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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. c'mon we've seen you as 'Pretty Olaf' for the trial... now you can also have the title of 'Fluffy Olaf'
  2. What about velveeta shells & cheese? That stuff is pretty damn good. Cinn - you are a long lost member of the family!!! you are sooo right on the shells and cheese... although since we were talking economy foods for a trip..... they are on the higher end of the mac and cheese price scale, but thouroughly nummy with nice gooey velveeta!!!! I truly think velveeta is important enough to be it's own food group!!
  3. i'd still be a bit concerned about the contents of the 'southern sausage...' I think i'll just stick with meat I can identify.
  4. Thanks so much for the compliment on our crewe!!! Sure, I may be a little biased, but I have to agree with you.... we have an amazing crewe. This year at PIP was my first real 'full out 10-day crewe expeirence' and although we all knew each other in advance, and had chatted on this board and such, when we all converged from our various points across the nation, it was amazing! We were like a family that was gathering for a big piratical holiday! ....and it helped that we all love to work, so we had a great time doing things like creating the sail cloth signs for PIP (we took over a large portion of the 2nd floor balcony at the southernmost, made sandwiches, passed out chips and sodas, and had a painting party) and turned any work situation into a fun event. And we're heading back to Key West for the Pirate Soul Museum opening next month! woohoo!!
  5. Very cool!!! Thanks for the info (since we're doing the festival next year it helps to know where all the coverage went, and mention that :) ) and yes...as much as I hate to admit it.... your jump was the best.... but I still know your ticklish spot...
  6. absolutely not!!! You will be in my vehicle and I will not have summer sausage as part or your diet!! no no no!!!! Mac & Cheese is much much better of an option.... I am a mac & cheese crazed woman...so you're ok there...as long as it's Kraft... can't subsitute on mac and cheese....
  7. no love, not our flag, but the Bay Point Bucs flag with the moon and such...also a regular jolly roger. But I am sure the Capt would be more than willing to trade those for his shirt :) as for tall the 'band' talk... I think i'll just shake my head a lot and say 'tsk tsk'
  8. the Sheila scrunchie will be hard to part with... but OK!!! you have a deal.... Morgan's bodice and necklace... and sheila's scrunchie for the B&B. let me know when the contract is drafted and we'll take care of the trade :)
  9. c'mon I could get kisses and a nibble out a ya without you wanting the scrunchie in return...just let ya go into Sloppy Joes for a little while.... :)
  10. I don't name the price dear..... you and Kat Morgan have to offer up a tempting price for the goods.... I also have her necklace... came across that yesterday.... :)
  11. So true, we had a wonderful time. I went to PIP last year and thought I had a blast... but it was nothing compared to this years event, and I am sure next year will be better yet!!!
  12. Always happy to oblige, Captain! Perhaps I should also mention I'm an excellent cook... maybe Nigel simply needs some lessons? you'd offer up cooking lessons to Nigel? If you could possibly make it where the concoctions he creates in the kitchen do not frighten us, we would be eternally greatful :)
  13. Ahoy all Pirates of the Coast!!! Whether you realized it or not... many or the items you all last voyaged with, did not return to your home ports.... that is because they are now part of the plunder of the Capt and I. Among the items in our new treasure chest: 1 scrunchie - green - gee I wonder whose this could be.... 1 black/cream colored Black Kat Morgan sized bodice 1 package of drywall screws(half used) 1 black square scarf(nice soft material) 1 pair of pliers 1 small wooden box (with assorted jewels and coins woohoo!!!) 1 roll of twine (on a green dispenser) 1 skeleton (paper) a number of pirate hats(paper) 2 pirate flags(1 of which being a Bay Point Bucaneers flag.) 1 Thumb(plastic...I think and it is not from the aforementioned skeleton... i checked :) ) In true pirate fashion, I will offer the return of these items...for a price... They can be purchased individually, or as a lot of pirate plunder! who will start the bidding on the goods???
  14. Hello sir, It was great to see you at PIP, and well, it's Orlando, there is ALWAYS a convention here... it's just a matter of convincing someone that it's a convention you need to attend :)
  15. uhhh...yes...i was and speaking of summer sausages.... OLAF! if you ever leave one of those nasty things open in my cooler that has no ice in it again....i'll.....i will...uhhhh.... TIE YOU DOWN AND TICKLE YOU!!!! ewww...summer sausage in a hot cooler....yuck..... although for some reason I can picture Olaf not caring and chomping down on it anyway..... and i'll assist in the tickling abuse of Olaf
  16. Ohh, when is Pirate Soul opening, exactly?! The soft opening is Dec 20th, but the Grand Opening (Which we will be attending) will be Jan 5th. By the way, if you go to Pirates of the Coast and check out voyages, you will see all the 'upcoming events' for the crewe!
  17. hahaha yes indeed.... although my rum would have to be in one of those fruity foo-fooy drinks :)... maybe a Crab Trap from Crabby Dicks like i had on the Pub stroll this year..... and maybe Nigel could mix up his diet and have pepto coated popcorn... or peanut butter popcorn....or summer sausage popcorn....all the possibilities are AMAZING!!
  18. At least it's now not just the Capt and I who have to go 'my god, how does this man live on these weird food combinations.... You still have not seen the amount of peanut butter(and damn near nothing else) Nigel lives on.... or the ever famous summer sausage omlets that drive the Capt crazy.... (he keeps saying... those summer sausage things are not meant to be fried up in eggs...) Although you have experienced the joys of his 'prep time' when you were waiting for the bathroom :)
  19. But wait! There's more!!!! Ok, well it's not ready to be viewed yet, but I also got the other side of things... the b-roll of the video from the ship that was sent out to the weather channel and such.... there are great videos of Paisley giving last rites... and in one case tripping enough over the verse that she looks at the captain and says 'oh good gracious, just toss her in already' great pics of Jennifer(our winner) going into the water, Don Maitz handstand entry.... and of course the adorable Olaf with his ever so friendly gesture and backflip into the drink. The captain will be working to edit that in coming days/weeks and we'll make that available for everyone to see.... ok he'll make it available... i am just volunteering him to do it
  20. I would approve such a title change, you did afterall move my booty...and a lot of it.... you know... the jewelry and stuff....
  21. *uuuuh bartender...... over here please.. can i get...ummmm....5 mojitos for the pirate at the end of the bar please. ok ok... don't offer up 5 drinks... I'll have to make sure I match or beat that # when he joins us for the opening of pirate soul in January (but, yes I will take pictures of whatever abuse we put him through)
  22. Hahahaha you obviously don't know where your protection is.... the Capt would likely have more fun at your expense than I. I just said I wanted you to be more worldly...that means going into new places, learning ot adjust to different surroundings... meanwhile the Capt... well he's more of a trial by fire kind of guy.... I would not be surprised if he were to start telling some of the folks in the joint that you purchased a drink for them.
  23. you were on the balcony giving the good bye flashing as we all loaded into the van at 4 in the morning to leave... and I love the photo of the nigel artwork..... You know, anytime you happen to hop onto I-4 and head this way... just gimme a jingle on my cell and I will make sure to let you know when Nigel is asleep, and you and your sharpie can have your way with him again!!
  24. I don't remember... I was a little under the control of me drink! But I do remember that I wondered into a few places that I DID NOT STAY LONG!!! If you wonder into a bar of that sort dressed as a pirate... ye will be expecting ta be felt on.......... See ya on the sidewalk! tsk tsk.... my poooooor unworldly pirate child..... I agree with Paisley....we'll have to take ya to both 801 and Aqua, and get rid of your paranoia....
  25. 801 one of the clubs in Key West... you passed it on your nightly walks down Duval.... I've met Sushi and some of the other girls...they're great! Diosa
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