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Joe Pyrat

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Everything posted by Joe Pyrat

  1. Bilge, I never got close to a million doubloons until I started messing with the econ. It's boring but more productive then piratin'. Often I've expended more in taking a prize then I got form it. I'm an LV48 on Roberts. It's fun because the Brits, Frenchies and Dons are really the Brits, Frenchies and Dons. Unfortunately it's kind of dried up in recent months.
  2. Do you have an online source for the Queen Anne LoM? Extremely nice work mate.
  3. PotBS is visually stunning and I use to play all the time. Problem I had with it was the pirate end-game has nothing to do with pirates since they operate just like the other empires in the game, in other words, if you try to make a livin' a pyratin' you'll starve.
  4. You might try reading The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard for a different perspective on pirates, specifically those operating between 1714 and 1730 which includes most of the well known pirates like Blackbeard, Vane, etc. There is some disagreement on Woodard's conclusions but the book appears very well researched. Synopsis (Harcourt Trade Publishers)...
  5. That's what a ship is you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs, but what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom. Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, PotC, CotBP No matter where you go, there you are Attributed to various sources I have dipped my hands in muddy water, and if a pirate I must be, 'tis better being a commander than a common man. Bartholomew Roberts
  6. Aye!!! Here's to Captain Ron!!!
  7. I'll have to agree with Petee, I've got one and it is the best balanced, non-custom, sword I've purchased.
  8. Aye LotR was excellent And I forgot Grand Prix, posibly the best racing movie ever made.
  9. I've talked to the gentleman here in Saint Augustine who makes the leather gear for the garrison at the Castillo about making me one of these pistol/cartridge box slings like you see Roberts wearing in this picture. I'll let you know more once we get underway.
  10. LOL, reminds me of the seagulls in Finding Nemo. But very nice indeed Captain, a beautiful piece. Outstanding work Matt.
  11. The new Star Trek was enjoyable, but it really hosed the time line. It will be interesting to see how the Star Trek Experience works this into their time line display. Night in the Museum, Battle of the Smithsonian was a lot of fun. I understand they have a pamphlet at the Smithsonian describing how the movie was made which lets you visit all the exhibits that were used.
  12. You can go to http://www.tcm.com/tcmdb/title.jsp?stid=14882, click on "Suggest this movie" in the upper right corner and register a vote for them to do a DVD. I agree, this is quite possibly the best pirate movie ever made and definitely the best version of Treasure Island ever made. It does seem like they missed the boat by not releasing it during the height of the PotC interest. Just got done watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy again and should have put it on my list. Wow!
  13. The Boys From Brazil
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