Patrick Hand Posted April 29, 2005 Author Posted April 29, 2005 Goingta play the last part of Sreck2 again,.... thestorming of th castle.... (I needa Hero).... dang I love that bit... kinda focusinng on it to much,,,,, I want some of that "happly ever after potion" cause I feel like an oger to often.............and I need a prinsess to save... (Fieona can take care of herself....... that kinda princess) THATS WHANT I WANNA FIND (funy Fieona is cute as an oger... and as a human.........but she is still sexy as both ) The storming of the castle has been running through my brain al nisght,,,, ... ok so just play it again, (even knowing that I will cry,.... Still a sucker for happy endings...)
Charity Posted April 29, 2005 Posted April 29, 2005 Quote Dang... I woulda made a GOOD pyrate....................... I thought everyone here is
Patrick Hand Posted May 14, 2005 Author Posted May 14, 2005 What would happen if on July 4 th ( or pick another date...) everyone that made less that $10 per hour called in "sick" the "poor workers"..... ........... you want some gas... you want a cup of coffee.... fryes with that burger............... Unions once apon (sp) a time worked for the workers... but now they work for themselves..... but with the internet,,,, we don't need the union to get fair wages................................. NO mafia Union.... but fair wages for work done.................
Mission Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 What would be the point? If you were going to do something like that, you should at least have an elucidated philosophical gripe or a list of demands or something. Personally I doubt the majority would agree to do this anyhow. Most of the worker revolutions in this country seem to have been staged by a small noisy minority who get lots of ink. The press loves stuff like that. One reason I doubt most people would get involved is that it's sort of pointless. The great thing about this country is that anyone who really, genuinely wants to excel (in whatever way that suggests to you), can. It becomes more attainable every day. I know many people in the "service sector" who have become quite successful. I was reading about a cab driver with a fifth grade education who started reading the dictionary while waiting for fares. This allowed him to understand what they were talking about on the stock reports on the radio he listened to all day long, which led to him investing, which eventually led to him buying out the cab company he worked for. People here aren't exactly oppressed unless they choose to be. And, despite what the media would have us believe, the pie is not finite. There's always room for one more millionaire (if that's what you want). All it takes is drive and determination. Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?" John: "I don't know." Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."
Patrick Hand Posted May 15, 2005 Author Posted May 15, 2005 Quote I was reading about a cab driver with a fifth grade education who started reading the dictionary while waiting for fares. This allowed him to understand what they were talking about on the stock reports on the radio he listened to all day long, which led to him investing, which eventually led to him buying out the cab company he worked for. People here aren't exactly oppressed unless they choose to be. Dang... sounds like the kinda story "they" want us to hear...... I dissagree.... I think we have been "trained" to think everything is hunky dory...... look at the way anyone that "think differntly" is delt with........ < political rant mode off>
Rumba Rue Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Think differently, oh well, that means I'm off my rocker. Yipppeeeeee! Rumba Rue **My wicked mind is better than yours**
HarborMaster Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 I tend to agree with some of this and disagree with some of this. I have more than a 5th grade education., I have an 8th grade education. I am in the "Service Sector" tho I am not a millionaire (in America) and never will be I do bring in 6 figures a year. In the U.S. I believe I am proof anyone willing to get off their arse can do it. Thats the key., I see so many whine and cry about how tough life is while there sitting on there duff., hoping for a get rich quik lawsuit or something. Its really how much you make., but how you spend it. Its actually alot harder to get up an "Make your wold happen" than complaining about it...., thats easy. If you cant make it in the U.S. youll never be able to "make it anywhere" I believe life is a choice., it is for me. I choose to work.,save.,work save.., live BELOW my means ., and the goals are easily attainable., with disapline. Life is good with a little respect for it..,. I am very grateful. I am not Lost .,I am Exploring. "If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"
Mission Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Actually, my work revolves primarily around service. I am not (yet) a millionaire either. But I can see how it is possible, again depending on the level of committment and energy I put into it. It's funny, I was talking to a woman at the company that we do a lot of work for today and she was complaining up one side and down the other about how badly she was treated and how poorly she was paid. She ended her diatribe by telling me that she was going to show them by doing the least she possibly could to earn her wage. Er, right. Stick it to the man, honey. (For as long as you can keep that job, that is.) Anyhow, onward to a new random topic... I thought this was sort of interesting; it sort of puts things in perspective. This is the price of gasoline from March 2005 converted to US Dollars. It's exerpted from an article at CNN's website. Netherlands Amsterdam $6.48 Norway Oslo $6.27 Italy Milan $5.96 Denmark Copenhagen $5.93 Belgium Brussels $5.91 Sweden Stockholm $5.80 United Kingdom London $5.79 Germany Frankfurt $5.57 France Paris $5.54 Portugal Lisbon $5.35 Hungary Budapest $4.94 Luxembourg $4.82 Croatia Zagreb $4.81 Ireland Dublin $4.78 Switzerland Geneva $4.74 Spain Madrid $4.55 Japan Tokyo $4.24 Czech Republic Prague $4.19 Romania Bucharest $4.09 Andorra $4.08 Estonia Tallinn $3.62 Bulgaria Sofia $3.52 Brazil Brasilia $3.12 Cuba Havana $3.03 Taiwan Taipei $2.84 Lebanon Beirut $2.63 South Africa Johannesburg $2.62 Nicaragua Managua $2.61 Panama Panama City $2.19 Russia Moscow $2.10 Puerto Rico San Juan $1.74 Saudi Arabia Riyadh $0.91 Kuwait Kuwait City $0.78 Egypt Cairo $0.65 Nigeria Lagos $0.38 Venezuela Caracas $0.12 Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?" John: "I don't know." Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."
Charity Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Oh great..we're now totally on top of the list? And they wonder why people go tank over the border of Germany... Unfortunitely it's the same with all products since the Euro came..we're not one of the most expensive countries in Europe and the damn goverment has admitted our Euro is too expensive (we should've gotten a lot more for our guilders) because German economy had to be boosted...and our government agreed to that! Now organisations are going to sue the government and try to get them to give money back to the citizen..some government people agree..yeah right as if they will succeed in thát! We only get cut more...welcome to the rip off country of the world...
Diego Santana de la Vega Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Does Venezuela have some corner on the oil industry we are not aware of and where do I invest? Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.
lady snow Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 venezuela is a major oil producer and a member of opec ~snow with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them? IWG #3057 - Local 9 emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005 improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire
Diego Santana de la Vega Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 lady snow said: venezuela is a major oil producer and a member of opec Ok then as a hunch ya think one of their own oil companies is traded? I mean their gas is the worlds cheapest it can only go up! Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.
Patrick Hand Posted May 21, 2005 Author Posted May 21, 2005 Diego... after some of the post we have done in the "six word story game"...... thier gas can only go up...... takes on a totaly different meaning than what you ment.......
Patrick Hand Posted May 28, 2005 Author Posted May 28, 2005 This should probably go in Plunder or Capt. Twill...... or RabbleRousing under Pyrate projects...... but I'll post it here...... Right now the Buccaneer Project is sorta on "hold" (don't have the money to get the paddlebutt musket yet.....) I'm hopeing that a publisher will buy the "Baby Snot" story that I wrote and illistrated.... then I can buy a bunch guns (all black powder...) I've done some work on the rules for Pyrate Battles, and started working on the ships and figures.... sometimes I can get alot done, and other times..... just can't get modivated to work on it...... I'm thinking about making an insanely complex Pyrate Captain outfit.... I like the idea, but once again.... just can't get started on it..... And I haven't done any cartoons for fun in forever...... Hopefull it's just lingering Winter "blaaasssss" and with Spring finaly here I can get back to making stuff........
Patrick Hand Posted June 7, 2005 Author Posted June 7, 2005 Well I got a used Mountain bike..... hadda clean it up, add a few patches on the front tire......and adjust the seat height.... now I be riding....... I haven't ridden a bike in over 25 years...... so the shift pattern gets interesting at times......... I just hate finding out how outta shape I am........ and some of the interesting places that get sore...... (butt and wierd enough... my ribs.....) Also just for information..... if you loosen the handlebars to raise them..... it is a realy good idea to tighten them again befor you try to ride the thing........ "I fall down......." (luckly I was checking the breaks, so I wasn't going very fast......)
Rummy3 Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Hey! I have been wanting a bicycle for several months! :) A used cruiser would suit me just fyne - and I am hoping for a seat with flames on it :)
Pew Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 After a few bottles of Guinness last night I thought: "I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me, than a pre-frontal labotomy" . . . . And then I stopped thinking . . . , Skull and Quill Society , The Watch Dog Quartermaster James said: "We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."
Rumba Rue Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Rummy3 said: Hey! I have been wanting a bicycle for several months! :) A used cruiser would suit me just fyne - and I am hoping for a seat with flames on it :) My, my, burning up the seat huh? Ya I sees ye Deigo, smirking as if ye had nothin' ta do with it....
Rogue Mermaid Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Are you talking about motorcycles? I've just recently joined the ranks of biker chick (or back of the biker's bike chick). I love it. The full leather jacket and helmet are hot hot hot in this weather though!!!
Dorian Lasseter Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 AYe Lass, I think they be speakin' of bicycles.... pedal pushers... Not that their's anything wrong with that! I've had dirt bikes, 10 and 12 speeds, and now own a pretty good mountain bike... But, as fer th' motorcycle thing.... I miss it.... I need the $$$ to put my scoot back on th' road... she's a beaut... '67 Triumph Bonneville 650... An' as fer th' full leathers bein' hot... I'd rather be a tad warm than have major road rash iffn the accident should happen... I never ride without my jacket, and rarely without me chaps n' gloves... Frack, what can I sell ta get enough coin ta do what I need done? Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Rogue Mermaid Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Oh, I know nothing of the bicycle world. The boyfriend is a huge (pedal) bicycle guy and just bought a motorcycle a month ago. Since he's a novice (motor) biker and I'm a novice rider I'm definatly not going without the major protective gear (helmet/jacket). It is fun. I never pictured myself riding because I was scared of them. Wow, what a surprise. I do have a question though. He has a suzuki sport bike so I have my knees bent the whole time I'm riding. It's a little painful after a while. Any suggestions?
Dorian Lasseter Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Hrmm... sportbike... Ah... if possible move the passenger footpegs to a more comfortable location, But be sure they won't put yer limbs in a precarious location. Like when yer leaned over in a turn... Or, ye needs ta take a break every so often and walk about... How long does it take to become painful? Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Patrick Hand Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Rogue Mermaid Not sure if I should offer this advice or not..... But when I was riding a motercycle (Harley Superglide) I "pounded it into my (now ex) O' ladys head..... "If I have to dump the bike, you hold onto my back! " Never dumped th bike (luckly).... but after we broke-up.... she was riding with someone that had to dump his bike.... she held on, and only got road rash on her arm (tore through her leather jacket) and on her ankle (tore through her boots).... he ended up with two broken legs.... so his body protected her... (he still would have broken his legs.... but she could have been hurt much worse if she tried to "ride it" out herself) Don't wanna scare you, but this stuff happens when you ride..... you gotta be aware of it happining......
Rogue Mermaid Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Dorian, I don't think he can move the footpegs. The one on the right is directly above the muffler. So I have to be careful to keep my foot of the muffler. I'm told that my shoe could melt to it. I think my knee starts to ache about a half hour into the ride. Your probly right, I just need to insist on more streaching time! Patrick, Yeah, I know there are alot of risks. I try my best to be aware of whats going on and be a good rider. We did have the bike fall once already with me on the back. Luckly neither of us were hurt because he was going very very slow taking a turn and we fell onto a grassy hill. I think that he's alot more careful (not that he wasn't already) after that.
Patrick Hand Posted July 18, 2005 Author Posted July 18, 2005 Going to the Casa De Fruta Renn Fair....... There are two reasons I am excited........ One ... I'm going to wear my period buccaneer garb....... got most of it finished.... two... I will (hopefully) be taking a lady who has never been to a Renn Faire before....... I wanna pack a fun lunch..... some bread , cheese , sausage and some wine... and have a fun picknick....... kindaa make it memorable for her................... Renn Fairs be fun.... can dress her properly pyrate like..... if it works out should be cool........................
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