Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 4 replies
We are the International Brotherhood Of Neutral Pyrates, aka The Pyrates Union The World's First and ONLY official Pyrates Union Welcome aboard the Pyrate Ship Neutral... A place where Pyrates can be Pyrates without conflict, back stabbing or general contempt. We be an easy going bunch who seek fun, frolick and a rum or two along the way. Despite any rumours, we LIKE to make friends with other Pyrates ...and remain...well...neutral, to all matters that be considered "Pyrate politicks". So climb aboard, grab a grog and set sail...there be places to see, Pyrates to meet and fun to be had!
Last reply by HildeKitten, -
- 6 replies
A dear friend gave me the Pirate Primer for a gift. It is a lexicon of pirate speech from history, TV, and movies. Any of you see this fine tome?
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 0 replies
Sorry fer cross postin', but I figured it works better this way, than havin' any Pyrates miss it.... This is posted in RABBLE ROUSING Round two of the Pyracy Pub sketchbooks..... starting Halloween...... (how cool is that ?...... )
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 9 replies
I am not sure where to put this. I am hoping to be fairly historically accurate, but it really isn't, as it is not based on any one specific ship. So, here is my (initial and basic) background for my model of a "pirate ship." The model has been discussed on the Pub before. (Now: remember the model, itself, is a 1/96th scale USS Constitution that has converted into a 1/48 scale ship. The deck is modified by removal/not putting on model the top deck in front of the rear mast. Accordingly, it also is only using 1/2 the gun-ports on the model and the gun deck is open topped. So, it will only have 26 minions.) The Thistle was originally laid down to be a privateer in Quee…
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 2 replies
i wents to walmart and while there passed the dvd section... ye would not believe what be in the 2 fer $10 giant bin. there was pyrate booty me tells ye, right there in front of both me eyes. -blackbeard, starring angus macfadyen: aye, i've read your reviews... me knows its not historically correct, but hell it be funner than doing nothing at all wid out rum or hangin' waitin' for the crows to pluck ye eyes out!... but wait, says me... it gets betterer! -buccaneers (never heard of this series in black and white), the adventures of dan tempest (robert shaw). this is a 3 disk set with 39 episodes of swashbuckling adventure, ships, swords and the like... all this o…
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
The movie is called: Perfume "The Story Of A Murderer" Now before you say anything... 1.) Take a look at the trailers 2.) Check out the wardrobe 3.) Check out the excellent locations Did I mention Alan Rickman, Dustin Hoffman and Rachel Hurd-Wood??? Bottom line... Just go rent it and watch it yourself! Because with all due honesty, I really liked this film and I wouldn't ask someone to spend good money for nothing! Well worth the rental!!! BTW: I love a good sleeper that slipped past the critics!!
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 3 replies
For anybody interested, on Wednesday at 8am and 2pm there will be a 2 hour show on the History Channel titled "The True Pirates of the Caribbean". I don't know if it's new or not but I've already set my Tivo to record it... - from their website- "Blackbeard. Anne Bonny. Henry Jennings. Calico Jack. Henry Morgan. Black Bart Roberts. During the mid to late 17th and early 18th centuries, they were feared criminals. The Caribbean was their domain, the parade of treasure and cargo to Europe their target. The origins of Caribbean piracy began when Columbus made landfall in the Bahamas. Two years later, the Pope granted Spain the exclusive right to the Caribbean and most of th…
Last reply by Red Bess, -
- 12 replies
A> B>Only the guy in the pink shirt counts C-he & D-she> Group shot to helps ye out.
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 23 replies
OK here's where I'll say I could care less that it's wasn't perfectly PC or even PFC. But for about six bucks I picked up the Blackbeard miniseries at Wallyworld.. That's about three hours of pirate Sh-tuff for the price of lunch!! A nice change from Jack Sparrow!
Last reply by blackbonie, -
- 24 replies
I think I am showing my age! Who remebers the Pirate song from Emerson Lake and Palmer 1977 album works? "....the Turk, the Arab, the Spaniard will soon have pennies on their eyes and any other laden fancy we will take her by surprise" That was my theme when I was on the fencing team in College!
Last reply by Iron Jon, -
- 5 replies
Those of you on Facebook might be interested in joining the Pirate side in the global battle against the evil Ninjas: Arrr... sign the articles, mates!
Last reply by HildeKitten, -
- 28 replies
Was at Wal-Mart the other night, had to get a few items when noticed more PotC stuff, including new Zizzle figures from AWE! Rock on! Also picked up a small deck of cards with the PotC theme on them. Ooooo. I'm keeping my eyes open! I know Christine mentioned she spotted the movie book already. :) ~Lady B
Last reply by Maggie Crowe, -
- 6 replies
Finally got my Kellogg's POTC projection clock in the mail today! It's pretty cool, and they even give you the two AAA batteries to go in it. It's base is 3 inches by 3 inches, and it's 4 inches tall. When you press down on the skull, the time shines on the wall for about 10 seconds.
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 10 replies
"Pirate" Contestant Found Dead of Apparent Suicide Posted Jul 30th 2007 11:19AM by TMZ Staff Filed under: TV, R.I.P. Cheryl Kosewicz, from the recently canceled CBS reality show "Pirate Master," was found dead in her home on Friday, KOLO-TV in Reno is reporting. Officials told the station the death is believed to be a suicide, but is still under investigation. Just two months earlier, Kosewicz's boyfriend also took his own life. Her death was confirmed by fellow "Pirate Master" contestant Nessa Nemir, who posted on the show's Facebook page, "All of the pirates and Cheryl's friends and family are shocked and devastated. It is a tragic loss that we all feel very deeply…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 0 replies
A long time ago, in a world before SCA there be a hobby called, "plastic model buildin". One company involved in this scandalous takeover of the country's youth was know as the Aurora Plastics Co. 1950 ta '70 was their glory years, then, fallin' on changin' times they was sold ta a larger corp entity who ignored the market and the assets (molds an copyrights) was sold off around '77. The company acquirin' most 'o the booty (Monogram) shipped the molds via train to their location. Along the route (as the legend goes) the train wrecks and many of the molds are lost . Monogram later scraps many others as being obsolete. The actual tally remains unknown to this day. Aroun…
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 4 replies
I'm in need of a picture of Morgan Adams from Cutthroat Adams. I'm looking for a picture of her in the white dress from the slave auction. Done many searches but can't find this one. Anybody got a link. Hawkyns
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
Patrick Stewart as Captain Ahab. The worst cinematography and special effects of any recent movie I've seen. It makes the 1953 version '20,000 leagues Under the Sea' look as good and modern as Lucasfilm's greatest achievement.
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare, -
- 11 replies
A bit-post period, but does anyone remember the tale? Tiger feared on the loose Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:33AM EDT BORDEAUX, France (Reuters) - Police in southwestern France are searching for a big cat, possibly a young tiger, that has been spotted prowling in a village near the city of Bordeaux, the village's mayor said Thursday. Officials from the National Hunting Office have also laid traps for the animal after a woman and her daughter saw it repeatedly in their garden. "At first they didn't believe it, but the third time the animal was 10 meters (yards) away from them," Pierre Soubabere, mayor of Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand, told Reuters. Another resident has seen the …
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare, -
- 0 replies
Hello fellow Pyrates, Last night I was watching CSPAN and they had an interview with the founder of Wikipedia. I had never known how it was started, it was trully interesting. The founder mentioned there are many splinter wikia and since there is none on the topic of Pirates, (perhaps someone here may get one started..hmmm Carricolli comes to they do have a POTC wiki. I thought I would share the link with you to check out or partake in. POTC Wiki
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 17 replies
ANAHEIM, Calif. - - As Disneyland hosts a summer filled with buccaneers lodgings fit for a pirate king – or a loyal fan of Pirates of the Caribbean – can now be found in the elegant “Pirates of the Caribbean Suite” atop the Sierra Tower of the Disneyland Hotel at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim. The Disneyland Resort celebrates the popular film franchise with newly added enhancements to the attraction as the crafty Captain Jack Sparrow, his ruthless and cunning nemesis Barbossa, and Davy Jones, the legendary ruler of the ocean depths, have joined the “Wildest crew to ever sack the Spanish Main” in the classic Disney Park adventure. After a three month closure for the en…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 6 replies
Aye there Mates, Whats yer favorite movies and Tv Shows, its knowing what me fellow Pirates and Lasses like.....
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 14 replies
Finally had time to get it together. Mostly dollar store piratey stuff. I did buy one set of the minature figures at the Disney store but they are not to scale to the ships but that's OK. It's for enjoyment purposes and nothing else... If you look closely, you will see honey bees taking swigs of water from the drift wood. It's been dry for weeks and all the creatures are extremely thirsty. My neighbor is a beekeeper and every year we get the most delicious honey. Last year we had purple honey-very sweet!
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 6 replies
Mr Depp move over, Pirate Larry sails into theaters Jan. 2008 as "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" hits the big screen. Hey, I think I know those mates Steven St'arr
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 14 replies
this might have been uploaded already but someone sent it to me and made lots of sense.. sorta. ------------------------------------------------------------- Bush Administration issues Letters of Marque to Airlines President Bush announced today that the administration had decided on a cost-effective way to assist the nation's flagging airlines, most of whom have suffered from declining ticket sales in the past two years. "We believe that issuing Letters of Marque to our airlines will enable them to recoup a substantial percentage of their losses at virtually no expense to the American taxpayer," Bush said in a Rose Garden ceremony yesterday afternoon. "This is, to…
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 23 replies
I need yer help me hearties. Two friends of mine do have a modell of the Pearl, but want to make it look even more like her. They need detailed pics of the ship. Things like the rigging, the ships bell or the figurehead. They promised me pics of their finished project. So, if any of you have any detailed pics or links to websites, please let me know. Thank you.
Last reply by Silent,