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Posts posted by madPete

  1. Since the pub left us in 2015, my Slops by Chaaps venture has come and gone. It was an attempt to provide higher quality 1700s garb for our pirate events and raise the bar from typical fair garb. The pandemic pretty much shut events down and with that came the lack of interest in historical clothing. Between that, some burnout, and difficulty getting supplies, I just let it go.

    With the pandemic, I caught Covid just before the lockdown. It resulted in a minor several day illness no worse than a flu for me. Being shut in a quiet house was the bigger illness and not something I dealt with very well, so I fell back on some old interests I was either dabbling in already or hadnt explored in a long time. I started spending more time mountain biking, picked up BMX again, and just generally rode bicycles like crazy. Since it was outdoors, it wasnt subject to all the pandemic shutdowns. I could still meet new people and enjoy a hobby.

    At 59 I broke three ribs on a jump trail, walked the bike back 1/2 mile from the trails and managed to ride it another 2 miles back home... That accident drove me back like a demon, mountain biking every day following 6-8 weeks of healing. I peaked out at about 8-10 miles a day, and then went thru the phases of BMX racing only to find my lower back just cant do it at a competitive level. I tried my hand at skatepark riding and dirt jumping, and have generally landed in a happy medium enjoying the bicycles and health affects of riding frequently.

    Now my interest in Pyracy has been rekindled.

    If you need a bump to raise your interest, just talk to William Brand for 10 minutes!

  2. If you have a new event or one that you cant find in the event calendar... Please email us at events@pyracy.com and we'll get it in the formal calendar. You can post in the raids section, but it will get more facetime in the events calendar. We had to limit who can post there, because Stynky says it gets ripe in there right quick with multiple hands in the pie.


    I've been workin' on the events calendar for the Pub. We are trying to keep it generally Pirate focused... So I've included the following types of events:

    • Pirate Invasions/Festivals
    • Historical Reenactments
    • Maritime Heritage and Seafood festivals
    • Tallship festivals
    • Renaissance fairs with pirate theme or pirate themed weekends
    • regular/repeating Pirate theme bar crawls
    • Market Fairs with kit that roughly matches our time periods
    • Rendezvous with known pirates attending/camping

    We're open to ideas and new event suggestions. Smallish local events should be kept in the general discussion thread. Larger events we'll post.

    William Brand has been working very hard to get several dates setup at events that we could have a regional crewe reunion along with a Pyracy pub tent or space. He is trying to include camping arrangements but that can be problematic depending on the event.

    One thing we've learned is that great venues are difficult to find and keep. Like everything, change is inevitable. So dont take your events for granted. Support them and help them to flourish any way you can. Cherish and protect your special venues, they are few and far between.


  3. Just talked to "Aaron" of the Alliance of the DoubleCross. Not sure what his pub name was but he was excited and we talked about his upcoming retirement and the fact he would be able to do a lot more pyrate events. He also mentioned some possibility of a local gathering. He was prompting me to reopen SlopsByChaaps... all I can say is we'll see...

  4. I called "Kenneth" and he answered! I gave him the Pyracy pub opening Spiel and then we chatted briefly. He was excited about the pyracy pub. We talked about logging in to the pub and that he would have to get a login reset, but he can still read without logging in in the mean time. We also talked briefly about new events and getting ready for work.


  5. On this 20th Anniversary of the Pub and its Reopening, I attempted to call Capt Jim, Capt John Sterling, and Iron Jon. But all I got was Voice mail. I left a message for each of them announcing the pub was back up. Obviously none of them recognize my number or they were otherwise "strung" up.



  6. I just want to introduce myself as a new moderator to the Armoury. 

    As MadPete (Peter Chaaps), I've been on the pub and in the pirate world since 2009. You may know me from the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion, Searles, Ojai, Dana Point, Utah Pirate Invasion, Long Beach, or Put In Bay.

    Prior to my turning Pirate, I was heavily involved in American Civil War artillery groups, American War for Independence, and general black powder shooting.

    There are some big shoes to fill here as moderator with the passing of Cascabel. I only hope I can do a satisfactory job...  Kudos to our dearly departed Cascabel for the great job he did here in the past.

    Dont be afraid to reach out and say Hi! I 've missed you all.

  7. I bought season 3 on eBay almost a month ago.

    Season 3 is another another quality production (altho season two was slightly better IMHO). The development of the characters and plot continues.

    I read a review online criticizing the writers for killing off a character because that character was his favorite, and a major reason people watch the series. Never once did the reviewer acknowledge that history was the basis for the production... DUH! I guess he will be disappointed when Season 4 is the last. Why would they do that? LOL


  8. The trick is finding the right duffel. Airline restrictions are usually L+W+H <= 62 inches.

    This might cause you grief (I assume you truly meant circumference and not diameter Mickey)

    I found duffel bags ~$20 pretty easily, that are 12in diameter by 35in long or 35+12+12 = 59. so its pretty close to max size


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