Beyond Pyracy
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- 13 replies
Yes it's that time of year when we get all funny and creepy and travel through Mission's haunted house of chills and thrills. May you all have a safe Samhain and Halloween! Rumba Rue
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
Simple Pleasures 1 2 3
by Ransom- 58 replies
Since I started Petty Annoyances, I thought it might be nice to have the more positive flip side. So, post here the simple things in life that bring a smile to your face, and make you think the world isn't such a bad place...even after you've seen the evening news. For me right now, it's babysitting a friend's horses — three minies of various heights, an ex-racing thoroughbred, and her big riding horse. I had horses for 30+ years, and found homes for my last two a little over a year ago, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss them. So having these guys for a week really does make me smile.
Last reply by Badger, -
- 53 replies
What vehicle would you own if you could? (Note: This idea stolen directly from a status comment made by Tartan Jack.) I've talked about my Delorean occasionally and I really enjoyed owning that, although that experience is the reason I added "...if you had more money than brains" to the title. (You may think that owning a collector car would be neat, but the reality is another thing entirely. Trust me.) Personally, I have always thought the Auburn Boattail Speedster was the most beautiful car ever made. Having recently visited the Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg museum in Auburn, IN on my way to Paynetown, I can even show you pictures (...and I even like the color.)
Last reply by Nigel, -
While we can still experience bullies as adults this question is directed more toward your time spent in school. Were you the kid that was picked on because you were different or sought out for torture because you were weaker by bullies. Or did you prey about others as a bully? Do you have regrets either way? I know schools are always trying to curb the bullies but it never seems to go away. Most logic seems to be to notify the teachers but that only seems to provoke even a greater ammount of violence from the bullies as a reprisal. Woe be John should his mother call the school office about his torn shirt and bruised lip...
Last reply by Badger, -
- 0 replies
Hello, everyone! If you are looking for something to celebrate the Mayan Calendar social phenomenon being hyped in the new movie "2012", you might try taking a look at! I go there for wargamer t-shirts ("I'd rather be commanding a battalion of King Tigers" or "My Other Car is a M4a3E8") but they also have a bunch of "Party Like It's December 20, 2012!" t-shirts, some of them even in Mayan ideograms! Get 'em while they're hot!
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 13 replies
Okay, I work one full time job and 2 part time jobs. Yeah it is a lot but it has to be done. So my full time job requires me to work overtime, often at the drop of a hat. I can come in and work a full shift only to be told that they need me to work a few more hours. I try and be a good a employee and help out as much as I can. Back in June the Boss laid off 19 employees to keep the company profitable. Over time is now frequent and often forced upon us. The Boss has not asked me to work on my time off, when he knows that I am working another job(s), yet. That is about to change. Shadowy threats and rumors have been over heard; I have been warned that he is about t…
Last reply by hurricane, -
Scrabble - Keep it going!!! Change one letter of the bottom word posted and let's see who gets stuck and can't continue! Rules: You cannot add letters. You cannot use foreign languages. You can only change one letter. TRAY = PRAY
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 48 replies
Do you think it will bring more piracy? Cause i keep thinking of this if they melt the Water Trade Will Go up more cause it will be demanded by Other countries and other things to. Who Thinks it will bring more piracy?
Last reply by Quartermaster James, -
- 0 replies
Ok so I'm workin the blackberry which makes copy and paste difficult hence I'll just tell you where I found this story. then go into sci. and tech. The title is climate change and warfare cool heads or heated conflicts? What grabed me was the solutions for the problem and there simularity to Adam Smith's thoughts in The Wealth of Nations which I'm slowly reading as an ebook on my BB. This guy makes Nostradomas look like a chump. Reganomics, globalazation, the rise of China (kinda) its all there and I'm only a short way in. Once again sorry for the issues due to my BB
Last reply by hitman, -
- 3 replies
I'm not an easy man to scare. I used to eat, sleep and drink "creepy". I was a ghost hunter. All those shows you see now, "Ghost Hunters", "Ghost Adventures", all that stuff. I used to do that. I'm very familiar with things that go bump in the night, manifest shadows and mists and even pull your hair an breathe down your neck. Been there, done that. All those years I did that stuff, there was always the question, "What if"? What if this goes wrong? What if this goes REALLY wrong? What if this entity turns nasty? The movie "Paranormal Activity" answers that question… and then some. It presents a text book haunting with all the elements I've experienced in real …
Last reply by Pew, -
- 13 replies
This article got me thinking: I don't think I will get any argument that the media portrayal of what we are supposed to find as "attractive" has become only ever more distorted over time. And yet.... Remarkable similarity in some respects.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 7 replies
Someone at work shared this with me, so I must pass it along.... NOT for the faint-hearted... Mission and all you other Physics should be amused by this, the rest of us should be distraught...
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 5 replies
Ahoy!.. HELP! I've been given the task to transcribe 3 letters written by "Baron" de Kalb. Two letters are in english and shall obviously have no trouble transcribing them. However, one letter is completely in french! Despite I can slightly get the jist of it, I cannot translate it and need some help translating this one french letter written by the "Baron". Anyone who is well versed in french, please contact me. Help, please? Sorry, mates, not a paid commission either, it's all volunteer for the sake of history. :) (damn I need to learn french!) ~Lady B
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 16 replies
We have tons of threads for PC projects and garb, but what about all those fun things we do for our house and yard/garden that have nothing to do with pyracy? For example... A room redecoration project. Furniture rehabing or painting Landscaping ideas. Garden projects, both veggie and flower. Tips you want to share about finds or methods of construction. Basically anything you're working on or have completed that you want to show off that isn't pyrate related.
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 3 replies
The soviet's Dead Hand - Some scary sht "It would immediately transfer launch authority to whoever was manning the system at that moment deep inside a protected bunker—bypassing layers and layers of normal command authority. At that point, the ability to destroy the world would fall to whoever was on duty"
Last reply by hitman, -
- 11 replies
I couldn't believe what I heard and saw on ABC World News the other night and was incredibly shocked! Will they really go through with such stupidity? Wal-Mart has been approved to build a new store AT the Wilderness Battlefield site. For more info, check out the website (though I know some of you have seen it): Speak Out Against Wilderness Wal-Mart I'm spreading the word to folks out there on non-historical places to raise the awareness that enough is enough! Like Duvall said, Capitolism with SENSABILITY! Wal-Mart does NOT need to be THAT close! It's a battlefield, for Christ's sake! ~Lady B
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 7 replies
Halloween time at the Disney parks is almost here, which means the villains come out, woo-hoo! I get tired of all the cutesy princesses and good characters running around, it's time for the baddies to come out to play. When I last was at the park, about 2 weeks ago, Halloween decorations were already starting to go up. I saw this commercial tonight and just squealed with delight. I can't wait to go on my next visit, this is the best time of the year! Check out the video here:
Last reply by Kate Souris, -
So, I mentioned at PiP to a few people that I have managed a superhero costume here or there, and I promised to post pics. So, here they are... The Dark Phoenix (Original costume) The Black Widow (Ultimate Universe version) Dawn There are many other comic book girls I want to recreate - Scarlet Witch, Marvel Girl, the green and gold phoenix costume, Batgirl, and I am even thinking about the Tim Burton version of Catwoman. Lets not get into why I have a whole bunch of stretchable latex in my posession.... So, what non-piratey costumes have you done over the years?
Last reply by RedJessi, -
- 2 replies
No WONDER so much stuff is going wrong around here!!
Last reply by Brig, -
- 7 replies
So I just finished refurbishing this antique machine. It's a Singer, model 127. Made in 1924! It runs beautifully. I can't wait to sew some real projects on it. (My apologies to my Facebook friends, they've seen this already.) and a Video of it running. Antique Sewing Machine
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 12 replies
Yep, the 'festivities' also known as 'idiocy' has started.... More to come, well until I get disgusted with it all...
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 17 replies
So my CC company says I can personalize the image on my card. I really wanted to use this picture: (with the caption "Of course this is my card!) ...but somehow I doubt they'll let me. So what do you guys think I should use?
Last reply by hitman, -
- 35 replies
They say that "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Funny thing is we here at the Pub learn so that we can repeat it leave it to pirates to mess with the order of the universe
Last reply by hitman, -
- 30 replies
If you could have any single super power what would it be and why? My wife takes flight but I don't know how helpful that would be. She gets cold easily and would most often take the car to work instead of fly anyways.
Last reply by hitman, -
- 11 replies
Pyracy Pub moderator and members, I'm a graduate student at Emporia State University in the Library Science and Information Management program, which has a distance learning site in Portland. I'm part of a group of four grad students who are researching pirate re-enactors in the Portland area. I'm posting here in hopes that you and your members would be willing to help us. We're trying to learn how people involved in pirate-related activities communicate about where events are, costuming and other things related to being a pirate re-enactor. Obviously Pyracy Pub is one of the places and we're trying to find out how things have changed over a time period of up to 10 ye…
Last reply by murvosh,