Ransom Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 'Bastian Devareaux said: ...Key was brought to bare and as it was slid home, Sabastian paused. Eyes narrowed and ear was cocked to wooden barrier, Sister directed beyond door's closeness. Irish Dogs were woken from woolen dens, as fortitude was laid open; hungry maws salivating with view presented of chamber interior... I heard the key turn, and the door open. But what greeted my eyes was the barrel of two pistols, and Sebastains face, of grim expression. Someone was behind him in the hall. My hackles rose. What, a new parmour already? I quickly stood, hands on hips, and glared at him. "So, what do you plan to do with my body, assuming you're about to shoot me?" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Capt. Sterling Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Nelly Greene said: "Of course, how could I ever deny you something so simple," she said taking him by the arm and leading him along. "I take it things did not go well for you this day?" Sterling poured third drink then placed rapidly emptying bottle on the floor. He stretched out on Nelly’s daybed and finished half of what was in his glass. Head rested back, glass carefully balanced on chest. The last time things had gone according to plan was far too long ago to remember. “No,” he finally said, word tumbling out on exhaled breath and glass was quickly topped off. He had spent his entire life, all that he could recall, being constantly told how he must act, what he must to do, and why he must do things according to other people’s standards and expectations. When he tried, he was then reprimanded, told that he was not good enough, intelligent enough, was striving above his class, or that he was behaving beneath his position. He was tired of hearing his way was never right and, worse, that he never had anything of value to say or contribute in any given situation. And three years a slave had only added not soothed such feelings by impatient masters who had nearly beaten him to death when they felt occasion needed it. Aye he made mistakes but no more than the next successful man… and he was. Few had accomplished what he had in his short life and even fewer could lay claim to never having to cater to the will of investors because he owned his own ship. And yet where had success or abundant coin ever gotten him? Too many lovers that never noticed him beyond the jingle of a hefty purse or a means to some other end. McKinney had rejected him twice for the glitter of someone else’s gold. And, if he had not stumbled upon her in Jamaica, would he even know he had another child? And now Aurore, to her, he did not even seem to exist, unless he were ill or hurt. All was duty, concerning everyone... but him. With her, he found himself at the far end of a very long line of others. Even when regarding the telling of the news of their child, all that was given had been a distant “oui”, as thoughts turned to someone else other than him. Only to Tess, had he seemed to matter. And she was gone, along with too many sons. Nelly sat down beside him, unbuttoning neck of linen shirt, then refilling glass with more drink. “Not now,” he sighed. “Yes of course,” Nelly said with a compassionate smile. “Perhaps later then. You rest. I shall see to something to eat in an hour or so.” "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
'Bastian Devareaux Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 False Ransom said: I heard the key turn, and the door open. But what greeted my eyes was the barrel of two pistols, and Sebastains face, of grim expression. Someone was behind him in the hall. My hackles rose. What, a new parmour already?I quickly stood, hands on hips, and glared at him. "So, what do you plan to do with my body, assuming you're about to shoot me?" Fingers curled triggers and pressure danced lightly curvature of strange bedfellows. Her voice harkened with accusatory through the fog of predatory mental process and meandered to eventual realization. He took unconscious step backward, recognizing and then again not, Lover's defiant stance. With subtle tremor of hands, dogs were sent back from whence they came and tension drained slightly from lithe frame. Minute pivot gave full exposure to Sister's form and he reached to her with rushed guiding to Sanctuary; port expediently closed and secured. Aurore hung back, watching the other with veiled interest as Brother made immediately to the reflection of color array caged in crystal decadence. One was selected, unceremoniously relieving it of crowning jewel and contents sacrificed with lustful intent. His eyes traveled to where Lover remained in aggressive posturing then decanter was deserted on mantle's pinnacle. "There are those far more deserving of ball and powder than you, ma Faucon... " Sibling was motioned to, and chair indicated which was pulled away from table's near company. It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Capt. Sterling Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Sterling knew only too well that too much port, glasses filled in hasty succession, was all that he needed for temporary fix. Port haze soon clouded over mind's unwanted activity and eyelids became far too heavy for any extra effort to keep them aloft. Nelly knew enough to allow him to continue on chosen course. Any interference would only discourage further interest in herself. So, after Sally was given instructions for what now must be a simple meal, she returned. As glass emptied, she would help to fill it back up until Sterling finally turned on side away from her and with ungainly wave of hand dismissed her. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
Young Mr. Davis Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Quote Both Bess and young Mr. Davis quickly sat up from the sacks that they laid on. With hair tussled, shirt a skewed, and stays half-undone they quickly gathered themselves together. “I am ashamed at the two of you!” Said Abbi turning her back so the two of them could claim themselves decent. "Abbi!" Startled Bess, as she hastened to compose herself. "It's... not what you think... I ahm..." "It was a bee!" Insisted Davis, as he attempted to inhance the story. "A what.." Questioned Abbi. "Yes.... A hornet!" added Bess. It dropped down my back only a moment before.." "...and Mr. Davis was gentleman enough to assist with such a daunting task, I'm sure.." Insisted Abbi, in a mocking sincerity. "You'd best be careful then my dear, we wouldn't want you to get.... Stung... by that little bugger, now would we?"
Cheeky Actress Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 “Where did she go?” Said Doctor Reiley as he returned to the small room. He found Hamish finishing a glass of port and tossing scraps to Mate. Hamish shrugged. “I needed to ‘step out’ for a moment. I was not gone for long. I thought she was with you?” In a panic, Doctor Reiley quickly dashed out into the hallway. “Oh no! We must find her. She is not stable to be out and about.” Both Doctor Reiley and Hamish quickly dashed down the hall to the main room of the tavern. “Bar keep!” Cried Doctor Reiley. “We are looking for a woman.” The Bar keep looked at the two of them with displeasure. “Here, I run a respectable place. If you want any of that sort of thing I you’ll have to go someplace else for I don’t be…” “No, no. That’s not what the good Doctor meant!” Said Hamish. “The young woman who was lodging upstairs. She’s gone. Did you see her leave?” The Bar Keep looked a bit confused. “I saw no woman leave here.” Both men looked at each other and suddenly dashed off to the kitchen. As they entered the room they found an old woman dressed in a simple blue gown. “Mistress, did you see a woman leave this way?” The old woman looked up and smiled. “Aye, she left through the back way. She didn’t have anything decent to wear so I gave her a petticoat, apron and rust colored Mantua to wear. She was too happy to take it.” The two men looked at each other again. “She’s off to look for him.” Hamish muttered in whispered tones. “Damn woman!’ Doctor Reiley muttered back. Member of "The Forsaken"
CrazyCholeBlack Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 The heavy wooden door shut soundly behind Ulises as he entered his private room. A scared hand pulled out the tattered message from his outer pocket. Dim lamp light flickered across the cream page as the captain settled near the flame. Dark eyes read the words again, the ever present furrow in the man’s brow deepening. He had known a message of this sort would reach him eventually. He had spent too many months chasing the other galleon, too many months without sending word to his patrons. He could dawdle no longer; this business with the cursed Danish needed to be finished soon, or any hope of a successful return to Spain was lost. Thin sheet of velum was set on the rough table near inconstant flame; quill dipped with practiced ease into the waiting ink as Ulises began to compose his reply. "If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog
Ransom Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 'Bastian Devareaux said: "There are those far more deserving of ball and powder than you, ma Faucon... "Sibling was motioned to, and chair indicated which was pulled away from table's near company. "Oh, I suspect there are many people who might argue that point." I replied, as, without benefit of glass, he put the decanter to his lips. Sebastian looked like a man on the razor's edge between total collapse or total rage. I knew the feeling well, but to see his usually casual demeanor so altered, told me not to push things. The woman looked ill, but there was a sharp resemblance between her and Sebastian. A memory pricked at the back of my mind, but I could not place it. Something about the woman... I held out my glass. "Are you going to share that brandy, or hog the whole decanter to yourself? I think your lady-friend here could use some." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Lilith Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Lilith awoke with a start. It took her a few moments to realize where she was. It all came back to her when she looked about the kitchen she had made herself at home in and the small chest that she claimed for herself. What it contained was some what of mystery to her. A slip of paper with the letters A.C. upon it long with a list of numbers, a small wooden plate with a rose carved upon it, and a bright red ribbon. Perhaps they were keepsakes or a child’s tokens of amusement. Odd items to be kept cloistered away like that, she thought. She stood up from her make-shift bed and put herself together. She had come to the conclusion that if she was to make any money she would have to move forward and make things happen…and God help those who may get in her way! She quickly gathered the small chest up and set off to find word of two people. One, of course was Captain Sterling and the other, Pinion. “Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.” She said to herself. It would be wise to find out more of Pinion’s deals here in Port Royal. Knowing the nature of his habits, she immediately knew where to look. “Find a pretty face, you’ll find him next to it.” Lilith was on her way to visit the red light district of Port Royal. Lilith - Commander of The Tartarus "God did not hold back from punishing the angels that sinned, but, by throwing them into Tartarus, delivered them into pits of dense darkness to be reserved for judgement."
Cheeky Actress Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Lilly hadn’t been on the street for more than a few moments when she found herself in the middle of the market square. The hour’s business was busy, noisy, and smelly. She floated from one merchant to another inspecting carts, baskets, barrels, hacks, and the occasional hawker. Her mind was now clouded from the medication the good doctor had given her. “What did I mean to purchase?” She said to herself. “Where was I going? I was looking for something, wasn’t I?” She slowly walked through the market streets until she found her way down to the docks once more. The grand ships sat in the harbor as the sun danced on the waters. She stepped gingerly through the pitted road where the local men took notice of her. Standing look aimlessly for something, but she could not recall the item she sought. She could hear voices calling to one another aboard the ships in the harbor. It was then she found herself in front of a grand ship. As she looked on she saw the word, "Archangel' glimmering back at her. Member of "The Forsaken"
Capt. Sterling Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Gentle squeeze of fingers upon shoulder caused Sterling to turn onto back. “The meal is ready if you feel up to something to eat,” Nelly said as hand smoothed along his arm. She watched as bleary eyes opened and recognition on captain’s features rapidly seized ground where confusion had just held sway. He sat up, stretched and nodded understanding. Focus shifted to window, which had been his usual Nelly had noted since her finding him. “The sun has been down only an hour,” she commented without his asking. “Thank you,” he said. Leaving comfort of daybed, he stretched once more. Nelly moved close along his back, her own arms moving about his torso. She leaned her cheek against him. Stronger arms reached behind and pulled her around to face him. “You have some place else you must go,” she stated, knowingly and yet hoping she was wrong. “Aye,” he whispered and allowed her once again to move close. “I must return to my ship. I have need to sail as soon as possible and I must see if our release from the harbor has been granted.” Nelly did not move, save to lay head gently against his chest. This time as his arms moved to encircle her, he paused. How like his wife only scant hours ago. Mind was quickly changed and one arm, moved to rest, bent, at small of his own back. The fingers of right hand moved beneath her chin and lifted it. “What is it?” he asked. “Do you plan to sail as soon as the morning comes?” she asked. “It would be pleasing to do so,” he chuckled. “But I fear that would take a miracle.” He watched as her expression fell. “Come, come,” he continued. “Ye do not know me well enough to look so disappointed. I would like it better if ye were honest with me. Besides, I have already told ye, I have not the means to keep ye in the fashion to which ye seem to have grown accustomed. Yer gentlemen have already established ye in the finer part of the Port. Keeping ye on my shares will soon have ye walking the streets.” “That does not mean that I could not see you as well,” she offered. “Just for us. No costs, no strings.” He suddenly pulled away from her. “What is it I have done?” Nelly asked as he turned his back to her. “Not ye luv,” Sterling answered. “Just me. Ye are not to blame.” Good eye came to fix on her as head was cocked back to look over his shoulder. “It just seems with age, I wish for strings, costs, responsibilities and the like. And sharing is becoming something I find I can no longer do.” "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
'Bastian Devareaux Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 False Ransom said: "Oh, I suspect there are many people who might argue that point." I replied, as, without benefit of glass, he put the decanter to his lips. Sebastian looked like a man on the razor's edge between total collapse or total rage. I knew the feeling well, but to see his usually casual demeanor so altered, told me not to push things.The woman looked ill, but there was a sharp resemblance between her and Sebastian. A memory pricked at the back of my mind, but I could not place it. Something about the woman... I held out my glass. "Are you going to share that brandy, or hog the whole decanter to yourself? I think your lady-friend here could use some." Dark eyes turned to center on proffered glass, and it was as if the object were of some foreign place with unknown identity. He stared vacantly at it briefly, then flicker of recognition swam earthy windows and decanter was recaptured. Minute tremor plagued his grasp, amber liquid splashing concave to fill; some missing to free fall and mahogany below. Dauphin blinked numbly at fluid sacrifice, arm poised with crystal container mid-air. Sibling reached forward from taken chair, gently taking object into her own care and replacing it on burnished support. As one waking from dream, Sabastian snapped focus to Lover then lowered eyes back to spill. Sibling retreated throne, regaining feet and gave reassuring stroke to discolored jaw line. Moving away, Aurore glanced to Ransom, then continued on to a doorway at hearth's far side. Beggar Prince tracked her passage and conceal beyond oaken barrier then sat heavily in chair's emptiness. Decanter was considered then ignored and sleeping Dogs were placed in Crystal company. When he finally spoke, it was ghost of whisper. "It was not to go as this...I have failed Her and myself..." It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Ransom Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 I watched him, all my own previous anger gone. His eyes were haunted, his hand trembling as he lay the pistols on the table. Carefully, I retrieved the decanter, filled my glass and set it before him. "On second thought, you need this worse than she does." I settled into the chair the woman had vacated. "Clearly, something monumental has occured. Tell me, ma pearl, who is the woman, for I think I have seen her somewhere before." For I had suddenly remembered that day in the square, when Killingsworth had shot a man named Captain Sterling, and a slender pale arm had reached from a coach window and attempted to touch the man's leg as he fell from his horse. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
CrazyCholeBlack Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 Su señoría más honorable Juan Diego de Pena, Justicia del regimiento de la Villa de Cadiz Soy informado, y esto me da la gran preocupación, que usted ha oído un enfermo informe de mí, que, supongo, fui levantado por algunos de mis compañeros; a quién envidiar mi estima, o, agravando mis faltas, procuraría disminuir su propio. Su reprimenda es bastante oportuna, y esto tendrá el efecto deseado, también frustrar los diseños de mis enemigos, que pretenden perjudicarle contra mí para complacerle y obedecer todas sus órdenes y consejo... "If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog
'Bastian Devareaux Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 His attention drifted to glass absently, "She is my sister...There was a time when we numbered five...Now only three remain." Half-hearted reach for goblet was made and brought to, draught was deep then cast away with extreme to violently shatter against near wall. " I am so deeply weary of it all..." It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Ransom Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 'Bastian Devareaux said: His attention drifted to glass absently, "She is my sister...There was a time when we numbered five...Now only three remain."Half-hearted reach for goblet was made and brought to, draught was deep then cast away with extreme to violently shatter against near wall. " I am so deeply weary of it all..." "I see we are both fond of throwing things." I stood, retreived two glasses from the cabinet, and refilled them. I set the new glass next to his hand. "I suggest you drink that. There are times when getting pissing drunk is the only cure for what ails you." I sat down again, watching him carefully. The contained frustration was about to break free. All I could do was wait for it to burst, like some festering sore. "She looks like you. The last time I saw her, she was in a coach the day Killingsworth shot Sterling. I saw her. I have also heard that Sterling died and that his body was being taken back to England. Clearly the two are connected in some way. Is that what has her so upset, the fact that he is dead?" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
'Bastian Devareaux Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 Wry smile painted his expression, "In a sense...and the fact that she is not one soul, but two within same vessel..." Goblet was downed and eyes fleeted to hearthside door. Dauphin's center lingered there for a passing of time then returned to companion. His mind was a turmoil of rapid thoughts that veered one direction only to dash to another. Room's temperature seemed overwhelming and coat was shirked out of and dropped to the flooring. It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Capt. Sterling Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 Intimate boudoir table had been laid with best pewter plates and fine knives. Sterling’s eyebrow arched upon noticing forks upon linen napkins. More port was transferred from bottle to goblets and guest of honour took his place. As Sally carried trays of items upward from outdoor kitchen, Nelly served, selecting the prime pieces for captain’s plate. The meal was a feast to eye as well as scent and palate. Nelly’s cook has surely outdone herself. Sterling ate nothing, preferring to rearrange more of it on his plate than any thing else. He finally looked up from contemplating actually tasting something to find Nelly staring at him. Napkin rose to clean untainted mouth, then tossed over remains of meal. “My apologies,” Sterling said. “I am poor company.” Nelly floated from chair and moved around to him. Her hands moved to tense shoulders, her fingers working flesh beneath them. “Perhaps then, you would care for something else to clear your mind?” She suggested as one hand moved down the front of his shirt. Delicate hands were suddenly trapped in his. They were removed gently from Sterling’s person as he pushed back chair and stood. He sighed, saddened grin played upon his face. “I am afraid, Nell, that what ye have in mind, will only make me feel all the more worse. I think it best I take my leave for now. Perhaps tomorrow night, yer charms will not only be needed but appreciated as they should.” "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
CrazyCholeBlack Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 ...Aunque, yo debiera poseer, he sido un poco demasiado negligente en mi negocio, y soy sensible ahora he perdido hasta cierto punto mi tiempo y crédito así; pero, por mi futura diligencia espero pronto recuperar a ambos, y convencerle que pago unos respetos estrictos a todas sus órdenes, que estoy ligado a, también en la gratitud como el deber, y espero que yo tenga alguna vez el permiso, y con la gran verdad, suscribirme, sin embargo, siempre estoy contento cuando encuentro que usted, estimado señor, recuerda, su criado muy obligado y alguna vez obediente. Sr. Don Fernando de Ulises El 17 de noviembre, 17.. "If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog
Capt. Sterling Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 Except for red coated soldiers still on parade about town, Port Royal had pretty much returned to normal. As shops closed up tight for the night and decent folks went above to families or home, the lowlife of Jamaica began to emerge from the shadows. By the time Sterling became one of their number, the taverns were already filling up and others like Nelly Greene, though less successful, began to lay claim to the streets. To Sterling’s right, an elderly woman passed, dressed in well made but slightly outdated fashion. She walked gracefully, still trying to lead with bony chest, which had long ago lost its ability to attract any man. He watched her as she passed others, ignoring the outstretched hand of lame, blind or others forced to beg. He shied quickly away from a small knot of soldiers to his left even though they seemed more intent on two whores already in the midst of haggling. One soldier, hand shoved down front of corset, already sampling the goods that were up for bidding. He shied once more, avoiding a tavern brawl that was ready to erupt out into the streets. As he continued from Greene house to docks, he kept himself distracted by the thoughts that a simple stroll was more like a fencing match. Retreat, advance, advance, cross over then retreat a bit more before lunging forward to avoid actually having to come into contact with any number of souls that crossed his path. Footsteps only slowed and faltered as a group of dirty, ragtag children ran in front of him, giving chase to harassed stray cat. The group included four boys and elder girl, all a giggling save for poor cat. He watched until they raced around tavern corner. Then hand strayed itself to pocket, papers still secured within. He no longer knew what to do where wife was concerned. His heart kept hoping and yet his head told him to continue in foolish match would only cause him more heartbreak. If she truly cared she would be with him, by his side. As he looked about only whores were bold enough to stand close. Pace was increased without looking as if he were in too much of a hurry. That would only draw attention and at the moment, he wished to remain as he was, completely lost in the crowd. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
Ransom Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 'Bastian Devareaux said: Wry smile painted his expression, "In a sense...and the fact that she is not one soul, but two within same vessel..."Goblet was downed and eyes fleeted to hearthside door. Dauphin's center lingered there for a passing of time then returned to companion. His mind was a turmoil of rapid thoughts that veered one direction only to dash to another. Room's temperature seemed overwhelming and coat was shirked out of and dropped to the flooring. I stood, refilled his glass, and hung his coat on a hook in the wardrobe. Returning to his side, I refilled his empty glass, then knelt down, much as he had done with me the previous night, and touched his arm. "You can not control the world, Sebastian. The world tends to send us into chaos more than peace. I take it your sister is with child by this dead captain? I'm sorry, but at least she has family that will care for her and the child." Leaning in, I kissed his cheek. "Ignore the world for a few hours, ma pearl. By the looks of it, your sister needs sleep more than anything else, as do you. If you wish it, I will leave you alone with her, or I will stay and...intercept any who would try and interupt us. As you did for me only a day ago, I offer succor, a warm embrace, and whatever else my person can make a gift of." And with that said, I put my arm around him, lay my head on his shoulder, and gave what comfort I could. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Thomas Neede Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 "LAND HO!!", cried the lookout from the top of the mast. Thomas looked up from his papers under the shaded lantern of the main deck and could see the lights among the hills of Port Royal, Jamaica. The Captain made his way from his cabin onto the main deck and looked ahead. "A fine night to make sail. What do you think Mister Neede?" "Yes Captain," said the rotund businessman,"a very beautiful night." Thomas neede drank from a mug and put his head back into his notes. The Captain looked over Thomas Neede's papers and ledgers. "A might bit of work for you at this hour sir?" "Yes, Captain. I have a meeting at first light. I must get my records in order," said Thomas. "Very well," said the Captain, "do not let me disturb you." "No sir, not at all," replied Thomas. The Captain nodded and spoke pleasantries with the man for several minutes until he excused himself to ready the ship for arrival. Thomas arranged his papers and ledgers and went below to his cabin he shared with the Quartemaster. The voyage from Boston had been uneventful, save for a minor squall they encountered off of Bermuda. A hold full of goods from the Colonies was bound to make the Captain and Proprietor of the ship quite a bit of coin. Thomas also saw the opportunites in the Caribbean to make a fortune of his own. "Nothing more excellent nor more valuable than wine was ever granted mankind by God." -Plato
Tess St. Claire Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 Tess St. Claire spent a good deal of the night and well into the day trying to talk with Lewis Hutchinson. She told him that he was getting careless and some body would soon find out what he was doing. “I assure you, Tess that none of them know who I am…and they aren’t talking, are they?” Tess looked back at Lewis who now found comfort in a glass of wine and a pipe. “There is always a chance someone will know something.” Tess said joining him in a glass of wine. “Yes, some one,” muttered Lewis as he looked up at his cousin. The pangs of dread soon started to haunt her when she realized that she knew too much, but she pressed forward once again asking more questions. “Who was it this time? A vagabond perhaps?” “Oh, no..” Lewis said sitting up in his chair with a start, anxiously perched on the edge of his seat. “You would not believe my luck.” Tess flet somewhat repulsed by his overly excitable nature at the very mention of his victim. “Well?” She asked showing no sign of interest. “She claimed to be an actress. Of all things, can you imagine? She was probably some poor waif looking for fortune in the streets, if you get my meaning, no?” The very word, ‘actress’ made Tess turn her full attentions on Lewis. “Is that so? Did she give a name or do you make it a habit of asking them such a thing?” “Of course I ask them their name.” Lewis said. “How do you think I earn their trust?” Tess shuttered at the very thought of her cousin stalking such a poor victim. “I think she said her name was Lilly or was it Lizzy? Mc..something.” The sound of a glass crashing to the floor drew Lewis’ attention back to his cousin. There stood Tess as pale as a ghost. “What is it Tess? You’re as pale as a sheet?” "You killed Lilly McKinney? Do you know what you've just done?" She said yelling back at him. Lewis pulled the pipe from his head and shook his head, "No, I am sorry I don't know." "You've just marked your own path to the gallows!" Tess said taking the decanter in hand.
Thomas Neede Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 "BEST BOWER AWAY!!" cried the Bo'son. Seconds later, a loud splash echoed in the darkness of the harbor. A scurry of activity could be heard in the rigging above with the men furling the sails. The Captain made his way onto the quarterdeck and watched the activity aboard in the dim light of the lanterns posted about the ship. "Tis a late hour Mister Neede, will you be staying aboard this evening?" asked the Captain. The man reflected a moment and then considered the offer. "The cook will have us a late supper with some of our finest spirits." "Very well," smiled Thomas, "A plate of victuals and a fine cognac might be what I need to finish my papers." Thomas padded his logs and papers with his free hand. "Good then, Mister Willams will see to your things if you would care to join me in the main cabin at, say, the next bell." Thomas nodded and handed his notes to the cabin boy. Thomas Neede went below to his shared cabin and refreshed himself with a splash of fresh water to his face and new clothing. Neatly tucking his things away in his sea chest, he removed a small silver flask he had obtained from India. Stamped into the body of the flask was "B.E.I.C.". He ran his hand over the impressed letters and unscrewed the cap. One one motion, he turned the small metal bottle up and emptied it's contents into his belly. He widened his eyes for the moment and then let the warmth overtake his being. He replaced the cap and slid the flask between the folds of his frockcoat in his chest. As he latched the lid closed, the bells tolled from the deck above. "Nothing more excellent nor more valuable than wine was ever granted mankind by God." -Plato
'Bastian Devareaux Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 False Ransom said: Quote I stood, refilled his glass, and hung his coat on a hook in the wardrobe. Returning to his side, I refilled his empty glass, then knelt down, much as he had done with me the previous night, and touched his arm. "You can not control the world, Sebastian. The world tends to send us into chaos more than peace. I take it your sister is with child by this dead captain? I'm sorry, but at least she has family that will care for her and the child." He chortled, shaking head in slowed negation and paused with sidelong glance, "Non....She has myself to look after her well being..." Goblet was reached for and contents downed with rapidity. "Andre' will never accept a mixed child..." Dauphin stared at empty concave then placed vessel back on burnished plane. Quote Leaning in, I kissed his cheek. "Ignore the world for a few hours, ma pearl. By the looks of it, your sister needs sleep more than anything else, as do you. If you wish it, I will leave you alone with her, or I will stay and...intercept any who would try and interrupt us. As you did for me only a day ago, I offer succor, a warm embrace, and whatever else my person can make a gift of." And with that said, I put my arm around him, lay my head on his shoulder, and gave what comfort I could. Her verbose eased a degree of tension in his being, the tone as soothing as her caress. It was the sincerity that wove what was offered that drew some amount of his angst away, but did not exercise the demons completely. Reaching for table support, unsteady stance was gained and he glanced once more to hearthside door, and reply was hushed. "I would desire you stay...Everything is like a whirlwind to me at present and I humbly apologize that you should be exposed to such..." Passage was made to door of interest, cracked softly and interior gazed in upon for the passing of minutes. With unsteady care, closure was achieved and retreat made for Four Posted decadence. Dark windows slyed through darker tress curtain to where Lover stood and motion was made for closer proximity.... It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
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