Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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I stumbled across this funny pic and had to share...thought I would start a post that had pics that were not neccessarily people pics....
Last reply by CaptainSatan, -
- 6 replies
I happen to stumble across this website and thought I would share it has some cute pyratical tees.. Evil Genius Tees
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
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It's nice to once in awhile see all the good things we have to say about him backed up in print!
Last reply by MadL, -
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Just thought I'd share....
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
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Last reply by Bloodrose, -
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Last reply by CaptainSatan, -
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I was cruising the aisles of KMart today...look'n for someone to waite on me.... when My little wench spotted a $70 POTC DVD player on sale for $14....I grabbed for a keepsake as it were then on the shelf just above it she spotted a POTC treasure chest CD player with the red (blinking ) heart of Davey Jones were on sale for only $10...I be a richer man (collector) for it....aaaaarrrrggggghhhh! Oh how my plunder grows.... You might check out the Kmart in your area to see if they are purging their stock........Happy Plunder'n Joe
Last reply by CaptainSatan, -
- 4 replies
I was so thrilled to find Pirate themed Pens at the 99 cents store this weekend. I ended up buying 6 for friends and family. They are really cool...check out your local 99cents store and hit up the Stationary section...pens, pencils, notebooks etc. I also saw ruled notebooks that had skulls and crossbones on them as well.
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
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Hey folks, I don't know if you ever saw the 1979 production of this musical? I remember catching it on PBS and thinking wow this is some kind of really really dark play and did not bother to watch it because it was so so dark, well that was then. I recently rented the new Production with Johnny Depp and WOW it was throughly well done! The sets and the actor/singers where all fab! Even Borat! Did you know that each actor was not a singer but trained for singing for this movie? I thought they all did a fantastic job! Costumes where great as well and the dark makeup for Helen and Johnny were primo!
Last reply by Kate Souris, -
- 1 reply
Premise of the story is: The real Jack Sparrow was almost completely written out of the history books (because he owed all those historians money, LOL), except for a few passages that one of the writers of potc read about and used as a template. So now everyone knows who he is, but it took a Disney Movie to finally get him some recognition. I play the real Jack Sparrow but everyone thinks I'm just an impersonator. The real Jack (me) lived on by drinking the water from the fountain of youth. Think a dis-gruntled Jack Sparrow (who turns out to be a real person..errr. pirate) and not even Johnny knew he existed. The idea is about Keith Richards being a descendent of the …
Last reply by Jants, -
- 9 replies
Don't forget to tune in for the first ever episode of Bilgemunky Adventures (hint - it will likely be at the beginning of the 9 o'clock hour of Bilgemunky Radio CST) Visit my link below to catch it, or visit Yar.
Last reply by MadL, -
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I happen to read the subject of Pirate on Wiki and there was this strange notation from the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" is the article..they compare Global Warming to the number of Pirates decreasing in the world...quick we need to recruit more pirates...! Flying spaghetti monster - letter
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
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- 823 views Have a care, you'll find a couple more versions of this around...
Last reply by Hester, -
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If you haven't seen this, it is cute and funny. Maybe it it only funny because i work for an airline,. maybe I can go work for them now
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
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...from the topic about the Pirate Bowling bag,..Iron Bess mentioned...Pirate Cannon Ball bowling bag...which had me wonder...and then I found this...thought I would share... Bowling Ball Cannon
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
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I spotted this and had to post it..thought it was so cute Pirate Bowling bag
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
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On Ace of Cakes this last Sunday a pirate wedding cake was made for a pirate wedding in Baltimore. Does anyone know who's wedding it was?
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 29 replies
Yar, I found the trailer for the movie Stardust and noticed that Robert DeNiro will be playing a role in the film as a pirate captain. True, he's the captain of a "flying" pirate ship, but oh well. He's still a pirate...
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
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The final episode of bus pirates has just been released. Just thought I'd pass that along to those of you following the series.
Last reply by MadL, -
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Anyone see Family Guy this weekend? Peter gets a parrot and becomes a pirate. My fav quote from the show was something like: "Ha-HA!... Let us get our fill of bread and wine and tell stories of other times we have had our fill of bread and wine....Ha-HA!" There is a good swashbuckling scene with a Brit in a Mini carrying a cargo of spices, tobacco and rum. Peter's crew overtakes the Mini in his station wagon. Cannons firing, sword fighting.. all good piratical adventure. It was only one act of the show, then he goes off and does other non-pirate stuff. I hope to see the scenes again on YouTube soon.
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 9 replies
Does anyone know where I can find the lyrics to the song Captain Hook is playing/singing when Wendy is brought in? I know it's called "Toora Loora Lo", but I can't find lyrics for it anywhere. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Misson, -
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Ahoy, mates one and all! My first book, Characters: The Buffalo Soldier and Other Poems is finally out for purchase! It will be available on Amazon.Com in about six weeks or ye can buy a copy at Or you can go to me website, , and follow the links. The poems are varied but the book does contain "The Homecoming of Danny Fry," a poem about a pirate leaving the sweet trade for the easy life in the village he grew up in and the effect that his return has on his neighbors. Thank you for considering me work! Blackbead AKA Stephen Sanders
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 20 replies
I guess everyone knows Ol' Johnny is doing a musical in Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd (heh...almost typed James Burton, Elvis' guitarist) . You can certainly catch the scoop on the website Let's not forget dear Geofferey Rush in the new flick "Elizabeth", this seems perfect for him.
Last reply by Blackbead, -
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Wild Shore Press just published my novel of modern and 19th century pyracy, anarchism, and global change, "the Ganymeade Protocol"!!!! Run on over to in a downloading frenzy :). three years work and its finally out...whew.....
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 2 replies
For all of you who might be interested... Review from the New York Times "Arrr! By SARAH HUGHES SILVER My Own Tale as Written by Me With a Goodly Amount of Murder. By Edward Chupack. 275 pp. Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press. $23.95. The resurrection of fiction’s most popular characters — in novels like Geraldine Brooks’s Pulitzer Prize-winning “March” and Donald McCaig’s “Rhett Butler’s People” — has become a popular genre in recent times. But these books, with their well-polished 21st-century prose, have little in common with Edward Chupack’s “Silver,” a scabrous reimagining of the life of Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous creation. Instead, this witty romp res…
Last reply by MadL,