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- 5 replies
I found a great site with over 500 links. It is a wealth of info from one site. For those of you who have not seen it enjoy. For those of you who want to learn more about piracy this is the perfect site. Francois
Last reply by Red Handed Jill, -
- 7 replies
Zorg sent this link to me: Have fun!
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
- 4 replies
The website for the Pirate Soul museum is up and running now, it had a few glitches last time I checked it, but i'm sure they are working on it. The museum is opening tomorrow, I was to attend the pre-opening, but I'm not sure if I will be able to or not now. I'll try to get some pictures when I can for everyone. It looks like a very cool museum. Deadly Aim
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 18 replies
Me Resolutions 1. Pillage more 2. Rapine more 3. Less mercy 4. More rum 5. More wenchin' 6. More wenchin'
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 29 replies
does anyone else here ever fantasize/romantisize about living in the days when pirates sailed the seas, when life was much simpler; no cars, phones, computers.... When a man ran his household and the woman stayed home to take care of her husband and children AND liked it! No worrying about credit card bills, mortgages, car payments, electric bills, insurance..... I guess I just need an escape from reality once in awhile! My best way is to read some historical romances, especially ones involving pirates! I just finished an amazing one, where a rogue pirate captured a beautiful woman who was swimming in the sea near her castle, even though she was told to stay away from …
Last reply by lorien_stormfeather, -
- 12 replies
Admiring her ring and such a locket, My mind was to gettin' it, right in me pocket. The good laird forbid I be gettin' caught, For they would find all the booty and lot. So as I eyed this wench and her shine, As in sooth I wished it to be all mine. It gleamed too well for her sweet chest, And would suit asure my own fine vest. - Hook
Last reply by Hook, -
- 11 replies
This is along the piratical lines. The Sunday after Thanksgiving I found a cockatiel outside of my house. Now mind you I am in Maryland and it was a bit chilly that day. I had heard some bird noises from outside all morning but just chalked it up to that maybe there was a bird just outside my son's bedroom window. It wasn't until after lunch that my son wanted me to see the "bird's nest". The nest was actually the mess in my gutters that need to be cleaned. I did happen to look down and saw a white ball. I thought it was a dove, but when I got closer I noticed the yellow on top. I ran in to tell me other half about the cockatiel. He said I should try to catch it.…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
I'm known as Robert "the Sea Wolf" Studley. I was born in 1672, and brought to America by my parents when I was small. We came from a tiny village in Scotland with hopes of a new life. My Mum and Pop got ill on the voyage over and died shortly after arriving in Carolina. I was raised by a kind Shipbuilder and his family. My nickname came from my fiesty nature. I was always getting into trouble and would rather spend my days out on the ocean than around the house. I worked on the docks for several years enjoying the tales from the Ol' Salts. One evening I was knocked over the head in a local tavern and awoke on a British merchant ship. Relunctantly I worked on the ship w…
Last reply by Captain Scurvy Dog, -
- 35 replies
ive always wondered if pirate reinactors, fans etc wear tight pants or baggy ones i know its a wierd question but im a wierd person
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
New Proprietor - Bloody Buckets
by Guest Angus MacVox- 17 replies
Bloody Buckets is CEO of a web development and hosting company Gray Sail and the organizer of an authentically-costumed 20+ pirate crew in Columbia, South Carolina... and a suscriber to NQG since before it was cool. He's been more a listener than a poster on Pyracy, but he's a very strong supporter of the concept and appreciative of what the forum has accomplished in terms of turning many small groups of relatively harmless pirate geeks into something truly large and dangerous! The Pub will keep its close association with NQG. Here's Bloody Bucket's message to everyone: Just a quick note to let you all know that the Pyracy Pub will remain in friendly hands. Mostly …
Last reply by Nelson Cooke, -
- 6 replies
I went to Burger King to buy myslef one of those Spongebob watches that they are selling for $1.99 (I am a HUGE fan of Spongebob Squarepants!) Ok, the first two I went to were sold out, then I was able to try 7 more, and all sold out! So now I am really obsessed with getting one (you ALWAYS want what you can't have! I went on ebay and they are selling for about $20 apiece! What is the deal?
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 48 replies
To be fair, I'll tell ye all that I am 27 ! Sometimes I think about posting something, but I wonder if the humor may not be suitable for younger readers LOL!!!!!!
Last reply by John Maddox Roberts, -
- 20 replies
A person in our group just posted to our personal forum in PRP, claiming that she prefered to do the Ojai faire as opposed to others, because partying was allowed into the late hours of the night. Now I couldn't help but respond with: I don't go to events for the 'party' afterwards. I go and have the party all day long entertaining the guests. If all a person goes to an event for is the party afterwards, you're in the wrong group for the wrong reasons. So my question here is to those of you who do events, do you do it for the fun of the event, or for the partying afterwards? Rumba Rue ** ** P.S. You can't see the PRP forum unless you're a member, sorry. Them's…
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 0 replies
To sign up for the Whydah project e-newsletter, go to: I am advised that this is to come out every other month beginning in about a week. The Corsair
Last reply by corsair2k3, -
- 2 replies
I am right now in the process of making a web site that. Will give info on as many ren fests as possible in my home state (MO), and I also wanted to add a page onto the web site once it is finished, for a club..a pirate club. I want it to be open to anybody like me that lives in or near the the state of Missouri that enjoys the heck out of going to Ren Fests. So that IF someone goes to a ren fest they can meet up with someone that hopefully they have already had the chance to chat with. lol needless to say I might not be able to make it to all of the ren fairs we have going on if the club gets up and going. But I thought it would be nice to get to know some people that go…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 21 replies
Excuse me fer my ignorance...I be rather new to the Pyrate life, but wonderin' what the norm be? (Mod...sorry if this is in the wrong Forum...please change if I should've put elsewhere) Kat
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 0 replies
I am right now in the process of making a web site that. Will give info on as many ren fests as possible in my home state (MO), and I also wanted to add a page onto the web site once it finished, for a club..a pirate club. I want it to be open to anybody like me that lives in or near the the state of Missouri that enjoys the heck out of going to Ren Fests. So that IF some goes to a ren fest they can meet up with some that hopefully they have already had the chance to chat with. lol needless to say I might not be able to make it to all of the ren fairs we have going on. But I thought it would be nice to get to know some people that go to them. I am hoping that if the club …
Last reply by Mary Sue Phonix, -
- 1 reply
A pirate walked into a bar and ordered up a grog. A lubber comes in and sits next to the pirate. The lubber noticed that, like any self-respecting pirate, this guy had a peg leg, a hook in place of one of his hands and a patch over one eye. The lubber just had to find out how the pirate got in such bad shape. He asked the pirate, "How did you lose your leg?" The pirate responded, "I lost me leg in a battle off the coast of Jamaica!" His new acquaintance was still curious so he asked, "What about your hand. Did you loose it at the same time?" "No," answered the pirate. "I lost it to the sharks off the Florida Keys." Finally, the lubber asked, "I notice you also have …
Last reply by Nomadicalpirate, -
- 0 replies
Long time Pyracy Pub member Deacon Frye passed away on Tuesday, August 24, 2004.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy pirates!! I just got off the phone with Captain Gary and here is the latest news on the Royaliste, from the ship yard where she is out of the water and undergoing repairs. Saturday August 21st: The Royaliste left Pelican Harbor. The crew enjoyed a fine day of sailing in the company of Vernon Fairhead, Royaliste's former owner and captain, who came down from Canada to assist with the repairs. Sunday August 22nd: The yardarms were removed and the ship was prepared to be lifted out of the water. Monday August 23rd: I just spoke on the phone with Captain Gary. The Royaliste is out of water and he tells me that she is quite a sight to see, all 30 tons of her ba…
Last reply by HarborMaster, -
- 20 replies
So I'm not too sure what topic this bit o' business fits into, but they are pirates, to be sure, so I'll put em 'ere, and if they're out of place, perhaps thems what's in charge can lead 'em to where they need be. I usually lurk about these waters, but thought it high time a threw my hat into the ring. 'Tis a gift for the luscious Red Bess. A strong pirate lass and her new employee. ~.O Hope you enjoy. We aim to please. ~.O It's to be called "La Reddition du Poisson Volant", which by my limited french, means "The Surrender of the Flying Fish". 'Tis watercolour... imagine that. Argh! A little update on the painting fer thems who's inerested. And yet another.... Fe…
Last reply by Lorelei, -
- 8 replies
Any o' the bretheren down near the LA harbor area? I recently "purchased" 'bout the smallest schooner ya ever clapped eyes on, an' am now winterin in San Pedro. Asides from a few o' the tars at the Los Angeles Maritime Institute(who're a wee bit too upstandin fer my tastes, though good folks ta be sure) , I don't know a bloody soul in the area. So if yer about, hail me. I'll scrounge up some rum, an' we kin 'ave a yarn.
Last reply by privateer, -
- 3 replies
I saw a very cool group at the Kansas City Ren Fest this (and honestly cn not wait to see them again.) The Jolly Rogers, a very fun group that sings songs(old pub sory if that spelled wrong by the way), does adult comedy, and flirts with the we woman folk..all that the same time. I am not exactly for sure just where they are out of, but I believe it is close to me (In Missouri) I emailed these fine lads already and told them what a fine job I thought they did and that I enjoyed the shows they put on very much. (lol I am also..making kind of a poster I guess you coul say of all of them transformed into anime characters lol hopefully this will turn out well…
Last reply by Mary Sue Phonix, -
- 9 replies
I heard about a man in the navy who is a satanist, and due to satanism being a registered faith the law dictates that he is allowed to perform his religious rituals at work, and that he can't be fired on basis of religion. Must be interesting out at sea playing war-games when during the night-watch some guy is out on the deck sacrificing a black goat and chanting to the dark gods.
Last reply by Red-Handed Jill, -
- 1 reply
i am living on a river and i have a garage all too myself and i need an afordable harpoon in the price range of a 13 year old i need it to hang up and any more "junk" like ships wheels and such
Last reply by the Royaliste,