Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
I am in search of a good wool supplier melton broadcloth flannel if you know of any please let me know
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 11 replies
Okay, I hope I can make this clear... I also figured this may or may not be the best place for this, so if the mods think it might suit a different part of the pub, please don't hesitate to move it. Without getting bogged down in details (so try to keep it to lists, with perhaps brief explanations on some items), what would you bring (whether you currently own/have it or not) to make a complete portrayal on a "Trekking" style event. For those of you not familiar with historical trekking, basically it is re-enacting that is not done in public, you gather up everything you need and travel to a location (be it by boat, or by foot, or horse or whatever suits your portrayal b…
Last reply by Cap'n Black Jack, -
6 Gun Baldric
by PoD- 7 replies
This is my interpretation of the baldric that blackbeard wore holding his 6 flintlocks. It's very similar to the one worn in the Blackbeard mini series shown on the BBC. My next project is the versions of the baldric as seen in the woodcut images from the period.
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 13 replies
The Fontange or Fontage is a very unique headdress of the 17th Century. From 1690–1710, originating in France then making its’ way to England by the early 1690s. A fontange was a lady's headdress named after Marie Angélique de Scorailles de Roussille, duchesse de Fontanges (1661–1681), mistress of Louis XIV of France and worn by women of the late 17th century and early 18th century. It is said that the Duchess tied her hair up with a ribbon after losing her cap while horseback riding. The king liked the look and it soon became fashionable. Though this fad started around 1680, when relatively low, ribbon-trimmed caps appeared (e.g. the "fontange à la sultane", worn with …
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 3 replies
Well, being sick did have an upside, it gave me some time t' crawl around in pain and finally get me first leather project done! Me first shaped leather scabbard fer me stage sword - thanks for th' leather Sage Lion! Full sheath Close up o' th' throat Close up o' th' tip, business end Now I am not sure how Barbossa Leather does his exactly but I used it as me inspiration and researched some leather working ideas online. After cutting th' leather t' size (actually 'over sized' as th' final cut be after all is sewn up) I soaked th' leather in Very Hot tap water for roughly 15min. (NOT boiling, that is another technique but I did not want t' chance it first time …
Last reply by MadL, -
- 10 replies
Bon jure mes amis! Soon the icy winds of hiver will be upon us, as well as the cool days of automne. So, what are you guys making to keep warm? Personally id like a watch cloak, a sleeved wesket or to, and a greatcoat would Im pretty sure that a wool jacket would do, for most sailors/pyrates, but what are the common folk wearing in hiver? oh...and this question doesnt apply to michael, canadians dont need winter clothes...... au revoir, pour maintenant
Last reply by René la Gaffe, -
- 4 replies
Close ups of the open kneed breeches: Heavy gray wool- Linen-
Last reply by René la Gaffe, -
- 13 replies
Ok so I'm at an impasse. I can't decide if I want to keep the pewter buttons or go with the dorset buttons I've made. Here are a few pics to help you out. Let me hear your reasons for voting the way that you have. Thanks!
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 7 replies
I just thought I would post this since most of the folks who do projects in this thread have used linseed oil as finish. I just got really lucky. I have been using the standard boiled linseed oil as a final coat for years. Until today I have never taken the warnings in the can seriously. I was putting a coat of oil on the inside of a sea chest, and tossing the paper towels on the floor of the garage as usual. About 10- 15 minutes later I went to pick them up, and burned my hand on the paper towels. There is a warning on the can to spread out oily rags to dry, I can now say heed it. I'm dam lucky I didn't burn down my garage with all the sawdust out there. Here ar…
Last reply by Salty, -
- 22 replies
One of the greatest places to find garb/costume stuff is your local thrift store. Don't have any around, just tell me or other store searchers what you're looking for and we might just find it for you. Lets start with men's coats. Look for those long coats....many are wool. You can add sleeve cuffs out of different material. By simply removing cheesy buttons and replacing them with more 'period' ones works well and perhaps a small amount of trim can do wonders. Men's vests, many aren't 'period' but you can certainly make them so or turn them into the new 'steampunk' versions of pirates. I've cut up corduroy pants and used pieces for garb, I've found women's blouses tha…
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 9 replies
I think I would really enjoy a nice silk mantua for special occasions... But I don't really know what I am looking for. Googling didn't turn up any good, definitive answers. Does anyone have any insight to share? I was thinking silk taffeta, but I can't figure out if it is period or not.
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
Simple enough... who has the best price for shackles??
Last reply by theM.A.dDogge, -
- 2 replies
So we have an event coming up here and my wife wanted a new pirate bodice and a flag so I’ve been working on these of late. The flag came out nice enough that we are going to start offering custom made, hand painted flags on our website. Here are the shoulder and breast plates for my wife's bodice: Here's her flag:
Last reply by Capn' Mac, -
- 15 replies
So this is the latest project Kate and I have put together... It is based off the pattern Found on the top of this web page. It is the second one of these I have made, the first having been abandoned in Canada when I moved to the US (it was just another of those things there was not the time or space to move). The second one was a huge improvement over the first as it is actually made from hardwood rather than craft quality pine, which splits out badly when you do load bearing mortis and tenon joints. We used poplar as it was the cheapest hardwood we could find locally. It cost almost $200 in wood using poplar, it was going to come closer to $350 to make it in red oak. W…
Last reply by Red-Handed Jill, -
- 21 replies
I saw in an old post somewhere about how to make cloth buttons using a penny or such. I have tried the search featuer and I keep getting an error page. Anyone have a link or can give me the steps to make them? Thanks! Scott
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 25 replies
I have a pair of sea boots that are made by "Pleaser". They are real leather, not the greatest, but still real, and have a vinyl lining. They're pretty darn good boots, they've held up for a year and half of constant wearing so far. The only problem is this, I am about 115-120 pounds and I have SCRAWNY lil legs. These boots were made for someone with a larger calf. With no internal support system, (which I've tried to do as you shall see below), they just fall down about my ankles and look ridiculous. So how do I get them to fit? I've super-glued paint strips, yardstick pieces, and neither of them hold up very well. The superglue tears the lining off after a few wea…
Last reply by Cascabel, -
- 5 replies
I am lost and looking for Kass's creations. If my memory is correct (which is not very often) Kass had some really good oufits for sailors of our period. I am also looking for the threads of pictures of saliors of the period. Looking for a place to start my new outfit. I want to go sailor instead of pirate, more versitale.
Last reply by Sjöröveren, -
- 26 replies
I'm looking for a belly box that goes around one's neck, hangs in the front and is held in place by a belt. Like the ones that appear in so many illustrations. Bart Roberts (lower image) has one on.
Last reply by PoD, -
- 0 replies
Living in a desert valley I have a lot of sleeveless garb that I wear in the summer time, and recently I felt that my arms were too bare. I had about 3 days before I was about to participate in an Annual AIDS walk and I wanted something to accessorize with my red garb, so I decided to whip up a couple of bracers. Now the end product is not period, but the end result is what I was looking for as people did notice them. They were eight inches in length and went a good way up my forearm. I kinda felt like a pyrate superhero wearing them. Here they are after the carving and being water formed to the proper shape. Here is a closeup of the Skull and mermaid. I kn…
Last reply by captjustinkase, -
- 15 replies
As some of you know(and helped with) i recently got my first pair of leather pc shoes (though i still want the loyalist shoe.....) They were all fine and confy after they got soaked on friday..but now that they are intirly dry, not so comfy. :/ is there anything i can do to soften them up(i believe someone suggested alcohol?) and also is there anything else i may need to do to make them last longer. i ran accros some stuff in the wal-mart thats used to soften leather catching gloves, but id like the opinion of more knowlegable folks. I think mink-oil was suggested but i dont want to ruin a good investment if i remember incorrectly. I already am ordering metal plates to sa…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 3 replies
what is the proper way to close sea bags ??? similar to duffle bags of today ?? one cord to draw it tight ?? or multiple cords like a smaller ditty bag with a lanyard type set up ?? i'm thinking one cord, but not sure...
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 20 replies
I'm thinking of tarring my cocked hat. Anyone ever try doing this? Got any tips on substitute/modern materials? Good online sources for tar? :)
Last reply by Grymm, -
- 2 replies
I read Captain Bob's post about building a sea chest a little ways down. My question is more related to the metalwork on the chest. Is here anyway to determine period authenticity of metal (straps, hinges, corners, etc)? Some online stores use the same as a "wal-mart" trunk. Was there any specific design to sea chest metal work or just simple hinges with no decoration?
Last reply by Cpt. Alva, -
- 10 replies
So in a different thread I talk about turing a Pop Up tent trailer into a Pirate theme pop up tent trailer. I was thinking about making a small cannon to have some fun with. But not a Black powder type. My friend suggest (my friend being a seattle area theater rigger, fire performer and a pyrotechnicnition) I make a Calcium Carbonate cannon, I found some instruction on the old interwebs The link... Anyone have any experience in this type of cannon. I would make it out of PVC and wood. Thoughts?
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 17 replies
Is it really necessary to have all my garb hand sewn? Do patrons pay that close attention to sewing? It seems to me that most events are geared towards sales of plastic pirate toys and accoutrements anyway. Plus at events like Nor Cal it seems that the rules are out the window. Where are these events that are so heavily monitored? just currious
Last reply by Tartan Jack,