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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. On a new crewe business item... Everybody claim your bunks and hammocks, there are new pirates coming aboard. I would like to introduce everyone to One Eye Spry. He has been added to the crewe site, and is a local Portlando pirate who was shipless. He and the Capt met up in a bar one night, and The Capt(having a wee bit too much rum punch...and we all know what that does for his sense of reason) challenged Spry to a battle of punny wits.... The battle got underway, but shortly into it the Capt, who was WAAAAYYYY over his ration, collapsed falling over the table, tankard in hand. (never fear, our rum wench was there to grab the tankard and make sure not a drop was spilled) Nevertheless, Spry won the pun war and was promised a place abord our crewe. Please join me in welcoming him aboard. Diosa
  2. Good weekend my wonderous crewe! For those of you who are suffering from Pyracy Withdrawl as the Captain and I are, I have a moment for you Take a look at this, cloese your eyes and remember being out playing with your pirate family. Missing you bunches! Diosa
  3. well turtles are people too....
  4. Get used to it, that happens a lot with our crewe.... if you're not regularly confused, someone is not doing thier fair share! Diosa
  5. Olaf - best of luck on your venture... make lots and lots of $$$ For those of you who were wondering about 'Diosa's new man sized chest' here is a pic, with Sheila in my chest! and Sheila.... NO woman is bulletproof!! and as for your crush on Crush..... I can understand... he had by far the hardest body I've seen on a guy that can actually hold a decent conversation... and it held the biggest heart. and the california surfer attitude is not bad at all..... He's soooo damn cute! He could turn any woman into a pile of mush when he has that cute little hurt look. Besides, I have never before seen a man who loves green so much!!!! (now I have everyone confused) Diosa
  6. Sheila - You Definitely know how to get the bidding going on an auction!!! Dang Skot, you should be flattered at such a bid! I think that may have won ya! Patrick, Doc, Animal - the 'Chest' in mention by Sheila is a new acquire Diosa's New Treasure Chest Frankly this picture does not do it justice... I have another one with Sheila crouching inside the box that i'll have to post later.... I think the Capt should take Bilge duty...after all, I have to share quarters with him when he is contributing to the bilge.... I should not have to clean it up too.... Diosa
  7. be afraid...be very a f r a i d. Are we being afraid of the fact that Olaf and Roger are almost brothers... (a second Olaf is a wee bit frightening...) or the idea of Roger hitting the Elixir????
  8. Now that I have made him the guy in demand......Let the bidding on Black Skot begin!!! What will you wenches give me for him??? Diosa
  9. That annual pass is seriously burning a hole in my pocket! :) Skot cleaned the kitty litter box?! I knew I should have asked him to be my roommate! He's definitely the ideal roomie.... he didn't even know his way around on day 1 when he was here, and snooped around for a broom to sweep the walkway... Then he cleaned up the kitchen, bagged up trash to take it out(without being asked...and frankly without much of it being his) But wait, there's more!!! In addition to the earlier mentioned Kitty box cleaning and befriending the kitty, He offered to help out with meals(cooking and purchasing), did dishes(not just his, but others that were in the sink)... picked up and sorted out things that had fallen under the seat of my SUV. ... But if you act now, you'll also get a guy that makes his bed.... cuts/pins/sews and finishes beautiful garb(not missing a detail), has great rhythm(with percussion instruments of course), is nice to hug, and has a cute little bald head to rub!!! Who wouldn't want him as a roomie!!! Diosa
  10. Sigh.... yes... the weekend is over.... my apartment(although thouroughly trashed) is once again becoming very very quiet.... Cinn - It was great having you down here with us! Just keep counting down the few days left until you are a Florida resident. Not long now... and we can really get a good workout going on that Disney annual pass! Skot, you are already dearly missed... Sorry you don't have a crewe there to keep you warm. We held a vigil of sorts last night following your departure... I have to love a guy who sweeps the walkway, offers to help clean house, sews.... even cleans the kitty litter box!!! sigh..... when will you be visiting again?? Paisley and Aim, well you guys aren't THAT far away, so we'll have to have little gatherings more often... Sheila...well I can't miss you yet... you're still here.... And for those who were here this weekend, There will be pictures to remember it by up on the Crewe site soon. Ok...well I have to get home and get them to the Capt first...and since Sheila and I will be out running amok amok today.... could be a few days before they are up.
  11. On a Pyrates business note... I want to thank all of you who joined us for our voyage to Disney Quest Saturday (The rest of you just listen up and appreciate that your crewe is always 'on') While we went there to enjoy crewe time and were not at an 'event' where we were expected to do anything, we also were the typical Pyrates we are and entertained all those we came in contact with. For those who were not in attendance... when we all took a break for lunch, there happened to be a few birthday parties going on nearby with children looking over at us... of course we put off parts of lunch and took pictures, gave out trinkets and ended up table hopping to play with all the kiddies. I already have recieved an e-mail from one parent(of the little girl who wanted to think Sheila was really Fiona from Shrek) He said we completely made their birthday party, and the kids were talking about the pirates all day. Also, the Disney Quest managers are going to be getting into contact with me about the possibility of us planning some of their team building events... and I will be forwarding the e-mail from that father to her...as well as some other folks I know at Disney. As always, we went somewhere, and left folks with a better experience than they would have gotten if we were not there, just the way we are supposed to be! Great job everyone! Diosa
  12. You leave...and you miss so much... just to sum up some of the things overheard during yesterday's travels.... *** Warning... the following lines are filled with innuendo that may not be appropriate for all readers *** Sheila - "Oh I just had an Orgasm" (All I know is there was melted cheese involved) Something about clothing being ripped off (I believe it was Skot's clothing)...there was also some discussion about how large Skot's sack was) Capt - "You are my Goddess" to Sheila.... followed by a smack from me. as for who messed up Skot's bed... I believe it was Sheila.... Jasper may have had a part in that too... Diosa
  13. well ya could have been...hell... you don't even have to buy an airline ticket... just take I-95 south to I-4...pretty much the extent of it... no major turns... not even big words.... only 4 hours of driving..... shoulda had less rum yesterday and done more driving.... Diosa
  14. Olaf - you have to give us credit.... it was worth a shot to try and get you guys here... you will definitely be missed. and Boomer, although we have plenty of creepy crawly's down here in Fla... you can really keep the camel spiders there..... really..... they are very ugly... I mean a tarantula at least is neat looking.... but those things are just downright ugly...
  15. you guys should drive down here.... no excuse not to... lesse....5 hour drive..... we have rum and lasagna.... and we're going to have lots of fun. And if you let me know quickly enough, I will work to make sure you have tix for Saturday..... (yes I am bribing...) Diosa
  16. In other news... For those Pyrates of the Coast members who will be in Portlando this weekend, here is the itinerary.... Friday evening, we will be invading the various establishments of Disney's Pleasure Island. Saturday morning, we will be raiding an entertainment area known as Disney Quest... there are a set of ships to acquire and much treasure to take!!! After words, we will be wandering around to see how real pirates acquire treasure from unsuspecting folk....looking at all the shops at Downtown Disney and Disney West Side. in the evening, likely a jaunt to the Boardwalk, where are are a variety of taverns with entertainment. Sunday, we will be going to Mount Dora - a quaint little town that has no idea what they are in for with our crewes arrival. But they do have wonderous taste in pubs and taverns....and I believe the crewe needs to inspect each of those thouroughly. We also are planning to try and take over a locomotive that runs through the area. Diosa
  17. Did the Captain have an interesting evening? You couldn't wait till the weekend so I could see it ?!? Deadly Without saying too much.... but far from saying too little... to sum up the last evening.... on our journey the captain saw a monkey, that he claimed called to him(though none of the rest of us heard a sound) he then decided it was imperative he owned the monkey, but unfortuntely it was one of a horde or animals being held in a large cage with a large metal claw keeping watch over them. Being the supportive crewe we are, those of us in attendance worked to assist the captain in his quest to aquire the monkey...while just walking in and taking the monkey was not an option(after all, we're talking a three pronged metal claw in charge of things...not just a guy with one hook) we started to use our other pirate trait...bribery.... there seemed to have been a communication barrier... as we pushed bribes into the cage, the claw kept giving us the wrong animals... we got a lion, bear, dog, and some yet to be deterimned creature... but no monkey... finally.... there was understanding, and the captain's monkey was delivered for a final bribe. At this point there was much rejoicing...each with animal friends.... Nigel danced with the lion, Skot with the bear, and I with the unnamed creature, while The Captain danced with his monkey.... later in the evening... there were a few moments where a not nearly as dressed as he needed to be Captain was demonstrating how to do a lap dance while standing over Nigel...and not too far from Skot. The trauma to Skot was immediately evident... he curled up in a fetal position...and it was hours before the poor man stopped sucking his thumb and rocking back and forth. and those were the highlights of the evening..... Diosa
  18. she grumbles....she growls...... but we all told her to move out of the freaking midwest months ago.... and what does she do....stay there....freeze...then gripe about it....
  19. oh my oh my...the ego is getting a bit out of hand, don't know if you will be able to continue getting through the door if you keep it up :) But for the rest of the crewe that is still up north....out west...and just not in Portlando... let me mention that the temps here today will be upper 70's.....sunny and beautiful.... how's your weather? Diosa
  20. Aim, we are still working out weekend details... much of it will be worked out as we go... but we are expecting your arrival Friday, right??? Sheila.... if you were in Portlando, you would be a part of all the fun things we are doing this weekend.... enough said on the bribe.... Animal...same deal... get your butt down here and there is warm weather and fun for all!!! Diosa
  21. What's it worth for you to get a song about you??? Diosa takes bribes to aim her creativity in various directions :)
  22. Okie Dokie Kiddies.... as I said I would last week... I have another crewe song.... this one is for Doc (Who, might I mention has NOT checked in on this forum in many many days.....) Enjoy...because I will not be at work (where I have enough free time to write) for the rest of this week, so you may not get any more tunes from me until next week. Sing this one to Tiajuana Jail - I got real sick About three weeks back Got sent to Doc She reached in her sack Pulled out a vial Said drink this in tea Two times a day You'll be better in three (Chorus) If you feel ill Try not to not tell... If doc finds out You better run like hell She'll give you meds From her bag of tricks Take a tip from me You're better off sick Went to my room Hoped for the best That docs elixir Would help me rest Opened up the vial And did the contents stink, But I followed her rules And choked down the drink Chorus Felt like i'd been hit By a cannon ball And up to the deck I started to crawl Barely made my way To the ships side rail Felt like I was losing All my entrails Chorus Diosa
  23. Skot, never fear, we are awaiting your arrival... some of the post arrival plans are still a little muddy, but we are ready to pick you up at Portlando Wednesday evening...at 4:46 PM.... (Just kidding, I know it's Tuesday evening)
  24. Well a happy new year to you as well Olaf... as for a new crewe members, when she's ready, have her fill out an application on the website, and the Capt and I will chat with her and determine her readiness and role with the crewe. Love to all the crewe...and expect your next song tomorrow.... Diosa
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