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Pyrates of the West Coast

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Ahoy! You three!

(points at Mad Jack, Phil and Christine)

As Master-at-Arms of the Watch Dog, I need you to declare all of your arms before stowing your gear. Please include any pistols, muskets, knives, swords, hangers, and polearms.





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:: tosses it back ::  Nah, mate.  I've got stories older than you!

I'm keepin' me eye on ye, lad...jes' so's ye know...

Aye, Ships - I be fair a-bristlin' wi' steel 'n' iron...

*begins unloading in front of Master-at-Arms, like Mel Gibson in Bartertown*

3 pistols

1 rapier

1 gauche

1 cutlass

1 boot knife (I'll be askin' fer thet one back)

1 eatin' knife




pair of throwing knives from beneath bracers

length of garrote wire from around waist

boarding axe

small vial of arsenic (Hey - ye never knows...)

Reportin' fer duty, sir!

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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(addressing the crew)

standind proudly as can be, I'll be non confronting without much laughing please, I ask of you, This is a new place a new and fine place we embark on a journey where hiding and running off to a safe place won't allow. We are pirates We are! we come here and play and enjoy that with which we give and share each day. This is a gathering of souls destimed to have met afore and will meet again where as a team of creative and barbaric happenings will be shared wothout the worry of grammer spelling or even proper English. I ask little to few things. keep the fun high on the list! keep the authenticity as close to period as we can and bring who you are to the ship when ye come in. Our personalities are all different we share no comon goals but this one together we will sail the seas, together we will write a serious page of piracy history which will forever be saved and cherished by all. Thank you for coming aboard. The ship will be docked and repairs will be scheduled and made fer the next three wekks to four weeks. You can come and go as you like leave yer guns with Sir William. Huzzzah!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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:: tosses it back ::  Nah, mate.  I've got stories older than you!

I'm keepin' me eye on ye, lad...jes' so's ye know...

Aye, Ships - I be fair a-bristlin' wi' steel 'n' iron...

*begins unloading in front of Master-at-Arms, like Mel Gibson in Bartertown*

3 pistols

1 rapier

1 gauche

1 cutlass

1 boot knife (I'll be askin' fer thet one back)

1 eatin' knife




pair of throwing knives from beneath bracers

length of garrote wire from around waist

boarding axe

small vial of arsenic (Hey - ye never knows...)

Reportin' fer duty, sir!


3 pistols

1 rapier

1 gauche

1 cutlass

1 boot knife

1 eatin' knife

1 flogger...

...1 crop...

...1 whip...

2 throwing knives

1 garrote wire

1 boarding axe

1 small vial of arsenic!?

Please see that you give that to the ship's surgeon.





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:: rummages though the overheavy seabags, and amidst the clinking of bottles... ::

Master Diego! I'm happy to report meself well heeled, with cutlass, dagger, boarding axe, and two pistols. Allow me to add to our armoury 2 pistols, a blunderbuss, and 2 boarding axes. Sufficient powder and shot for the afore-mentioned firearms, and more than sufficient will to be using them.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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:: tosses it back ::  Nah, mate.  I've got stories older than you!

I'm keepin' me eye on ye, lad...jes' so's ye know...

Aye, Ships - I be fair a-bristlin' wi' steel 'n' iron...

*begins unloading in front of Master-at-Arms, like Mel Gibson in Bartertown*

3 pistols

1 rapier

1 gauche

1 cutlass

1 boot knife (I'll be askin' fer thet one back)

1 eatin' knife




pair of throwing knives from beneath bracers

length of garrote wire from around waist

boarding axe

small vial of arsenic (Hey - ye never knows...)

Reportin' fer duty, sir!

phil comon with me I'll show ye too yer stay. Can I help ye carry that thar bag ye carry? I am puttin the galley and the surgeon on the second deck up from the bottom I want the ship warm and I think by moving the galley one floor lower it might allow the heat ta rise and below it the hold ta remain cool. The Surgeon and eating and more stores of rum and wine and ale too on the same floor. above them is general quarters we are in the middle I give you your hammock kind sir!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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thar be a certain need fer the next deck ta have a certain number of gunners bunkin in with the guns I see a need ta be ready ta fire off a response without a minute ta muster the need. Scouts and gunners and When He gets here my marine! (the bastard he sleeps with his eyes opens he does) spooks me good that does but nothin gets past im. Crazy too on the edge of the world he be. I puts him up above.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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:: rummages though the overheavy seabags, and amidst the clinking of bottles... ::

Master Diego!  I'm happy to report meself well heeled, with cutlass, dagger, boarding axe, and two pistols.  Allow me to add to our armoury 2 pistols, a blunderbuss, and 2 boarding axes. Sufficient powder and shot for the afore-mentioned firearms, and more than sufficient will to be using them.

Mad_Jack fer Gods Sake man this ship is tied! break out one of those all to well refered to bottles!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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*Climbing back on deck, this time even more out of breath than last* * mutters under breath* "This is gettin ta be bloody ridiculous, we need ta be gettin a powder monkey er a cabin boy er some sort a erand runner."

Quartermaster, da warehouse keeper says ten pieces o eight per will do just nicely.

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watchin the whole thing with pyrate phil i takes the bottle lightly froma the sleepin Master Gunners hands (powder monkey?) Errand boy? Now who would be up for that??????

Damn Cabin Boys! mayhaps them thar new comers ta town can find a few cabin boys fer us............

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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**Returning from quarters with a scroll of paper**

Mister Wake, as per your request as to personal armaments, I have done an inventory contained here on this paperment...

**Unrolls scroll**

By the request issued unto me, Doctor Colleen "Tempest" Bertand-Fitzgerald, In accordinance with Ship's ordinances; I hereby present for Ship's Records the following inventory of weapons of personal use:

1 matched pair French Dueling pistols - .62 Cal.

2 Irish Travelling pistols - .50 Cal.

1 Belgian pistol - .70 Cal.

2 Irish Dubh

1 Venitian Stilletto

1 Scottish Dirk

1 French Swept Hilt Rapier and matching Main Gauche

1 Italian Seven Ringed Rapier

1 English Naval issue Cutlass

**Rolls scroll back up and hands to William**

I wish to retire to my quarters for a smallish alotment of time. If needed, I can be found there...

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

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Mad Jack ifin ye would see that Kendra would get this.
From Master Diego (What?) After showing the master at arms her meeger weaponery (a small dagger) she pick up her bag and small sea chest, and asked to be shown to where she'll be stayin for the remander of the voyage, The master at arms eyes her suspiciously as she holds nervously-tight to her belongings


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11





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Aye lass and don't you just know ye be sleepin on the third deck same as the gunners the lookouts Our galley cook and me marine who will most certainly give cause to yer salvation. Figurin the bulk of the crew be stowed in the fourth jes aboves the galley and infirmory. with storage underneath. Guns just under the deck (the main deck) and the captain in the quarters in the aft. Haven't we stowed yer bags girl? I am off to that place that only comes once every workday the end o me shift and I be needen me grog as soon as I can muster a coin I'm buying this crew a round Hip hip Huzazah!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Aye lass and don't you just know ye be sleepin on the third deck same as the gunners the lookouts Our galley cook and me marine who will most certainly give cause to yer salvation. Figurin the bulk of the crew be stowed in the fourth jes aboves the galley and infirmory. with storage underneath. Guns just under the deck (the main deck) and the captain in the quarters in the aft. Haven't we stowed yer bags girl? I am off to that place that only comes once every workday the end o me shift and I be needen me grog as soon as I can muster a coin I'm buying this crew a round Hip hip Huzazah!

Aye aye sir, ahhhhh why did I not see this coming, that still dose not explain what Mad Jack is suppose to give me a note perhaps?


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11





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:: breaks out 4 ample bottles for the present crew ::

Master Diego! I know our grand tour of this vessel was interrupted, but if my quarters are in the slightest more accomodating that Lady Kendra's, then I offer up my bunk to her. I'm not above sleeping between the guns or in the rigging, if need be. And, if I may, she should be better armed than a mere dagger, sir.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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:: breaks out 4 ample bottles for the present crew ::

Master Diego! I know our grand tour of this vessel was interrupted, but if my quarters are in the slightest more accomodating that Lady Kendra's, then I offer up my bunk to her. I'm not above sleeping between the guns or in the rigging, if need be. And, if I may, she should be better armed than a mere dagger, sir.

* For a moment she looked him in the eye* That's very kind of you Jack. *sudenly she became nervous and dropped the chest and spilled a nun's habbit, Bible, and Commuion wine and goblet!

She quickley scooped up the contents, but it was too late every one had seen!


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11





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Well bless me barnicles!!.........none of ye have done a stroke o' work since ye came aboard!!..... ain't there no one aboard thats can pull a rope?.....mr wake.....here be me pistola an' cutlass.........I be keepin' me stores knife ifin ye pleases....Master diego, there be no inventory fer the stores!!....peeps are puttin' stuff all over the ship!.......there be one annoyed b'sun here sah!.....hows a man s'posed t'run a ship wi' this rabble!!.......tsk.

PP sah.....ifin ye'd pleases.....can I be 'avin' a full list o' stores aboard?.....an' while we're at it sah.....hows about some souls t' tighten that riggin'.......'tis a shambles it be!!.........ye'll get no where on a slack sail sah!........MY GOD!!.....have ye seen this cable!!!!......what in Gods earth!!.........ye wants a job done.....do it yer self....unless ye finds someone o' a lower rank.......Mr Petee!!......tighten that cable swab.........NOW!!........pp......Naught fer me t' say sah.....but we be less than shipshape sah!.....with this breeze that be shadin'.....we might want t' tie orf sah?...wot say ye?

Yes, it be pointy…..and ye be at the wrong side o’ it.

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Well bless me barnicles!!.........none of ye have done a stroke o' work since ye came aboard!!..... ain't there no one aboard thats can pull a rope?.....mr wake.....here be me pistola an' cutlass.........I be keepin' me stores knife ifin ye pleases....Master diego, there be no inventory fer the stores!!....peeps are puttin' stuff all over the ship!.......there be one annoyed b'sun here sah!.....hows a man s'posed t'run a ship wi' this rabble!!.......tsk.

PP sah.....ifin ye'd pleases.....can I be 'avin' a full list o' stores aboard?.....an' while we're at it sah.....hows about some souls t' tighten that riggin'.......'tis a shambles it be!!.........ye'll get no where on a slack sail sah!........MY GOD!!.....have ye seen this cable!!!!......what in Gods earth!!.........ye wants a job done.....do it yer self....unless ye finds someone o' a lower rank.......Mr Petee!!......tighten that cable swab.........NOW!!........pp......Naught fer me t' say sah.....but we be less than shipshape sah!.....with this breeze that be shadin'.....we might want t' tie orf sah?...wot say ye?

Begging your pardon, Jacob, but the quartermaster has begun the purchase of goods. The Master Gunner spent several hours in the purchase of swivel guns. The surgeon came aboard and stowed her instruments and in addition to her stowage of medicinal supplies, she spent the first half of an hour tending to a wounded man. The Ship's Master had us running thither and yon on errands. The inspection of the ships arms, both great and small has been ongoing and we fell in at orders to set about the preparation of the rigging for moving the ship.

Not that we don't need some spit shine where our duties are concerned.

Now, if you please, I'll have a list of your personal arms so that they be properly entered into the ship's log and lockers.





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~swan finally comes up. She's wearing her usual bi-layered skirt, off the shoulder white blouse and tightly sinched corset. Around her wrist are two fine black leather gauntlets. She is carrying a staff in her right hand and has a bow and quiver crossed over her chest and on her back. She looks to mad-jack and grins with a small nod.~

Mad-jack...I heard you were a fellow watchman with me. I'm swan a pleasure to meet ye.

~looks around and knits her brow for a moment.~

Sir William I've come to declare my weapons

8 throwing daggers

2 flintlocks

1 parrying dagger

2 swords

1 cutlass

1 staff

one long bow and a quiver of 30

1 whip

and 3 sets of shackles

~Swan begins disarming..1 dagger from each boot, pulls open a slit on each side pulls out 1 throwing dagger from each garter and a flintlock from her right garter and a parrying dagger from her left garter. She removes the 2 swords, cutlas and second flint lock from her belt. Hands over the staff she was carrying and pulls the bow and quiver from over her shoulders and pulls the whip out of her quiver as well. She loosens her gauntlets and pulls out 2 more throwing daggers, then pulls out 2 throwing daggers out of her corset. She grins.~

I had two sheathes built into my corset instead of stays.

~she spots her new crew mates and nods to them~

Welcome aboard, glad ta know ye.

Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is; It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is really is freedom.

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