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Joe Pyrat

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Everything posted by Joe Pyrat

  1. Great story. Sounds like you came off betterin' Captain Bellamy and you may now have a lake that can boast having the wreck of a pirate ship. Good luck with the salvaging, hope you get back to sea in short order.
  2. Ann, if you're going to visit us in Satin Augustine, in addition to the Black Raven, Tiger Lee, the noted photographer of pirates, has a shop in old town Saint Augustine and does an in-garb pub crawl on the second Saturday of the month. They also fire the guns at Castillo de San Marcos on Friday, Saturday and Sunday which is really something to see.
  3. A saltier bunch of sea dogs I've never seen, good on ya mates...
  4. Awful Tower er, I mean Eiffel Tower
  5. Just got through watchin' the show mates. Huzzah for the pirate! But seriously I've got a couple of questions. 1. They only did one pistol test and as luck would have it hit the armor on perhaps its strongest place, the rolled seam where there was a double thickness of armor. Several shots would have made a more telling test. 2. Having seen actual armor with bullet holes in it, I would be interested in knowing what alloy the armor was made out of. Was it as strong as or stronger than the armor a knight would have actually been wearing? 3. The crossbow bolt is not locked into the weapon so how would you be able to be move and employ it rapidly without the bold dislodging? 4. I also found the gernado use in the presented scenario questionable as lighting it on the run and timing the detonation would prove, most likely, beyond tactical capabilities under the circumstances. Not related to the actual tactical demonstration, the knight supporter's statement that the flintlock when turned on its side would have the priming powder run out thus causing a misfire indicated a real lack of knowledge on the operation of flintlocks. Of course the one pirate's explanation of how a flintlock worked wasn't especially impressive either. The next show, Mafia vs. Yakuza actually seems to make more sense than anything they’ve presented so far. And like me mate Graydog said, it be entertainment mate, so grab some gorg and enjoy.
  6. Welcome aboard mate and thank ye for the rum.
  7. Welcome aboard mate, drinks all around. On ye o'course...
  8. We should consider a Resource List on the Pub to catalog all these product sources like Hemp Traders. Use a standard format for the subject like Hemp Traders - fabric, or Pirate Trading Company - general merchandise. It would come in very handy.
  9. I will probably be there sometime this weekend if all goes as planned. I'll give you a call when I arrive.
  10. I think these types of comparisons are more akin to a barstool bet gone horribly wrong, but since my mates here indicated an interest I have watched the first three shows. I am interested in seeing what weapons they allow the pirate. Since the ships gun would be a crew served weapon let's eliminate it but this still leaves musket, musketoon, blunderbuss, hand mortar, grenade, stink bomb, and between two and six pistols before we even start considering edged weapons. I am also interested in the fact that they are showing the knight in what appears to be late plate armor which greatly restricts movement when afoot. Of course this begs the question will they allow the knight to be mounted? So far they are placing everyone afoot so this seems unlikely. It would seem to me they are going to have to greatly restrict the pirates available weapons or this should is going to be an extremely short show, about the length of the scene in the first Indiana Jones movie where he caps the buy with the sword. Another thing that comes to mind when considering their computer simulation is the old programming adage, GIGO. (Garbage In, Garbage Out). I'd like to see some of the design specifications on this particular program. I'd also like to see them take a reading off every one of the so called “weapons experts”, not just the one with the most skill in a particular weapon. Well mates, I’ve got the rum and hardtack ready and will be watching with ye tomorrow night. It should prove interesting or maybe just frustrating as did the cannon/shivers episode of Myth Busters.
  11. Looks good Joe, sorry I couldn't make it to the docking.
  12. 1. On the road: Bicyclist blocking a lane of traffic wearing their "Share the road" shirts. Ok, let's share the road but let's share the expense too. License bikes for on road use and ticket them when they violate the vehicle code. 2. On the water: jet skis. 3. On foot: People who use baby buggies as battering rams in crowded places. 4. In the air: People who arrive late (Southwest) and expect someone who arrived early so as to get a good seat to give it up so they can sit with their companion.
  13. Well, after all pirates are all about ships and boats. Forts are really just for plunderin'
  14. Like Gertie I've got some foot problems. The National Park Service Rangers at Castillo de San Marcos have introduced me to a guy, one of the volunteers, who has a shoe shop and makes orthopedic shoes with buckles. They do not look PC form up close but if it keeps me on my feet for more than an day I'll give it a try. When I get them I'll post a picture. The shoes pictured are from a different source but are similar to what I will be getting.
  15. The Chieftains, Loyals March from Treasure Island 1990 on their Film Cuts Album
  16. Aye Cannon School! You will note some mundane clothing on this crew. This is the school. The following link is an actual firing. We no longer hold the sponge, ram, ladle and worm horizontally but keep them vertical since we are now firing three guns at the same time and it is too crowded for this method but otherwise the drill is exactly the same. If you are interested the next school is in September I believe. This Link will take you to the NPS information page on the school with the phone numbers you can use to get more up to date information. Oh, by the way, after you fire 4 times following the school they give you a card showing you are a graduate of the Cannon School at Castillo de San Marcos. How cool is that?
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