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Posts posted by madPete

  1. June 7

    On this day in 1692, a massive earthquake devastates the infamous town of Port Royal in Jamaica, killing thousands. The strong tremors, soil liquefaction and a tsunami brought on by the earthquake combined to destroy the entire town.

  2. This is William Brand's design. He is the Mercury Quartermaster and graphic designer extrordinaire. Since the Mercury crew is flung far and wide,

    crew members have crafted several flags for events where they are the only Mercury crew attending. This one is only 54" by 40". Williams is like

    8ft X 6ft and all hand-stitched linen pieces. I know cause I've helped repair it! It is quite a marvel.



  3. It's an excellent opportunity to take a this next year and a half to raise funds, fine tune scripts, upgrade costumes, build props, reorganize infrastructure, make new financial allies and come back even stronger.

    I truly hope it returns next year.

    In the meantime...

    upgrade "costumes"??!!?


  4. Some of you may remember a few years back buying buttons from Donna Kinzle (Mary Diamond on the Pub).

    Well, some of us NEED buttons again!. In order to make this happen we have need to satisfy the minimum order

    for her to follow thru and order these. The minimum group order is 12 Gross or 1728 buttons.

    We have commits for 900 buttons so far, so we are still short. If you are interested and haven't already responded to the thread on Facebook, post here or IM me with your contact info and I'll connect you with Donna. lets try to keep the individual orders to minimum 50 Please! Donna has to count these and ship individually, so partner up and order together!

    PYRATES - This is an awesome deal - see details below:

    "Donna Kinzle All - button size is 18mm (0.7086"), Dutch Gold, solid metal, flat coin style with attached shank. We need commitment to order 1,728 buttons. Price is $0.34 per button, not including shipping (please note that the buttons are fairly heavy). Please sound off with your commitment below. Thank you!"

    I don't believe they are solid brass but are solid metal and look antique brass. if you have priced buttons lately you know .34 ea is a deal.

    If you are interested post here or PM me with your info and I'll connect you with Donna on Facebook or by phone.

    Click the link to see the pic:




  5. Finally got back to my sailor coat project. For some reason I always procrastinate when it comes time to join the lining at

    the shoulders. I guess its the bad 1st experience with shoulder seams that I remember and dread. The coat is done, but I

    need brass buttons for this one and once size if determined, I'll do the buttonholes (yeah I know that is a large portion of the work).

    I am trying to get a brass button purchase arranged, so waiting til we know if that will go. When I have a price and info - I will post that.

    The newer pics are much closer to the actually color (taken during daylight) - link to the album



  6. I thought some of you might be interested in my traveling camping kit for events.

    With the exception of the period hammock (I used a lightweight nylon hammock), I built this kit

    in 2009 for my first attendance at FTPI (known as Pirates in Paradise or PIP then).

    Over the years this kit has served me very well. This is strictly for events that I fly to. When I drive the stops come off.

    This kit was weighed for each piece in order to verify it meets the airline 50 # limit. and it comes in a couple pounds under.

    Kit includes:

    wedge tent



    a ground cloth

    a wool army blanket

    a cloth bag for pillow (place extra clothes or coat in the bag for a pillow)

    a German duffelbag

    a cot OR a period hammock and bag (depending on if I know there are available trees)

    What it doesn't include:

    poles - I usually have someone bring extras for me or stop at home depot

    a chair - I really need a chair with a back and so far have not built one that works with the kit (But I am working on that)

    My pirate clothing or weapons

    This bag gets checked and I sometimes roll my knife, utensils and mug inside the tent in the bag.

    I bring a carry-on with clothing and a small backpack for essentials and that covers it.

    I know there are improvements to be made - feel free to chime in with ideas.



  7. goat6.jpg

    The thing I think you would call my ditty bag contains two pocket fleams, a set of folding fleams, a variety of forceps, the tip the clyster syringe, some loose needles (mostly because it's cloth and I can't easily get them out), a scalpel, a bistoury knife and a fid that has been chewed on.

    Its rather obvious what chewed on the fid...


  8. I could be persuaded to make a set, but I don't do pockets in them. I use the Kanniks corner pattern and handsew with linen thread. wha cha got to trade?


  9. I've had the wool a couple years now, and dont remember where I got it. just remember I paid less than $10 a yard. I originally bought it for a lighter weight colonial regimental.

    Its about 12-14 ounce weight, and I still have enough for the regimental if I ever get around to it...

    The tablecloth (lining) was tagged 100% linen and is a looser weave than most, nice oatmeal with brown stripes.

    can't wait to get back to it... I hate putting sleeves on LOL


  10. Started a sailor jacket. It is based on Reconstructing History pattern 704 - 1700s-1730s Sleeved and Sleeveless waistcoats.

    The medium weight wool is more a cross between royal blue and navy blue than it shows. The lining is a striped linen tablecloth from the local Goodwill store. oatmeal and light brown stripes. I decided I needed a blue sailor coat to portray a british sailor at some point in time. this color is very flexible for other things as well.

    No outside pockets, one inside the lining. thinking plain brass buttons at this point.



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