Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
the previous owners of my wall tent used 5/8 or3/4 inch rope for securing the tent to the stakes... methinks this is overkill and i also need some more rope for the fly... has some 5mm rope fairly cheap and is rated for 280#... thinking of getting some to replace the ropes for the tent and use it for the fly also... anyone see any problems using the 5mm rope ?? ALSO... the toggles used for the tent ( i have none for the fly ) are drilled out to accept the larger rope... do i need toggles with smaller holes for smaller rope or will the larger holed toggles work as well ?? tia
Last reply by MarkG, -
There has been so much discussion concerning stays, and so many enthusiastic folk attempting their first, that the Captain and I thought this may be of help. These are all period patterns ~ I made stays for myself from Simplicity, Butterick, and the below patterns, and have found the GAoP patterns to be the most comfortable. Be sure to note the seam and boning placement ~ this is critical to achieving the cone form, as opposed to a tubular form. How I used these patterns ~ I measured from the center of my breastbone to just above my privates, for the busk (wooden stabilizer which completes the form ~ can also be switched out for boning or reed, for a more flexible fit).…
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 11 replies
Well in prep for Blackbeards in June I had to make my little one something to wear. Here is her in it. Been playing in it all afternoon.
Last reply by Atala Syrcuse, -
- 31 replies
I came across a ladies short jacket in Janet Arnold's Pattern of Fashion 1 It's patterned after Snowshill Manor c.1720-1740 I might be adding trim and I still have to hem the skirt but it's almost done. The jacket is cream silk brocade with the bodice and sleeves lined with linen. The skirt is unlined.
Last reply by Lily Alexander, -
- 27 replies
Here are the first pics of the game chest I have been working on. It came out larger than anticipated, but it should have enough room for all of Lily's games with room for growth (and then some). Or it could double as a impromptu dinner table. It is made of 1/2" poplar with pine trim. The top was done with milk paint. It will be finish coated with shellac. Now it just needs the lid cut, hinges installed, and internal storage boxes assembled.
Last reply by Edward O'Keeffe, -
Slops 1 2 3
by Pirate Petee- 54 replies
Anyone know where I can get a pattern, preferably free, for slops.
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 6 replies
Over the last couple of years I've mentioned in here about using my "normal pine-tar finish" on various projects (axe handle, gun stock, needle cases) but I'd never elaborated on what that is. Well, I just mixed up a batch so I thought I'd share. Here's the mix I picked up years ago when I was working on wooden boats: 4 parts Boiled Linseed Oil 4 parts Turpentine 1 part Pine Tar 1 part Japan Drier Mix well and slap it on much as you would teak oil or tung oil. The end result is a well wearing finish with a dark golden color. It's also a great preservative. The turpentine really thins it out so it's penetrating. Don't expect a thick glossy coating like a varnish…
Last reply by sutlerjon, -
- 31 replies
i was wondering specifically WHAT kind of wool you all purchase for sailors short jackets, womens mantuas, skirts.....i am lookig for its name!!!! melton? pickney? boiled? i bought boiled wool for sailors jackets { and found out WHERE i bought it from is HERE where we LIVE--- i DO plan on marching to their doors and seeing if they will allow me to SEE and purchase and save myself 10 bucks shipping across 6 LOCAL zip codes......... i just cant even imagine using a wool suiting for a sailors short jacket--- am i wrong in this assumption?......... summer weight- OR- winter weight { actually have not seen winter weight wool here in my locale…
Last reply by lady constance, -
- 45 replies
1700-20 fine chain stitched Palampore (wall hanging or bed covering) wool embroider on linen and cotton bed hanging 1680-1700 wool crewel work on linen and cotton bed hanging
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 16 replies
Ok, not really a "Thieves Market" item but not really sure if this should go t' Capt'n Twill either This is a question for those who have experience with needle 'n thread: When working with LONG threads, how do ye avoid 'twists'? I mean, I an needle stitching a bamboo needle case and using 4-ply hemp. Th' length I cut from th' ball be 3+ times me arm's length as notes state "always cut longer for it is better then coming up short" - I have also read of sailors 'pulling long length' when sewing in period...but th' issue I am running int' is that this long length tends to 'Twist' sorely as I pull it though. As I said I am using 4-ply hemp sail twine with a sailor's need…
Last reply by MadL, -
- 6 replies
not having seen a topic on this.... what weights do you recommend for what garment ??? for a somewhat educated estimate, i figure light weight for shirts, medium for breeches, maybe heavy for a short jacket or justacorps... what are peoples' recommendations ??? ( for ladies garments, also )
Last reply by Kate Souris, -
- 19 replies
kate and cheeky and lady brower.... can all of you upload a pic fo the back side ofyour mantuas? working on a pattern from a dress and added extra material for the gathering it needs to be mantua.... i box pleated center back and then the sides... not draping the way i like... undid said stitching and left center back box pleat and then box pleated again -- enclosed a larger box pleat around the center back one.......... FABULOUS DISCOVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR MAKING THE FABRIC HOLD THE MOONSHAPED DRAPING with the frontmoonshaped pleats----- the mantu seems to be draping/ hanging the way woodcuts and art work depicts them hanging.... oh happy f…
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 238 replies
so I have been sitting here for a few weeks knowing it is that time where I need to make a decision about buying vs making stays is nearing. The last time I had them made and that was a few years and about 30 pounds ago and for the life of me, I can't remember who made them for me..anyway getting to the point I have a changing midsection of size, extremely curvy and am hoping to lose about 20 pounds before summer. Which brings me the challenge of do I tempt the fates and make my own and if I do how do I deal with the fact of possibly losing weight and the fact I am hourglass shape, under 5' with no midsection and stays are cylindrical and long in patterns- how do I de…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 25 replies
So, I have the Simplicity "Jack Sparrow" Costume pattern, which includes a coat, vest, breeches and shirt. I used it to make my hubby's Captain Morgan costume for Halloween: (lol) I was wondering how accurate or close to accurate the pattern is (not the costume I made), if there were adjustments that can be made to use the vest and coat pattern for reenactment wear, or if I should just purchase a new pattern. And for that matter, are there any mainstream patterns that are good for reenactment attire? JoAnn's is having a sale next week: all patterns are $1.99, so if there is anything that can be done for them I thought that would be a great way to save a bit of coin.…
Last reply by Kenneth, -
- 31 replies
Hang on ladies, I just started one, will photograph the progress for you and add instructions...
Last reply by Salty, -
- 57 replies
Original shift circa 1700 white linen...wide neck w/drawstring and short opening down center front. Sleeve gathered into shoulder and into band at elbow. Elbow band has buttons for closing. Large gore at each side with smaller gore at bottom. Neck and Sleeve finished with bobbin lace. I think this size fits Cheeky or did you adjust yours?
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 13 replies
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 9 replies
Edward doesn't know I'm posting this and he's probably gonna kill me but..... I'm just a little proud of the work he does.
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 38 replies
Well, our unofficial start date was Nov 1st so lets get started. If you are new to the project, you can check out the Topic Starter (on this forum) called "Group Justaucorps Project". You can join in at any time its not a race or contest.... So, my latest is I haven't decided which material to use.... even after a month of thinking about it. I got some more grosgrain silk... So now I have a some blue for the body and some scarlet for the turn-back cuffs..... My goal is to make something like this I still need some lining material though. Anyone have a cheap source for tafetta? PS This is the site that the plate above is from…
Last reply by CrazyCholeBlack, -
Well, first don't get excited, this isn't reenactor stuff, nor is it real flame. I saw the broadway show Mamma Mia in New York City a while back, and at some point the entire cast was holding these candles, which were really LED candles, not flame. The effect, from a distance, was mind-boggling. They look like real flickering flame, and not the cheapo bulbs with the alternating filament. I think the application for these things is unlimited, such as holiday time (christmas trees, windows), backyard luau, or just general atmosphere lighting. i am planning on getting some for halloween. For those who want the flames without the fuss, wax, and hazards,just k…
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 67 replies
So I've been thinking too much, and I started wondering if there were any colours that were particularily popular to the GAoP.... And would certain colours be significantly more or less in cost and have class issues attached to them? I don't know a great deal about the GAoP yet, but I'm thinking by that point in history, the fabric/dyeing industry would have developed to the point where most colours are obtainable, but it's still early enough that I think certain colours would be easier or harder to obtain and hence affect the price thereof and possibly have class connotations attached to them. I'm specifically wondering about ochre... I have a few spare yards of ochre …
Last reply by kass, -
- 24 replies
I started this project back in November. As an Olympic quality procrastinator, I am surprised I got it done so fast . Of course, 5 days in the hospital really helped as I had nothing to do but watch German soap operas.... at least the nurses were hot.... Anyway, I took my sewing project and actually finnished it. I was inspired by this and these I thought that the no pocket option was pretty interesting. Some short jackets seem to have buttons all the way down, others don't. I got tired of sewing button holes. Speaking of sewing. I have sewn a pair of petticoat trousers.... and that is about it. I made the pattern myself from original artwork, and hand …
Last reply by kass, -
- 31 replies
So I made my first all linen shirt and I love it. I wish I would have made these from the beginning. So on to the questions. What would be the most appropriate way to close the sleeves and neck? Currently I have nothing on the neck and buttons for the sleeves. Would ties be more accurate? If so how long should they be? What kind of ties? I would try and sew up a couple of small tubes out of the same material.
Last reply by kass, -
- 19 replies
How much fun is this?? This is my new *Just going ashore* coat. Got no intention of using it for Faires or as a costume piece. Might look pertty good for walking aorund Disneyland though on a chilly day!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 38 replies
Hi all! I've been working on some "Getting Dressed Guides" for the new website, and the first one is finished. I'll add some links to pictures and stuff later, but you can read the basic article now: Getting Dressed Guide for Women
Last reply by AllByMeOnesies,