Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 8 replies
In a determined effort to get some bloody enjoyment out of living twenty-five minutes outside of a big city already (and as a reward for not buying the various superfluous piratical items I've had my eye on at various internet sites and shops), I extravagantly splurged and bought a ticket to see "The Pirates of Penzance" on Thursday evening this week. It's apparently a good seat, the guy said something about the orchestra seating/section/whatever (and it had BETTER be a good seat ... I mean, the ticket was for under $50, which really is good for a good seat at a nice show, I know ... but STILL) ... I got the soundtrack awhile ago and still haven't found time to sit down …
Last reply by William Blydes, -
- 7 replies
My pirate novel, "The Legend of La Tormenta," will be published by Archebooks Publishers in February 2006. Yay!
Last reply by OryginalCinn, -
- 10 replies
So there is this lovely series of manga called One Piece and i happened upon it recently and i bought the first book. i liked it but i want to see what others thought of the other books in the series befori i go and buy them all. also i wanted to find any anime / manga enthusiasts so i can see what they say and try to relate better to my anime obsessed comrads. well post away please!
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 12 replies
Ahoy Mates, Johnny Depp will be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight (Wed). He will be talking about his new movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Jack II
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 32 replies
Sid Meier's Pirates!, the long awaited sequel to (or remake of) the classic Pirates! and Pirates! Gold has hit the stores this week. Has anyone here already played it? I am considering getting it and I' d like a few opinions. Although the graphics are stunning, the game seems to have remained much the same as last time around.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
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I'm not really sure what "Pirates of the burning sea" is, it seems to be a game that you play online, but more importantly, it has some pretty computer generated images of ships. maybe it's something you could all get into (or maybe you're already into it) either way, have a look at it.
Last reply by Nam Singh, -
- 1 reply
Ahoy!! So ye wish ta sail yer fleet o'er da waters o' da Crimson Coast? Tink ye have da metele, seys you? BE WARNED! The sea be crawlin' wit da likes o' Pirates, English, Spanish, French an' American ships awaitin' ta runs ye aground an' take yer gold, yer crew, yer ship, yer forts an' e'en yer life! I lived me years to da full, an ol' salt o' da sea, an I seen many a battle fought on dese 'er waters. Take heed! Many a poor seasman be swept down ta Davey Jone's Locker whilest others be horribly wounded by the likes o' Musketeers an' Marines. Many a ship be torn appart, burned up, o'er lost at sea under the hands o' skilled Captians, Cannoneers, Stinkpot Specialist, …
Last reply by John_Young, -
Since the screen writers, Ted and Terry spilled the bilge at the screening tonight I will share it with you. (Ahem) The oficial working title for POTC 2 is: *DEAD MAN"S CHEST* And once again, they want to make it very clear the Kieth Richards is NOT in the movie. Night all!
Last reply by Charity, -
- 7 replies
Well I was raiding the aisle of the local Toys Arrrr Us plundering Star Wars figures when I happened to wander over to the Lego section. Seems that Mega Bloks, the company that puts out Dragons, is now releasing a set called Pyrates! They have 3 different crews: The Privateers, the Mauraders, and the Skeleton Crew. Yes, the Skeleton Crew are... well, skeletons. They're coming out with 3 skulls that open up to become islands, each has 3 figures. Pouches with 2 figures and treasure inside. The Maurader ship and the Skeleton ship. A pyrate isle playset. The figures are very detailed, much more so than old school lego figs. Find them today, or explore: Pyrates home…
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 25 replies
Just watched it again, for the fourth time. I love it more, and learn more about period (1805) nautical matters each time I see it! Capt. William
Last reply by Cut-throat, -
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Yellow Beard! If anyone can or does have a way to copy a copy fer me I'd make it worth yer whiles I would!
Last reply by Cut-throat, -
- 5 replies
I was just looking up something on Wikipedia (Fabulous creation that, probably the best thing to come out of the internet) and I followed some links and eventually ended up at Guybrush Threepwood, where it mentions a similarity between Guybrush and Will Turner from POTC, what an absolutely fascinating thought! Don't everybody say "Well I already thought of THAT!" I have not played Monkey Island since it came out in the early 90s and I was a wee teen. though the website writes "somewhat unlikely due to possible copyright infringement lawsuits", you never can tell what might of inspired the creation of a character. and as my old drama teacher used to say,(hey, I'm alread…
Last reply by Captain Charlotte Savvy, -
- 17 replies
I was flipping through the channels when I saw Captain Jack in a Terri Clark video on CMT. Very curious. Turns out it's not Depp, but it's a pretty good likeness. For those of you who despise country, you will be challenged, but for the more open-minded, you can check it out on line... Girls Lie Too Link (This is on Yahoo!. You will have to sign into a Yahoo! account to see the video.)
Last reply by Duchess, -
- 11 replies
Anyone else addicted to Pirateer? Great tabletop game, described as: Pirateer the game of outrageous fortune by the Mendocino Game Company Vast treasure, fast ships and cutthroat rivals await you on the seas of Pirateer, the fast-paced strategy game where fortunes turn on pirate skullduggery and a roll of the dice. Easy to learn, yet challenging for all ages, this award winning mix of luck, skill and treachery will entertain your family for years. Hoist the Jolly Roger and fire your imagination with Pirateer, the game of outrageous fortune. There's a weekly gathering at the local pub to play.. generates lots of lively goin's-on... I got a copy of the 25th Ann…
Last reply by Killian, -
- 0 replies
i was in the chat roomm with mr.farley and checked and couldn't find the 1st chapter there, but did find 1& 2 at crown - catalog - here's the link to them:
Last reply by lady snow, -
- 0 replies
Ripley's Believe it or Not is holding a Talk Like a Pirate Contest at their locations in San Francisco, CA, San Antonio, and Gatlinburg, Tenn. There will be nine winners at each location. First place in each category: Men , Women & Children wins $400 in cash and prizes! There's no cost to participate. Sounds like a great chance to dress up, talk like a pirate and take home some plunder! It all starts this Saturday, June 18 in SanFrancisco. More info: Ripley's 2005 Talk Like a Pirate Contest
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Gregory, -
- 6 replies
I am ISO A Pirate's Life for Me - I can only find it for Cingular so far - anyone know where I can download it for a Verizon Sanyo phone?
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 5 replies
I have good news for Captain Hook fans. There is another prequel to Peter Pan coming out, and it has nothing to do with Peter and the Starcatchers. This one is simply called Capt. Hook, so I'm sure everyone can figure out who the (anti)hero of the story is. It was written by J. V. Hart and illustrated by Brett Helquist. I just finished an advance reader's edition of the book (it goes on sale in August) and I have to say that I liked it better than Harry Potter. It starts with a fifteen-year-old James entering Eton and then shows everything that leads him to becoming a pirate. If anyone wants to know more, I will be happy to provide details with as few spoilers as …
Last reply by Captain Charlotte Savvy, -
- 4 replies
Now here is a taste treat that's bound ta make some kinda impression!
Last reply by Nomadicalpirate, -
- 1 reply
I'm not a huge fan of computer games, good thing too as this machine can do little more than run the 'net and a 5 year old version of 'word'. However - I was tootling about the ol' shopping mall a few days back and saw an interesting little game for just $7. It goes by the title Sea Dogs and it's made by, according to the box in front of me, a company called "Bethesda Softworks" you are the infamous Captain Nick and you sail the archipelago looting(and working for) the French, Spanish, English and (of course) the Brotherhood of pirates! you can sail anything from a cannonless trading canoe to a 68 gun Man of War. I'll leave any more details for you to discover yours…
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 8 replies
Jack Dolls Jack Dolls 2
Last reply by Jonathan Hawks, -
- 2 replies
Our small fish pond transformed into Tortuga. Notice the fish swimming around Jack!!!
Last reply by Mission, -
- 17 replies
Hope this is al'right, Iron Bess, I saw a link to these off of a JD site. O_o They're not mine! Beware ye all of spoilers ahead! Cover yer deadlights if'n ye like to be spoil'r-free for the new films. {URL was deleted to protect in the name of the pyracy pub. If'n yer dying for this information, ye must go treasure huntin on yer own, off this site. ~Blackheartedly, Pearl}
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 3 replies
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow E3 2005 Impressions We had a chance to take an up-close look at Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow, the upcoming pirate-themed action game from publisher Bethesda Softworks and developer 7 Studios (the latter is currently working on the Fantastic Four game for Activision). Unlike the previous pirate-themed game released by Bethesda (which was a strategy game similar to Sid Meier's Pirates!), The Legend of Jack Sparrow will be a full-on third-person brawling game in which you'll play as the titular pirate Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp in the motion picture) or as Will Turner (played by Orlando Bl…
Last reply by Ace of Harbor Bay, -
- 26 replies
Lego Pirate Wars: Optional Rules
Last reply by Patrick Hand,