RyannMacGregor Posted October 25, 2003 Posted October 25, 2003 Quote Not at all (thank God) like the girls who all they did was toss on a cowboy hat and were rodeo ho's. How is that a costume? Thats how they dress every day! And here's something I don't get... It will be 60 degrees and they are half naked. Why? Don't they realize that huddling, hunched and shivering completely ruins the sexy look they were going for? Seems like a lack of common sense to me.Aye! 'ften wonder'd meself at the brains of such foolishness. Ha! And them shoes they be wearin', how do ye board a ship, without landin' on the arse? Captain of The Morrighan.
Mad Gracie Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 RyannMacGregor said: And them shoes they be wearin', how do ye board a ship, without landin' on the arse? I'll admit, there are some shoes that really add that sexy flair. But honestly, I won't even wear them anymore unless I'm going out for a nice dinner with me captain. No sir! Now it's gym shoes or really comfy loafer shoes. Age and many-a-painful younger years has taught me well. Dressing up is nice to do, but if I don't have to.. It's all about comfort for me! ~MG~
Kuthroat Kim Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 Quote How good ye be with a needle and thread? I be happy to give you some info. I be ok with sewing, plus I have about a week t' do it in. Any info you have would be great. Thanks! Take what you can, give nothing back.
RyannMacGregor Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 Kuthroat Kim, I've send you an email with a tad of info in it. Hopefully you received it. If not, the pattern McCall's #2258 is colonial style garb. Jacket, vest, britches, shirt and even a tricorn hat are included in it. Good Luck, and email me if you have further questions. I'll try to help. Captain of The Morrighan.
endkaos Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 Mad Maudlin McCrumb said: Oh of COURSE we're gonna be an entire pirate household with the kids and everything! MIght find an eyepatch for me cat, too! Gonna fly the Jolly Roger off me deck, if it ain't rainin' (Portland Oregon? Rain? Good freaking luck...) I'm with you. The whole family be pirates for the party we had last night. But the Santa Ana's be a blowin last night and me Jolly Roger was torn from me mast. Also, Me giant inflatable Jack o Lantern, complete with new eye patch and bandana, did not fair well either. Our "ships" also took a beating. The Black Pearl withstood the winds, but alas the smaller Interceptor's main was torn to shreds. I'm a planning on re-rigging in time for a presentation out in the front for Halloween night. That did not stop the boys from an epic sea battle. But alas, all is not loss. As tommorrow will be a good day for a sail on the land locked Lake Pleasant. Me first "lab" for sailing class. :) ~Tori Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.
endkaos Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 Avast, I wantin to add an excellent costume seen at me party last night. Me good mate came was Roy Horn of Seigfreed and Roy. It be a bit gruesome with a wound at his neck and a white stuffed tiger toy from Toys r Us all covered in blood. It be one of those costumes that may be a wee bit over the line, but it clearly was a hit. ~Tori Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.
El Pirata Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 LMAO!!!!! Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
The WildHair'd Wench Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 Aye, we'll be pirates (like we could be anything but)
RyannMacGregor Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 Quote Avast, I wantin to add an excellent costume seen at me party last night. Me good mate came was Roy Horn of Seigfreed and Roy. It be a bit gruesome with a wound at his neck and a white stuffed tiger toy from Toys r Us all covered in blood. Har! What a deliciously tw'sted costume. Thar be sum huevos! Captain of The Morrighan.
El Pirata Posted October 26, 2003 Posted October 26, 2003 I think you be meaning cajones, not huevos. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
RyannMacGregor Posted October 27, 2003 Posted October 27, 2003 Aye...that too...thou theyst not be as good cooked with a wee bit of butter and garlic. Captain of The Morrighan.
El Pirata Posted October 27, 2003 Posted October 27, 2003 RyannMacGregor said: Aye...that too...thou theyst not be as good cooked with a wee bit of butter and garlic. Mmmmm, that sounds good. I think some huevos for breakfast are in order this morning. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Cracked Carrie Posted October 28, 2003 Posted October 28, 2003 El Pirata said: I think you be meaning cajones, not huevos. Just to be pedantic... ...cajones and huevos are both terms for the same thing. "Huevos" (eggs) is just another way of putting it... This totally useless bit of trivia is brought to you by the letter C... ------ Bein' a pirate at work today...all our potlucks fall on Tuesdays, so there you have it. Just got to threaten my officemate with me flintlock. Life is good.
Thomas B. Posted October 28, 2003 Posted October 28, 2003 them's sieg and roy fellas are a wee bit strange....good costume though
Redd Oktober Posted October 28, 2003 Posted October 28, 2003 Quote Just to be pedantic......cajones and huevos are both terms for the same thing. "Huevos" (eggs) is just another way of putting it... This totally useless bit of trivia is brought to you by the letter C... Quote I think you be meaning cajones, not huevos. Ohhhh by The Twisted Shank o' Johnny Corkscrew....Who knew a simple colloquialism about the boys downstairs could generate such rhetoric. 'Course...now my question is...who is dressing up as a huevo pirate fer halloween? YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"
TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted October 29, 2003 Author Posted October 29, 2003 We began preparations at work this morning- Two pirate flags be a-hangin' in the hallway and signs saying "Silicon Valley College prepare to be boarded!" and "Ye have been warned!" hang from the walls. I be recruitin' students to come dressed as pirates too... ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas www.talesofthesevenseas.com
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted October 29, 2003 Posted October 29, 2003 Arr, I should go and get me a Jolly Roger to hang on me house; show the kiddies 'round here jus' who they're dealin' with! Made a wooden sign that says: "Pirates, ye be warned." Think they'll like tha'. Yessss, cajones are the same as huevos. Cajones sounds better anyway. Captain Wolfy Wench
El Pirata Posted October 29, 2003 Posted October 29, 2003 I'd really like to be thinking about halloween righ now but a few work related things have me preoccupied. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to think about halloween. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
El Pirata Posted October 29, 2003 Posted October 29, 2003 Cool, I wanna be a Toys "R" Us kid. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 I hope ev'ryone had fun on Hallowe'en, becuase I know I sure as hell did! Everyone loved me costume and they knew what it was, arr. I won third place at me school's costume contest, but it's all a popularity contest anyway, and I be not so popular among the kiddies there. I am a senior, though, an' they respect that, I think. Anyway, I had a grea' time, and it was definetly the year of the pirate. How many people saw other pirates on the day? I saw a bunch of the cheap costumes from party stores, but there were also three kids in me grade who were good pirates that made their own costumes! Took a pic of them, I did, an' was very happy wif that. Heh. Captain Wolfy Wench
Lady Elaina Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 I was a pirate all weekend... I had to do a promotion for my work and we had a huge festival.... so they asked me to be Elizabeth Swan .. I will have pics when I get them.... It was kind of tough wearing that corset for 9 hours under a tapestry dress lol. But truly beautiful. Gabriella
Lady Elaina Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 PS I saw a miniature Captain Hook and went crazy and had to get my picture with him... he was about 2 years old.. but his costume was so authentic... dark wig and all...he was too adorable in his red velvet waist coat!! Yes it is definately the year of the Pirate... all though I think this is going to keep going into the next year with the new Peter Pan movie coming out and the 100 years Gasparilla Celebration in February. And living in Florida is a nice perk tooo.. Pirates seem to never go out of style!!
LadyBarbossa Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 Aye.. tis the Year of the pirates! With Treasure Planet kicking it off, to PotC, Master & Commander, Jason Isaacs as Hook in Peter Pan (Dear god help me! )... & I suppose one could include Survivor Pearl Islands... if one wanted to. I dressed up as a pirate, made my own costume. Had a lot of compliments, a few people take pictures of me. Unable to go to any contests anywhere, working the whole time. Had a Halloween event open to the public on Thursday night, wore the costume then. Then wore it all day & night Friday as I worked more than 14 hours... in a manner of speaking... however, I did plunder some candy, threaten a tavern wench, get some root beer in place of rum... & was gracefully 'given' a silver spoon! LOL... was a hoot & a riot! I would have enjoyed going to the mall where a friend stated that if I were able to go I would have won a $500 gift certificate hands down! No competition... but.. alas,.. working. A pirate has to gain money somehow, be it honestly or dishonestly. Hopefully, I will have pix of meself soon. Huzzah! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Vale Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 Sounds like we had similar Halloween adventures... I too was advised my costume was a money maker if only I could have made it to a port! Thar be a pic of it in my profile... like to hear what ya think. (Oh yeah the avatar has a bit as well.) Vale
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