Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
2,407 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Greetings and salutations. Been a long time member, but kept meself below decks. Some minor postings and commentaries, but no pics or formal how de dos. In an effort to remedy that delequincy, I present the following. I am Sebastian Arms, Quartermaster of the Dread Ship DB and I am at your service. I have meet a few of you at various events and talked with a few of you on this forum. I do hope to make a voyage to that fine gathering down in the Florida region this fall-if not this year-then maybe next. Cheers Sebastian
Last reply by Captain McCool, -
- 7 replies
The whole SIMPLE idea of scrounging up a few scruffy pirates to board the M.S. Kenora (out of Kenora, Ontario) next summer and relieve her wealthy patrons of some of the excess gold seems to be growing into something much bigger than I had figured! The ship's captain has been bought (he likes the idea) and the owners will look the other way (seem keen on it), and now the City of Kenora might be interested in having pirates ashore to, particularly during their Harbour Days (August long weekend). The need for "a few scruffy pirates" is quickly turning into AS MANY AS I CAN GET! I NEED PIRATES! Where in blazes do I find pirates???? The two nearest cities are Kenora (16,50…
Last reply by CharityRackham, -
- 11 replies
Shush, not so loud! Ye never know what ears may be lurkin' I am formerly out of the Great Lakes and now captain a ship on Lake of the Woods - I'll not say where I lurk but it's in the northwest . I often see a passenger-laden ship of some size, the kind that carries gentry with gold in their purse. I know where she calls port, I know where she sails and I know when. Being of an enterprising bent, she's awful tempting but there's only one of me. There's them aboard what can be bought to not put up too much of a fight but I'm still out-numbered a hundred to one, which is might stiff, even fer me. I offer fair share to any seaman and any other captains and crew what would…
Last reply by CharityRackham, -
- 7 replies
I am taking the kids to see this tomorrow.....woo hoo!! It ends on the 6th of Sept for any of you Sea Dogs near the St. Louis Science Center:
Last reply by Thomas McLaren, -
I forgot the whole introduction thing..... I am Wes Olson, 40 years. Spent the last 25 years or so doing anything from WWII, Ancient Rome, Colonial, Rev War, and French and Indian. Always liked pirates, grew up with Disney on TV Sunday nights so we got to see Treasure Island a bit. Always been a history geek too. Married (she thinks I'm nuts) 2 daughters, love hunting, shooting, 4 wheeler, history, making weird things that people quit using hundreds of years ago. Been with the City of St. Peters, MO for the last 8 1/2 years, slowly closing in on 10 years in uniform (Police, with Ranger Division) and still love it. Got burned out on all the snobby folks in some of the …
Last reply by capn'rob, -
- 1 reply
Hello all! I'm conducting a small survey about the perceived morals of piracy and it's correlation with knowledge of copyright law. You can find the original story here and the survey is here〈=en I'd appreciate if you'd help me out here, and take the chance to express your opinions on the matter
Last reply by Zingara Carmella, -
- 11 replies
Wishin' m' Sister of th' Sea a very happy and blessed birthday! May Poseidon shower thee with wealth and good forture one such as ye need and deserve, lass! Many, many blessings, and of course, many, many... much many more treasures to be tossed at yo'r feet! :::Hoists tankard high::: Here's to ye, Black Syren! The best of wishes and wealth on yo'r special day. Th' Pub and piracy would be hollow without ye! ~Lady B
Last reply by sutlerjon, -
- 26 replies
The amount of questions I have for all of ye rivals the amount of rules in "The Code". That being said the best place to start is at the beginning. Who are ye? And What do you do? I've been looking over the forums for a few days and have learned quite a bit however I'd like to just come out and ask. Are ye, the members of this forum, mostly re-enactors? If you are, how did you get into it? How did you come up with your pirate name? I see there are a few artisans here. Do you sell your goods online or at shows? I've noticed that this forum seems spread out across the US. How does one find a crew or even start their own? Are you focused on being historically ac…
Last reply by Red_Dawn, -
- 17 replies
I'm new on this forum, though a few of you may know me from I'm in the research stage of writing cheesy pirate stories (and boy, do I need to work on my research). I've lurked for a few years and this looked like a good place to learn things, so I figured I should probably join so I could ask questions. The more sources, the better! (That, and I might need to ask less family-friendly questions than allows.)
Last reply by Red_Dawn, -
- 8 replies
My Brethren and Sisters of the Coast: I have moved to northern Virginia, and in three days will be starting law school at George Washington University. As far as my participation on this forum goes, this will be the equivalent of sinking into Davy Jones' Locker. It is entirely possible that I will not be able to return here until next summer. I wish you all fair winds and following seas.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 12 replies
Just when ye thought it was safe t' go back in the water, a birthday shark's fin breaks the surface o' the water. On any other day he'd be sushi fer a pirate like Herself. But alas she's had one too many Mai Tai's, an this shark is ready t' strike our unsuspectin' pirate lass (below the water line). Now, while our Iron Bess is more than an even match fer any man, or beast, on dry land. No pirate can escape the birthday shark completely unscathed. Just remember luv, even though birthdays bite, yer friends will be there t' see ye survive another one. y.h.s. Jacky Tar
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 7 replies
Ahoy! I am Capn Antonio Malasses but my friends call me Tony. The gorgeous wench in the picture to the left is my amazing wife, the Lady Redz. We are currently expecting a new addition to our crew towards the end of this year. And could not be more excited to teach the young las the pillaging ways. I have ALWAYS been a fan of Pirates, as far back as I can remember. Sadly I don't know of any local reenactment groups so I settle for going to costume parties, murder mystery events, Renn Faires, and the Rock Hall Pirate Weekend. Currently me and a few crew mates are building a Pirate Bar in my house as well as working on compressed air based cannons for next week's even…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 18 replies
I hope yer celebratin' in grand pirate style, Rumba Rue! Fall is around the corner an I look forward t' seeing ye at one o' those south coast pirate gatherin's. Jacky Tar
Last reply by Silent, -
- 3 replies
We all have pirate pals that we've known, missed and maybe even forgotten. Many of us have a friend and fellow pirate that have disappeared from the hobby, the Pub or both. I often wonder what became of my good friend Ciaran, and Mercenary Wench hasn't been on in a long while. I only mention this, because Jim has been gone for a short spell and I wanted to pass along a hello from him and his family. Jim got a new job and life has kept him busy of late. As he states in an email I received today... "I do so miss my family and friends at the Pub and will be joining in on the frivolity and pyratical goings-on again soon." Jim sends a big "Hello" to everyone here. If…
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 6 replies
Mighty fine lookin' pub ye have here. Ah, it's days like this that make ye glad to be dead! Regards, G.P. LeChuck
Last reply by Silent, -
- 3 replies
Are there any swordfighting classes in San Diego? I'm looking to get into more. I'm going to hopefully attending one or more of Oder's swordfighting nights.
Last reply by AlexRoberts, -
- 6 replies
E'ving to the lot of you's! My name is Kilted Eric (but you can call me Eric, or the Skirted River Pirate, or that weirdo in a kilt if ye prefer) and I am pleased to start coming out of the shadows a wee bit more. A little aboot my self - I am 34 years of age, I am a fine lady of which has taken my hand about 5 years ago. We have one son named Ryan who is 4 and a half, and we are expecting a new deck hand in February 2011. We live in Seattle, home of the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, Good Beer and the wonderful Seafair Pirates. For my gold I labor as one of the more "famous" Guides of the Pike Place Market for a food tour company called Savor Seattle Food …
Last reply by AlexRoberts, -
- 17 replies
I have a couple questions about this culture of "us"? Do you guys have a love of the sea and want to be free but only use props and clothing to escape life? Do you guys have a love of the sea and want to be free but don't want to choose the real life of a pirate? Do you guys enjoy risk free pirate life that the modern culture has made fer us? -Renni faires and SCA and festivals- Why do you guys do this?
Last reply by Silent, -
- 6 replies
I created a new web page for the Surgeon's Journals. You can check it out here: I created new content and added a menu that makes it easier to navigate the Journals. Eventually I'm going to start adding content culled from the period surgical references I have, starting with medical tool drawings and descriptions. Stuff from Woodall, Scultetus and whoever else it occurs to me to add. (For the nonce, I am working on the Surgeon's Journal for the July Lockhouse. It should be completed next week.)
Last reply by madPete, -
- 17 replies
Good day to you all! I attended my first event, the School of the Sailor in Deltaville, this year, and I have been bitten by the bug (among many others that joined us in Deltaville). I had the pleasure of meeting several Pub members there and have decided to join you folks here on the Pub. I am looking forward to learning from and interacting with you all on the site, and I am looking forward to seeing/meeting more of you at the next event I am able to attend.
Last reply by Sir Beachem Quick, -
- 6 replies
Awaking from the bottom of the apple barrel.... I grab an apple and me fiddle, at the morning shifts bell. Tis my day for the mast watch. A rest for my hands and time to retune the strings with a gob of cat gut from the galley. As we toe the line, the officers review passes and I grab another apple to stuff in me shirt. The bell chimes to stations and p the mast I go passing the reafers to the nest. The last here left a half full pot of puke, which I quickly stamp straw into to clear the stench. I stretch me eyes to the horizon and call "all's well" to the men below. I strain my neck over the edge and see young william nearby and ask him to send up a fresh bucket w…
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 4 replies
Wild mountain Highlander, signing on board. This is a rather interesting chat board! Much different from the others that I frequent! So- my interest on pyracy is minimal. However, I have a nephew who is putting together a pirate outfit. I'm helping him with that, which is how I found this board. I was looking for pictures of sword baldrics. There are some excellent artisans here! I may have to post some pictures of my own work. Anyways, I'm signed on, so I thought I should say... AAARRGGGHH!! THERE'S A FIRE ON ME POOP DECK!! (Bet you've never heard that one before!! )
Last reply by Capn Bloody Sam Rackham, -
- 8 replies
What cheer mates, I have been trying to dig up some information on two of the pirates who sailed alongside of Tew and Every in the Red Sea trade. Capt. Thomas Wake and Capt. William Want to be precise. These two buggers have evaded my snooping for the last several months, so all I have are names, that they were British, and that they sailed with the other above mentioned pirates and were supposed to be hunted by Capt. Kidd. If anyone has some good information and can site where the information came from I would be most grateful. Fair winds and a following sea, Capt. John Atwood Rhode Island Pirate Players
Last reply by Capt_Hollingsworth, -
- 9 replies
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence ? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, …
Last reply by Capt_Hollingsworth, -
- 13 replies
Admittedly I do feel like a stranger in a familiar land as I haven't seen these parts in well almost 2 yrs now. It shant be long before I feel at home I am quite sures about that. just know I am glad to back but cant promise the length of time I'll stay this time.
Last reply by Sir Beachem Quick,