conclusion of the English Civil War, King Charles I was brought before a high court of justice at Westminster Hall on charges of treason. The Civil War had been fought over whether the King's power was absolute or was limited by the powers of Parliament. Oliver Cromwell had led the Parliamentary forces to victory over the Royals. In the trial that followed, Charles was found guilty and condemned as "a tyrant, traitor, murderer, and public enemy" and was beheaded several days later in front of Whitehall Palace in London.

  5. January 13 -

    On this day in 1690, Captain Thomas Pound, after being captured with his crew the previous month, is tried in Boston, Massachusetts, and found guilty of piracy although he is later reprieved.[1] Thomas Hawkins, an

    officer under Captain Pound, is also found guilty and similarly given a reprieve. Later sent to England, he is killed during a fight with a French privateer.

    On this day in 1798, Lt. Lord Camelford, commanding HMS Favorite (16), shot dead Lt. Charles Peterson commanding, HMS Perdrix(22), for mutiny in an argument over seniority at English Harbour, Antigua.

  6. Dana Point is Sept 10-11, 2016. It is always the weekend following Labor day. Set up is all day Friday Sept 9.

    They've added another Jolleyboat recently and changed up the pirate skit on the Brig Pilgrim last year so it is more our time frame (Blackbeard).

    It had previously been 1812 era with the crew of Jean LaFitte for the last 10ish years.

    Mission mentioned Olcott to me earlier. Unfortunately we have a local event (for me California is local LOL) the same weekend as Olcott and Ft Rodman.

    so its looking like my big trip might be PIB. I've been trying to plan that one a couple years now.


  7. So I bought Season 1 DVD as soon as it became available (not having cable). I enjoyed the episodes and yes there are inaccuracies but at least the story is not based on myth and fantasy books (aka POC). I just finished watching the 2nd season DVD and I think overall its improving.

    I agree that they could use more period slang in place of the f word and pay more attention to detail, but you will get that in a TV series where they have to film on tight schedules. The story keeps developing and there are multiple twists in the plot. There are major characters killed off and new ones appearing which I think keeps it fresh.

    and finally, something about it has struck the rebel nerve in me, so I think they have won me over.

    We can yearn for period correct everything, but enjoy it for its entertainment value. Hey it IS Pirates after all.


  8. I just got to my PO box after visiting with relatives and would like to Thank the Pyrate "Coastie04" who sent:

    - Deadman's Reach coffee

    - the book "The Sinking of the Princess Sophia"

    - Christmas card

    I had no idea we had active brethren in Alaska but completely makes sense. I will enjoy the bit o' history that book provides and will try the coffee tomorrow morning.

    Thank you Coastie04 and all who participated.


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