Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 6 replies
Ok it's not piracy... but I'm hooked on the firefly series.. ANyone else???
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 1 reply
We already gots our selves two Blackbeard movie pictures, one Yellowbeard movie picture, naught two but THREE Capt'n Jack movie pictures, 'n a whole host o' Capt'n Hook ones; now they say they be fix'n t' make yet another Capt'n Jack picture what moves. But what 'bout someth'n real, what 'bout one we can relate t'? How 'bout a nice family moving picture what tells o' a wholesome story like: "Little Red Ride'n Wench 'n th' Big Bad Pirate" like th' one our mu'das use'd t' read t' us as wee little snipes, just befer crack'n us on th' noggin with a rum bottle t' put us t' sleep, ye knows th' one; that one where th' sexy grand daughter o' Calico Jack 'n Marry Reed goes ski…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
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Ahoy Mates, There is a free online social simulation game called Second Life for download on the interwebz. From what I've heard it has a rather big Pirate gathering as well as some great looking Pirate scenery and towns. My information is limited as I'm still in the creation phase of my character. Bilge Munky is the DJ for an in-game party that will be happening on Wed. November 19th at 1pm Pacific. He's asked all us Knife Fighters to attend and I'm spreading the word to anyone that does not frequent his website. This (apparently) will only be the first of many events so don't feel bad if you can't make it this upcoming Wed. It's completely free and you get to …
Last reply by Hawk the QM, -
- 24 replies
Warner Bros has a remake of *Captain Blood* in the Pipeline. God Bless us one and all. Let the games begin as to the casting.....
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 20 replies
Short and Sweet. Time Bandits. Need I say more?
Last reply by Cascabel, -
- 1 reply
If you like random short animations on flash AND you like the humorous/dirty side of pirates, then check out The funny part about the website is all the hidden goodies. You'll have to click around randomly to find the really good stuff. Yaaaar! EDIT: It's made by Red Beard of Mizzen. A great band that's just having fun. You can check out Mizzen's myspace as well, but I can't link it as work has Myspace on permo-ban =(
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
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On South Park last night the most dangerous creature on the planet that nearly conquered the world was: X X X X X X X X This is a spoiler X X X X X X X X X X You have been warned X X X X X X X X X Sheer off now lad X X X X X X X X X A PIRATE guinea pig!
Last reply by Hawk the QM, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy Mateys, This message was sent by the trooper who visit's m'lass's school. Its from another trooper who circulated the message. Thought we all bein pirates and LOVES pirate candy, that we should know, for our good and for our chilluns! With Halloween a few days away, like there's nothing else to worry about: Sherwood brand Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate coins are being recalled due to the fact that they contain Melamine, the ingredient in milk product that has caused many infant deaths in china. These candies are sold at Costco, as well as many bulk and dollar stores. please make sure to check your children's Halloween candy and DO NOT LET THEM …
Last reply by William Blydes, -
- 2 replies
I am doing some research on her and would like to find all the information I can. Have any of you read or located some good history her? Thank you!!
Last reply by Sheila, -
- 8 replies
Break Out Th' Guns Lads - This Means WAR!!! Don't Talk Like A Pirate Day! I just found this notice posted in port: (clipit) Microsoft plans on Tuesday to announce “Global Anti-Piracy Day,” an effort to gain attention for the steps the company undertakes in order to thwart those who would engage in th' sweet trade and enjoy festivals while talking like a pirate and drinking gallons of rum. As part of the event, Microsoft is highlighting recent antipiracy efforts in 49 countries, ranging from hangings, floggings, imprisonment, and confiscation of weapons and arms. It’s the kind of thing that Microsoft does all the time, although the company is aiming for some …
Last reply by MadL, -
- 1 reply
I have earlier this day acquired new booty...uh...personal order, thru the library wherein I work. This is the book "Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah", by Barry Clifford. The book is dedicated to John King. It's a children's book, to be sure, so there's little information in here that's new, for those in the know. However, there's some very good illustrations and photos between the covers (altho the audience, or "gloaters", at the pirate trial depicted appear to be more 19th century than early 18th...don't ask me why.) For those curious, here's a link to the Amazon page--->
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 4 replies
Jewish Pirates If you don't want to go to the link. Here's the article: The Jewish Journal By Adam Wills There's no arrr-guing that pirates are in. As of last weekend, Disney had plundered $1 billion worldwide with "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," and International Talk Like a Pirate Day -- that's Sept. 19, for you landlubbers -- has gone from an inside joke between two friends to a mock holiday celebrated in more than 40 countries. Yet tales of Jewish piracy, which stretch back thousands of years, aren't in the public's consciousness, and Hollywood even has been known to remove a pirate's Jewish background. As a result, we're stuck with portrayals o…
Last reply by Lady Cassandra Seahawke, -
- 39 replies
Some franchises just don’t know when to quit. Whether or not people are getting sick and tired of the whole Pirates of the Caribbean thing, when a franchise makes that much money, it’s hard to let it die. We’ve been hearing rumblings about a possible fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie for months now, but tonight I got an email from the old friend of the site which not only confirmed a fourth movie will almost certainly be happening, but dropped details on where the series may end up going when it continues. Our source says that Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is no longer just a possibility, it’s almost a certainty. More importantly, Johnny Depp is all but assured to retur…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 3 replies
Has anyone read these books and could give me a ya! or nay! on them? Pirattitude and The Pirate's Life by chumbucket and slappy or The Pirate Primmer: Mastering the language of swashbucklers and rogues Kinda curious about them and would like some feedback if you please. edit: the only review I could find was by Bilgemunky. Yaaaaaaar can you say tangent? =)
Last reply by Hawk the QM, -
- 11 replies
Any suggestions? I saw some glow-in-the-dark makeup at Party City yesterday. I was tempted to buy it, but I wonder how well it works...
Last reply by Hawk the QM, -
- 0 replies
FAIRE MAGAZINE IS AT PRESS! I just approved the final proofs. . . in just a week and a half, your first issue will be in the mail to you. . . provided you've subscribed! www.fairemagazine and $22 via PayPal and you get four quarterly issues of what promises to be the new favorite magazine of Rennies and Pirates everywhere! PLUS. . . if you're within the first 500 subscribers, you get a really fancy metal pin to wear on your garb. We've only got the first 300 spots taken so there's still time to get your FREE pin!
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 4 replies
I found this while aimlessly wandering the net. Looks like a right fine bit of work. And free to boot!
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
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What be my favorite piratical fiction? Why, mateys, that be an easy one. It would be The Pyrates, by George MacDonald Fraser, same guy what wrote the Flashman series of books...and also did the screenplay for the 3/4 Musketeers (the 1975 one with Michael York, Oliver Reed, and Frank Finley). Don't be going into the book looking for historical accuracies...its not that kind of pirate story. But there's heroes, anti-heroes (Irish, at that), evil villains, battles between great towering sea castles, duels, rescues, harrowing escapes, lost jungle cities, and, oh yes...pirates.
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 11 replies
Pat Croce, who own's Pirate Soul Museum in Key West , Florida is helping to produce and make a major movie on BlackBeard, to come out in 2010.
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
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Why hasn't anyone talked about this book yet?!?! Where's Bilgemunky's book reviews when you need 'em? Silver: My Own Tale As Written by Me With a Goodly Amount of Murder
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 31 replies
Ahoy, everyone! I have a proposition for all poets (and artists) who have not published before but who would like to see if they can make a ducat or two from their poems or artwork. I've recently self-published two books of poetry and am adept at the process it requires. One of the poems is entitled "The Homecoming of Danny Fry." It tells the tale of a young Englishman who goes to sea, becomes a member of a privateer crew (at some point becoming captain), and then, after years of being at sea, he comes home to live out his life in the village where he was born. His first night home he goes back to a friend's pub and spends all night drinking and feasting with his old…
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 19 replies
Juse saw a commercial for this barbecue sauce. I think I'm going to have to get me some... Buccaneer Blends
Last reply by Mad Jack Morgan, -
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I was browsing through videos at the library when I found this. It had some fairly good background on men like Kidd and the like. The section on Anne Bonney and Mary read was differant in that they where not portayed by the typical hollywood types but by very plain and even homley actresses. The best part was a section that was made up of trailers for Pirate movies from the 40's and 50's, Black Swan, Treasure Island and such. They don't make them like that any more! Morever it seemed that about half of them starred Maureen O'Hara as "The Firey Redhead" who drove men crazy. The Video was not the greatest, a lot of stock footage, but it was worth the price(free).
Last reply by buckskin37, -
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You can now purchase the book many of us have contributed to.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 19 replies
Dang! I only caught the last 20 minuted of the program last night on the National Geographic channel...couldn't help it, I was in-between watching the clinching Stanley Cup final....those penguins. Is this an old telecast?
Last reply by Matusalem,