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Young Mr. Davis

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Everything posted by Young Mr. Davis

  1. To my darling Bess... Although you may be covered in shy-t...... Beauty such as your's will brighten any night....! From chamber pot and chicken coop, you toil until half-dead... But once I make my fortune, I'll have you in my--- IEEEEEEee!!! SLAP! POW!! SCREAM!!! YELP!! No... Wait!!! Not That!! YEEEowwwwwwwwWW! (As he is thrown down into the cellar) Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump! CRASH! oooow!
  2. "Abbi!" Startled Bess, as she hastened to compose herself. "It's... not what you think... I ahm..." "It was a bee!" Insisted Davis, as he attempted to inhance the story. "A what.." Questioned Abbi. "Yes.... A hornet!" added Bess. It dropped down my back only a moment before.." "...and Mr. Davis was gentleman enough to assist with such a daunting task, I'm sure.." Insisted Abbi, in a mocking sincerity. "You'd best be careful then my dear, we wouldn't want you to get.... Stung... by that little bugger, now would we?"
  3. She had gone ahead as the two youngsters lollygagged behind. However when Abbigale Crane returned to her small millers cottage, she discover the outlaw presumed dead from Davis' blade had somehow picked himself up and escaped during the chase, a slight trail of blood leading across the road and into the woodline. "We haven't time to waste." Thought Abbi, as she began collecting the items she would need for the journey. "And for heaven's sake, where are those two at a time like this...?"
  4. Sensing a personal moment between the two young people, "God bless em." Thought Abbi, as she quickened her pace in returning to the mill. "... but heaven help us, with the trouble that lies ahead.."
  5. "...what else was I to do?" stammered young Davis, as he stopped looking deep into the young girl's eyes. Perhaps he was looking for a reason to explain his actions and taking a man's life. "He gave me no choice...." Davis suddenly blurted out. "But the thought of never seeing you again my dear Bess.... the thought of never..." Without another word, he gently traced his hand along the young girl's cheek, then lifting her chin ever so slightly, he softly kissed her.
  6. "You'll pay for that laddie!" bellowed the outlaw, as he threw young Davis to the ground and staggered from the house. But as Davis quickly regained his footing, he was met by the warm embrace he feared was lost.
  7. What had happen next, was nothing like young Davis had planned. And though headstrong and brave, he was far from experienced in these kind of actions. For after staggering the guard with a blast from hidden pistol, Davis jumped from the wagon and rushed to the door. Then drawing the blade from his belt, Davis frantically raced into the kitchen. However as his eyes darted across the room in search of a sign of his dear Bess, they suddenly became transfixed on the hideous man who was standing before him. The man who was now impaled upon young Davis's blade.
  8. “You’d best be on your way lad.” Sneered the one-eyed man, as he slid open his jacket to reveal a pistol clipped to his belt. “There’s nothing for you here!” From atop of his horse, young Jacob Davis could hear the hasty rummaging from inside the cottage. He could feel his face redden and his eyes began to well up from the anger restrained at the thought of harm being done to those he had come to love. Then as he casually wrapped his hand around the weapon’s grip, Davis slowly shook his head as he came to the realization of what was about to happen. “I’m afraid sir," Spoke Davis, his words slightly stammering as he leaned forward in the saddle and met the gaze of the one-eyed man. "You’ve made a fatal mistake...”
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