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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. Skot dear, did you not learn from Olaf's postings about women... you can't say you have a date without us asking for details :) and Capt and I will be in Portlando to greet you Tues... pirates hats on. You better be wearing yours or we may 'forget' to recognize you. Diosa
  2. You read my words wrong.... I did not say you were not allowed to pick on him, I was just warning that he is well armed... that's all.
  3. Happy New Year All!! And a welcome to JoeJacks... for those of you who have not met him, he hails from the NW (MA, your charge now - do get in touch with him) Although right now, his ship was a wee bit off course and ran aground in the desert in Kuwait. The good news, the ship should soon be dug out of all that unforgiving sand and be heading back to friendly waters. You'll see he's among our lot on the website soon(Capt has to get a pic first...) And before you all try to pick at the newbie... just be warned... he's got black poweder and isn't afraid to use it..... and that's just when get gets bored making quick art of flesh with his blades. Diosa
  4. Lovely dear!!! That means I don't have to come up with a song for today... Although I am working on a Doc song.... maybe tomorrow... or monday... or something.... Thanks Skot for the quarter! and since I will be working most of today and this evening... Happy New Year everyone!!
  5. Totally agreed, perhaps you took what I said wrong. I know my sword is not 'authentic pirate wear' but I frankly don't care because I like it and it looks good on! I totally agree with you that it is all about having fun!
  6. I don't believe that is what The Capt meant.... there is a difference between items not being perfectly authentic and items that are shoddy, and not made well. The two are not one and the same. I wear a Spanish Sword that would not have been logical to use aboard a pirate ship(too long of blade) but I have been at numerous events, where others admire the sword and it's blade, and don't really seem to care that it would not fit perfectly into the pirate persona... besides... I figure not every pirate who was out plundering and pillaging had a perfectly new weapon... they were used... they were lost/found/beaten up in the process. Besides, some of the items on the site, looked rather nice.
  7. OK... still most of the crewe not checking in..... hmmm....lesse.... how about a Quarter Master song? Ok not really about the Quarter Master... but why he should give me all his quarters.... this one is sung to the song "Pay Me My Money Down"... feel free to sing along.... I went to town to go shopping give me a quarter now They had so many pretty things give me a quarter now Chorus: Give me oh give me Give me a quarter now Many things for purchasing Give me a Quarter now Saw chocolate, dark as can be Give me a quarter now Filled with nuts, it looks yummy Give me a quarter now Chorus A fru fru drink was at the Inn give me a quarter now My tankards ready to pour it in give me a quarter now Chorus Got a summer sausage for free Give me a quarter now Must pay someone to take from me Give me a quarter now Chorus Hornsby hurtin', got Flogger lines give me a quarter now Need to buy that man some iodine give me a quarter now Chorus Captain had rum, woke up in jail Give me a quarter now Need to gather money to pay his bail Give me a quarter now Chorus Paisley went to the Inn with me. give me a quarter now Must pay to clean pink grafitti. give me a quarter now Chorus Found Sheila walking down the path Give me a quarter now Needs soap to get scribbles off fore and aft Give me a quarter now Chorus could've written versus on that for days.... Diosa
  8. Well then book your trip to Key West for Pirates in Paradise next December. That is where the annual Dread Pirate Championships will be held! Diosa
  9. glad you enjoyed it... if only I were putting all this creative energy to good use :) nah...that's no fun....
  10. Thanks for the compliment... just don't tell the boss at work what I am doing with their valuable time :)
  11. Run Hornsby Run!!!! Took Nigel weeks to recover from the last flogging!!!!
  12. you asked for it...and frankly not as much of the crewe has checked in as should... so... how about a rum wench song..... a little calypso... done to 'Yellow Bird' Chorus: Sloshed Rum Wench does too much the rum testing sloshed Rum Wench she's drinking up everything! She's tested every cask from the first to last had more than just a sip now when she walks she tips M A should make her stop she's drinking every drop now there's none left for me. Wish that I was a rummy wench and could drink whatever I please But I am not a rummy wench... so here I sit, only water to drink.... Chorus All the rum is gone Beer won't last for long no wine in the casks She Found the Captain's stash Only drink remaining Elixir- brown and grainy That's too scary for me. Wish that I was a rummy wench and could drink whatever I please But I am not a rummy wench... so here I sit, only water to drink.... Chorus Who's next? :)
  13. hmm...that got two of them to report.... Skot we are looking forward to your arrival, and will keep the house at a temperature that is acceptable to your northern blood... can't guarantee the same when we go outside, but you can always deal with it the way we do, just take off some clothing :) Sheila - well you should just move down and have it over with..... at least Skot is working on it :) and now for the rest who have not reported... another obnoxious song... this one done to the tune of "It had to be you" Oh where is the crewe Oh where is the crewe I've looked all around, so far haven't found anyone whooooo is quite as askew as the family I knew consuming weird meats and elixer drinks then having to spew.... some other's I've seen aren't quite as obscene not showing their afts with PIP autographs or with anti itch goo even though Olaf can be such a pill you're all my crewe and I love you still oh where is my crewe my devious crewe Oh where is my crewwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee? Diosa(who obviously has been getting into the fru fru drinks a bit early today....)
  14. Hmm.... much much too quiet here on the ship(with the exception of Animal rambling around)..... very odd.... so with that... my bad song for the day...sung to 'Where have all the Flowers gone" Where have all the Pyrates gone? No one's posting Where have all the Pyrates gone? The ship's all alone Where have all the Pyrates gone? Had too much rum, every one. When will they all come to? When will they all come to? so either people start getting back to ships business...or I come up with more obnoxious songs....
  15. I would also like to thank Santaanimal for his presents...and Merry, thanks for the present you thought of for me... God would that be a great looking coat!!!! :) and as Aim rubs in the temps in Key West... did I mention that it's 60's today in Orlando... will be 70's tomorrow... why are the rest of you guys up north???? Diosa
  16. as for the summer sausage... we're feeding it to Nigel.... so we can say 'Mikey will eat anything!!'
  17. Feliz Navidad everyone!! Gotta go with the spanish tradition of firing the gun in the air.... then running below a very sturdy structure so I don't get hit with the musketball on it's return trip :) . Hope you all have a very happy happy... even those of you in the snow... but let this be my soap box moment to say pppphhhhbbbbttttt this is why you should live in Florida!!! Diosa
  18. Sorry Olaf, but I don't think with all of us working together we could more soil the image of 'The Olaf' than you will do on your own. It's ok... we still love you even with of all your porn and sausage moments....
  19. it never made it down to freezing here in Portlando overnight, so PHHHBBBTTTTT to all of you wishing us frozen weather. Although I personally am VERY appreciative that it's cool enough for the Capt to don his Leather Capt's coat!!! woohoo!!! leather coat to pet!!! ahem...
  20. Pierre - it is very nice to see you about. Welcome back! (Paisley, he must have known we were talking about him) Merry - Great pics! Love the cheesecake one... I showed it to the folks at work and said... 'yep...those are my wenches!'
  21. you'll tell me... or i'll tickle you!!!
  22. My pretty wittle Olaf has a girlie!!! <sniffle> makes a pirate mommy proud.
  23. OK... Thats it!!! Time for a Meeting!!! The conscience must have details!!!!
  24. I'm goin!!! The pirate lasses will just take over the ship... jamaica and the Bahamas!
  25. No problem hon, you just let me know what sorts of prettying tips you need, and I'll take care of ya!
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