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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. By the way Olaf, when you serve up that Little Girrrrl Elixir next year, you are going to remember mine needs to have a little slice of fruit on the side of the glass...and one of those little drink umbrellas would be nice
  2. that's cause you know I'll have ya walking the plank if you try any of that with me
  3. That's it... another Key West visit is in your future... have to get you over those fears :) I think a visit to 801 may be in the cards..... Diosa
  4. Yes Olaf, next year we already decided to make sure not to lose Nigel or Anyone else to the surf, and instead of swimming to shore, we have decided to make sure eveyone gets back on the boat next time, instead of trying to make their way to shore. But I must say, anyone who wants to beat your demeanor and back flip will have some work on the plank :) maybe next year I can tickle you right before so you can have that ticked off sabretooth look when you take your walk :)
  5. I second that!! I figured I would start with SC...besides where the boys are in SC is only about 4 hours from here....so it's at least a LOT closer than Kansas City... but Florida is good too.... we really need to just get a huge house and open that pirate commune.....
  6. OK Merry, Skot, Paisley.... I hate to be the 'momma pirate' but I am just beating the Capt to the punch here.... Let's not take this into the gutter... we have a young pirate or two among us... and need to remember the young ones are part of the crewe, and anything here should be acceptable for their ears/eyes, so let's tone down the crewe conversations - a little innuendo here and there is ok. I know Capt has gone into this before.... if you want to have more gutter-esque conversations, there are other forums for it, but our forum should be ok for everyone to read. Consider this little lecture complete :)
  7. yes Olaf, I know you're just adorable when you are showing your primal side... you make a cute little sabertooth tiger... at least that is what Nigel said you looked like when I tickled you, you jumped into the air, flipped over, and landed on all fours growling at me. He would like me to do it again so he can get a picture of that look :) and remember... i am the picky drinker... i only took a couple of sips of the elixr... unless you make it nice and fruity... i likely will not be taking in enough to forget the olaf ticklish spot.
  8. Yes Sheila, being back to normalcy sucks.... Although I am looking at getting back to Key West the first week of January for the opening of the pirate soul museum....anyone want to drive back to key west???? :) yippee a few more days of pyracy!!! Although it will not be nearly as wonderful without my whole pirate family Without Olaf, who will I tickle??? Without my Senior executive wench, who will I ask if I can spend my money???(and yes I have a receipt).... Without Animal banging on the door how will I wake up on time??? I do still have my pink hair ribbon from Paisley so I have a piece of the pink pirate with me(although you're only 1 1/2 hours a day, and If we don't see you pretty frequently, you're in trouble... how's that for a pirate mom guilt trip) and Olaf and Studley... SC is not that far away either :) Scot, Doc and Animal... it's only a matter of time until you all are Floridians as well... Lesse.... Ross and Kat need to vist more often.... and I need more time with Black Kat (now Morgan). She has training to finish on how to be a strong 'take over the world' pirate lass! hmm.... Sheila will be in SC soon...so that's closer.... Amy gets to see us every few months whether she likes it or not.... Merry... you're the tough one who is still far away. we'll have to work on that.... Diosa
  9. Let me echo the Capt's words to say PIP was AMAZING.... much like the popcorn and rum I hear.... just AMAZING (for those who don't get that....well obviously you should have been at PIP with the rest of the crewe!!) I am so proud to be a part of this AMAZING crewe... we came together like a family gathering for a big pirate holiday, and all took care of one another like a true tight-knit crewe. We also more than once took home the 'we saved the day' mantle! when things weren't done, we did not gripe, we did them... and in many cases I believe went above and beyond what was hoped for!!! Much love to all of you, and let me be the first to say .... FOTO!!!!!! Diosa - (who now knows Olaf's ticklish spot)
  10. Fear not, for you are joined by two other wenches in that room, there fore... the estrogen in that room will definiately be in charge of the rules....
  11. I am very sorry to hear the news, please pass our love and sympathies on to Matt. Michelle
  12. Yes, Redd, I agree, they are totally adorable!!! I know that I am working on getting folks together to play at PIP in Key West in December. It is hard to find a lot of folks in an area to play though.
  13. Olaf, My thanks for your kind thoughts for those of us in the storm paths, and my thoughts go to you in this rough time. If you need anything, let us know - all brothers and sisters here - we take care of one another. <hugs> Diosa
  14. Much of our crewe is in Portlando. Pirates of the Coast We're actually in Altamonte Springs, but spend much time plundering and pillaging in the Disney Area (Annual pass holders) Check out the website for events we have coming up, and frankly we periodically create some on the fly, so if you are interested in joining the crew, drop me a line, and we'll keep you informed on 'impromptu plans' Diosa
  15. Yes, The Southernmost is definately the locale of the Pyrates of the Coast as well as many other pirates. It's a great place to hang out, and besides Deadly Aim works there, so we can harrass her....er... see her more often! Diosa
  16. Merry, there are options here... If you want to ship swords and daggers in advance - you can feel free to ship them to us here in Altamonte Springs, and we'll deliver to KW :) (since we'll be there the whole time, I suppose that means they'll be there waiting for you) Or you can ship them to your hotel, and put a note that tells the hotel to hold them until you arrive. As for a bodice, are you talking about metal boning in one you are wearing on the plane? if so, expect to be pulled aside, I have had that happen before, but the'll just wand you, maybe have a female TSA agent 'check it out' but then let you through. If it's in your suitcase, no problem at all, they may look through the luggage, but they'll leave it alone. Hope this helps. Diosa
  17. The plan is for a midnight showing (must like Rocky Horror used to be) on Saturday November 26th, during the first PIP weekend. So, head to the interactive POTC link and learn the cues :) That's what our crewe is doing. Diosa
  18. For all going to Pirates in Paradise in Key West later this year, one of the evenings will include a showing of POTC interactive event!!
  19. Nun Paisley.... hmmm.... that is interesting.... My dear Capt. Hurricane and I are definitely planning to visit the Central Florida Festival.... it is possible we will be dragging Sir Nigel along as well! We look forward to 'gaining religion' from you :) Diosa
  20. -- Reasons the Captain is not responsible for keeping count of the crewe -- we will also be sailing to Key West from Portlando with Sheila, the Cabin Toy.
  21. Wow.... that's a heck of a job...full time duty there! much like trying to fill the role of your conscience Diosa
  22. Although the photographs you see are horrible... let me tell you something about Florida... we are an amazingly resilliant state... and honestly, the thing that hurts the state most is people saying ' well they had hurricanes so I suppose I won't visit'. That keeps money out of this state that is based on tourism, and hurts us more than anything else. When it comes to hurricanes, yes this year has been a but rougher than most... but we come through, and recover, always! Consider this ... I am in Central Florida and was hit by both hurricanes Charley and Frances... The storms were not even passed before work crews were out clearing roadways, putting power poles back up, etc.... there were tanker trucks of fuel, semis of supplies needed to mend homes, all waiting just out of harms way to start moving in when the storm was passed. We have a great luxury to know that a storm is coming, get ready and respond! There are some areas that are having a rougher time of it, usually where a tornado has touched down, also some of the roadways that washed out.. but even those will be repaired within coming weeks. Keep in mind when you are viewing TV news, you are seeing only the worst photographs that can be found.... Trust me, I know, I work in the news business :) Those are the extremes.... not the overall picture. See you at PIP! :)
  23. Hello all, If you have not seen the Isle of Doom yet that Hurricane mentioned, here is a link to Michael's that gives you a glimpse... it's really a remarkable piece... the cavern lights up and smokes, the lighthouse light goes around as it should, and the sound track is great... This piece and the galleon are pretty much our halloween display! (and year round display for that matter) Isle of Doom Diosa
  24. I have heard shops should start getting more of the cards beginning late this week, so I would advise if you have a shop near you that may be getting them, to put your name on their list!!! I would like to see enough people get ahold of them and then have a little mini-tournament at Pirates in Paradise in December. Diosa
  25. At the least, the cards are very well done, and I love the fact that instead of being stuck with a bunch of ships and 3-d objects to try and pack up, they can all break down and go back into the cards from whence they came for travel... the game seems to have enough layers of actions to make it interesting... we'll see about the longevity of interest. I'll let ya know! :) Diosa
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