Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
2,398 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hey, remember the logo we used to have before switching to the bland blue format? The one William Red Wake painted the extraordinarily cool flag for at PiP in'07? This one: Are we ever going to get that back? It's more interesting than the P...
Last reply by Mission, -
- 6 replies
Greetings to one and all, my name is CJ In theory of few of you know who I am, at least I've met or at least talked with a few of your number. As far as a crewe, I am not formally a member of any pirate crewes and owe my allegiance above all to the vessel I work on. She is the ADVENTURE and is a reproduction of a 1670's trading ketch in Charles Towne SC. But I am not a terribly interesting topic, good to be here finally. yr hnrs hmbl & obdnt srvnt CJ "The health of men is concerned in their clothes" -Sir William Coventry 1663
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 23 replies
Ahoy all! I be Original Cin or "OCin", ship's cook and gunner of Vigilant out of Baltimore, MD. I've been reenacting for 4 years. Our crewe, under the leadership of Captain Duncan McGuyver, oversees the Living History portion of the Baltimore Pirate Invasion. My interests are sewing my own garb, finding new period recipes to feed me crewe with and looking for the pirate love of my life! HI LILY!!!!!!!!! OCin
Last reply by Jack Roberts, -
- 11 replies
In the next 2-3 years I'm planning on buying a boat. I'm lobbying hard for a ketch but the Mrs. want a modern Sea Ray type of thing. Honestly anything that gets me out on the water will make me happy. In my retirement, I'm planning on take a voyage down the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida. I'm sure there are places along the way I can stop for a night but I have no idea where to even look. Is there a list, anywhere, of public harbors or marinas where you can just pull in and tie off for a few hours or even a night? And of course, I've heard tell of floating bars and general stores and such that you can just pull up to in your boat. How would I find out about t…
Last reply by iPirate, -
- 13 replies
May you always have favorable winds.
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
- 24 replies
Most everything you seem to see regarding (most being over 80%) weapons or at least what I have noticed are flintlock whether they are english or french the primary difference being doglock. However, considering that most of the new world was colonized by Spain I would think the Spanish Miquelet lock would be a little bit more prevelant. Do you supose it is due to the fact that being a british colony that is what we naturally associate with? I wonder honestly if you were a pirate what percantage of the arms aboard as most of them would of been captured would of truly been flintlocks? Logically I would assume that most of the settlements would be Spanish with most of t…
Last reply by Quartermaster James, -
- 7 replies
Well Rats it's come to this, you're getting older....hmmm tough meat for stew.....but hey I'm sure that could be solved by pounding till soft.....
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 1 reply
I finally remebered what it was I've been meaning to ask you. There's a bonny lass th' name 'o Terri Meese (a.k.a. Mouse) that was a dear friend of mine back in the day. I know she used to hang out with you guys and I lost touch with her some years back. I was wondering if you knew her and/or had heard from her recently.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 3 replies
46 trips about the sun..Ye MUST be dizzy! *Grins* Hope you have a grand Natal Day!!!
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 29 replies
Raise your glass and salute the natal day of my good friend and captain of the Resurrection! Happy Birthday, Lady B!!
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 21 replies
Ahoy pirates! The name is Liam McMac... I'm a Scottish mariner who sails under Cap'n Iron Hand of the Iron Brigade. Me father was a Jacobite in the old rebellion of 1715. As for myself, I still support the Stuart line. Not for god or royal bloodlines, but to keep the chains of English tyrany off of me famliy. For now I sail to raise funds until the King comes back over the water.
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 20 replies
Avast ye scally wags! I be Kilted Eric, but you can also call me the Skirted River Pirate! I have been a fans of pirates for a very long time. Since moving to the Port of Seattle, I have found and falling in dirty love with the Seafair Pirates. I even have had an interview with the crew. I found this place of ill repute by the one you call Tartan Jack, I know him from a kilt related board. A little aboot me: I am 32, living in Seattle with my wife and 3 year old boy. I am a tour guide in the Pike PLace Market area. I am also a white water river guide (thus the Skirted River Pirate). I grew up in southern MN. I look forward to meeting you all, and having way mor…
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 12 replies
Ohé de l'équipage! I just found out that I should have presented my self here before posting, how rude of me! But this pub is so huge I didn't have notice this place before. ^^ So here I am, Cuisto Mako, cook of "La Murène" and also member of the pirate musical band "Les Murènes". We are a bunch of French flibustiers, stationed for now in Montreal. Our first CD should come out later this year. We hope eventualy to be able to attend pirates events in the US since there is...none in least for now. Even thougth Les Murenes are very theatrical on stage, I'm personnally very interested in the reenactor version of pyracy. I'm also part of an early music ensemble…
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 5 replies
Happy Birthday Pern... ye old Fart...
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 10 replies
Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 25 in 2009). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the civil war), it was expanded after World War I to include American casualties of any war or military action. I salute You!
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 4 replies
Cheers to Morgan! Rennie turned pirate photographer and good sport.
Last reply by MorganDrake, -
- 1 reply
My wee one has misplaced my phone/address book so everyone that I did have I no longer have until I can find the old book..till then I have a new book and to not have to contact you all individually will you please PM me with your Phone numbers including cell if I had it to begin with and your address????? Huggles to each!
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 14 replies
First off let me start by saying what the hell happened to the pub? I was going to reply to everyone on the Drunken Sword Fight post, but it seems to have disappeared. So this is a reply to all those who had questions. I have been good, making babies and buying houses, well making a baby and buying a house, and all that other grown up stuff that I have been running from that eventually caught up to me, but I love it. I haven't been to an event since Ojai 07, and just recently went Southern last weekend, and had a blast, saw Kent there, or Diego for all the old school out there, he's doing good. The better half didn't feel like going to Southern Cali events while pregnant…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 2 replies
Just popping my head above water for a minute to send out a general alert ~ I am still alive, though this Spring has kept me away for extended periods of time. Please note that I am trying to check in when I can ~ though at present the delays are up to 7-10 days. Please accept my apologies ~ I hope things will calm down to a mere storm by mid-June. YHS, Mary Monsoon Diamond
Last reply by silas thatcher, -
- 29 replies
OMG, Can ye believe it? Now... how old be ye? Well here's to ye... in hopes for a fabulous Bday... Maybe some rum, rum cake, some plundering and pilfering (I leave that to yo'r imagination, Dogge ). Come on now, Pubmates! Hoist yo'r tankards and glasses high in honor of our beloved M.A d'Dogge! ~Lady B
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 3 replies
I've had many people compliment the wooden bowl that was sent me, but I still don't know who sent it to me. Please fess up! Thanks, Rumba
Last reply by Red-Handed Jill, -
- 19 replies
So, shoot me if this be in th' wrong spot... hang me if this not be allowed at all. But... I figured I'd pass this along anyways havin' just seen this on MySpace posted by th' infamous Talderoy and reposted by PIRATES Magazine. Have at it, lasses an' gents! ~Lady B PS - I don't think it has t' be restricted t' only YO'R Captains. I think ye can nominate anyone's ye know that ye think be deservin' of th' Title. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ahoy mateys, There be big doin’s afoot here at Pirates magazine. We’re holding a contest to pick the nation’s best buccaneers. With your help, we’ll scour the globe to find The Devil’s Dozen; 13 scallywags that best exemplify the s…
Last reply by Northwest Jack, -
- 12 replies
A hearty Happy Birthday to ye, lass. Here's to ye, with plenty of rum, rum cakes, cabana boys, and much carousing for this fine day of yo'rs. ~Lady B
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 0 replies
A mighty happy birthday to ye, Coastie. Here be hopes ye get what plunder ye want and enjoy whatever event ye wish t' attend. or some other activity at least. Enjoy th' day! ~Lady B
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 8 replies
A very happy birthday to ye Captain...and many, many more to come.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa,