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How Do You FEEL Now?


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Congrats Jack!

I've been a bundle of nerves for a few weeks...I applied for a higher position in my team. Hadn't had the experience they were looking for a few years back, but now I do. I just hope they have the smarts to promote from within. Not doing so has alienated many folk who headed out to better positions (in and out of the company. But I digress...

*raises a congratulatory brew and nods to Mad Jack*

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

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I got the job! Drinks all around!!! buds.gif

woohooo, Huzzah, cheers, mazaltov.. and ooooooo baby!


Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Thanks, everyone! B) I have to admit to being frazzled by this whole event, going from conjecture to reality in a week and a half! I officially started today, despite the protests of my old team. C'est la guerre, no? :rolleyes: :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Congrats Mad Jack! :rolleyes:B)

As for personally, I have an f**king migraine

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Turns the lights down low, quiets down the pub, gets Capt Sterling a glass of cold water and wonders why a migraine would make you want to f**k?? (just teasing, lad! I hope you feel better.)



I feel better already. It turns out that I know myself better than my doctor. I was feeling incredibly run down for a few months, despite being on thyroid meds. Turns out they went off the low end of the scale, so I get to take 1 and 1/2 pills now. It will be nice to sleep and wake on time, instead of snoozing all day. :) I was very very worried that there was something else in the works.. Cancer and diabetes runs rampant in my family.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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I am feeling OUTSTANDING!

It's amazing what the attention of a woman can do to drive a bad mood away.  :lol:

Maybe that was a bit premature.....

This girl has treated me INSANELY good. I don't deserve it, yet she continued....

However, a small tiff has my insides feel like they're tied in knots.

And just the other day I noticed how all the songs on the radio were suddenly NOT painful any longer....

What an idiot I am.

Maybe I should just live the life of a hermit and find a lighthouse where I could stare longingly at the sea......


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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Live like you'll never die, and love like you can't be hurt. It's all a bloody great feast, mate. Take it in big bites! Moderation is for monks. :)

Myself, damn... My head's still spinning with my new job. But unlike my last job, where politics have torn apart everything I spent years perfecting, I'm in a place where I can use my knowledge and talents, and really make a difference. My old manager tried to yank me back to basically oversee the gutting of what I'd done before, and my new manager told him which orifice(s) to pound lots of sand into.

I like my new team. :) :P

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Something happened on my way home which vindicated my belief in karma. Now I'm not one to constantly toe the line and follow every rule, but there are some rules that exist for a reason, like traffic rules. Safety, ya know?... Going a few miles over the speed limit is one thing, but deliberately running a stop sign and causing accidents is just not on.

And when I see one person deliberately putting other people in danger for no reason and enjoying it, I can't help smiling when I am fortunate enough to see this person get their just desserts. Who doesn't? This happens all the time in movies and there are lots of cheers when it does, so I know that I am not the only person on the planet who feels this way.

At any rate, I was stopped on a corner, looking to turn right to go northbound on the local freeway. The right hand turn lane next to mine went to the southbound freeway entrance. For safety reasons, there is a NO TURN ON RED sign at this particular corner. In fact, there were a number of signs, positioned so that you couldn't avoid seeing them if you tried.

So this guy beside me in the southbound turn lane looked right at one of the signs, paused and then started moving forward to turn right against the red light. He didn't appear to be in a hurry; in fact, he had this smug little smirk on his face as he leisurely put his SUV in the way of the moving traffic. And his smirk grew as he got more and more in the way of this traffic. I wondered how he could possibly be enjoying this situation, but if there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that not everyone is the same.

Eventually, he moved so far forward that the traffic that had the right-of-way had to swerve around him, causing some really close calls. He moved forward even more and then turned onto the road going to the freeway. For good measure, he cut off a car in the left lane, trying to get onto the northbound freeway entrance. I thought, "what an asshat - well, if the traffic gods are watching, this guy will eventually get what he deserves."

The light turned green and the rest of us turned and drove to our northbound and southbound freeway entrances. From behind me came a police car that very quickly got onto the freeway going northbound. I thought that there must be some sort of incident somewhere, but about half a mile north, I saw the police car stopped - right behind asshat and his SUV. I couldn't help smiling as I saw karma in action. On behalf of all those folks who were put in danger just so this jerk could amuse himself, I hope it's a really, REALLY expensive ticket...




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Janelle and I are heartbroken over the passing of our eldest horse, Apollo. He was a gleam in Janelle's eye before he was a gleam in the mare's. He taught me everything I know about riding and showing. I'm gonna go get really drunk now. Pardon me if I'm not around for a few days.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Janelle and I are heartbroken over the passing of our eldest horse, Apollo. He was a gleam in Janelle's eye before he was a gleam in the mare's. He taught me everything I know about riding and showing. I'm gonna go get really drunk now. Pardon me if I'm not around for a few days.

Awwww....Jack so sorry to hear about that. *hugs* :(

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Aw, Jack, I know what it's like to loose a close pet, many condolences mate...

Scared out of me whits...I'm starting my senior year of high school in four days and I'm just worried I won't get into any colleges that I want to go to, or worse even, no college at all! I'm a smart kid, I work hard and I am dedicated to my studies...but, I don't know. I suppose we all go through this, I know I saw my friends go through it and they came out just fine. But...yeah...I'm not looking forward to taking my SATs for a second time, doing a college entrance essay and waiting on pins and needles for a few weeks while I wonder if I will even be going to my top school or will I be all the way out in California...with no way to really get back home! I've never worried this much in my life over anything. Not worry with thinking about life, but flat out worry. It's horriable...blah.

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Christine, love... thank you. You know how dear to us Apollo will always be.

Caper, thank you. But to call Apollo a "pet" is to damn him with feint praise. He was our child, my teacher, and my friend. I won more on that horse that I'd ever imagine I would. He taught me excellence and humility. How to persevere and carry on, no matter what a bunch of half-blind judges might think. He taught me compassion, real strength, determination, and unconditional love.

I mean no disrespect, mate. Perhaps, in time, you'll truly understand.

I wish everyone here could have know Apollo the way Janelle and I do. The clown, the klutz, the champion, the intimidator, the indominatable spirit that was Apollo. He will live forever in our hearts.

Godspeed, Apollo. We'll be together again, and I'll be bringin' a big ol' bushell of sweet Braeburn apples, your favorite.

We love you, Apollo. Forgive us if we take too long to say goodbye.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Ugh I personally am rather annoyed at the moment. I moved back to college today to find out they my student ID card needed to get into the room doesn't work. I tried to get that fixed, but the office gave me crap about not paying a fee for moving in early, so now I either have to stay in my room for 3 days straight, or I just get locked out until I can fix things up, HOPEFULLY I can actually pull some strings and do that tomorrow.

On the plus side though I get to see a lass I'm quite fond of tomorrow, so that's the only reason im not too ticked off, as it were. Ha ha ha :)


Ok, so now I realized there is another guy in the picture, so boooooo.

"I'm no fencing master, but I had some schoolin' in the art of cold steel"

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Arrggghhhhh! The youngest kitty to the household got hold of my good pirate hat this morning while I was dead asleep. Tore out and chewed up all my wonderful parrot feathers I had on it. I had the hat at the very top of the hat tree where I thought the cat couldn't get it (I have no idea how she got it).....I don't think I can salvage the feathers and will have to make a new one....crap I don't have any of the nice feathers I had on the hat..... :lol:

On a good note, my dad sent me money so I can buy a scooter to get around on since I can't walk much. Hopefully I'll have my new toy in time for Ojai, otherwise I won't be able to go.

I have one picked out at an Internet site a friend turned me onto, that's far cheaper and better than the one I had been looking at originally. I called them and they are on the up and up, so that's a good thing.

As soon as the check clears the bank, I'm ordering! :)

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Caper, thank you. But to call Apollo a "pet" is to damn him with feint praise. He was our child, my teacher, and my friend. I won more on that horse that I'd ever imagine I would. He taught me excellence and humility. How to persevere and carry on, no matter what a bunch of half-blind judges might think. He taught me compassion, real strength, determination, and unconditional love.

I mean no disrespect, mate. Perhaps, in time, you'll truly understand.

I am truely sorry Jack. You're right, I most likely will learn, I'm still young and I have a lot of life a head of me...

Best wishes.

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Not desponent, but severely depressed. I'm sure the Coronas aren't helping....

My soon-to-be-ex just left with my daughter for California. They haven't taken everything, just the basics. They'll be back in a couple months for everything else.

Don't know when I'll get to see my baby girl again, but it won't be soon enough, I know.

It hasn't fully hit me yet - my daughter being gone. I'm sure when it does, it will be hell.


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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Not doing too well today.

It's September 11, and I thought very little special about it when I got up this morning. But we have overcast skies (here in Chicago) and non stop rain all day long... it appears as if the heavens themselves are in mourning.

But during my morning commute, I was listening, as I do almost every day, to the local country station. Yes: patriotic rednecks. And they started playing clips of 9/11 news reports and 9-1-1 emergency calls from that day, and then some well-mixed montages of audio clips along with "I love you, I miss you, I will always remember you" type songs.

...And I started weeping like a baby. Here it is, five years later, and I think I have finally given myself the space and ability to really feel about the tragedy more than I have since within the first week that everything happened. I have been carrying this mood around with me all day long. Even as I write this, I am overwhelmed with emotion.

I guess, deep down, I needed this... It just came upon me without warning, and I was not prepared to handle this sudden melancholy.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


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My uncle in NY barely missed being in the first attack in 93, and lives in Manhatten now. I still remember talking to him to make sure he was okay.. as if not losing so many friends would still leave him okay. His voice broke as he was telling me about the friends he had lost..

A salute to all who lost someone, to those who lost their lives, and to us to remind ourselves that we have it pretty damn good here..

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Seth McFarlane, creator of the show Family Guy, was supposed to be on the flight from Boston. His travel agent screwed up his departure times. He of course was upset, but thought "oh, well". He then heard about the news and literally had to catch his breath. It stunned him into silence and he just sat there for awhile. He told this to my guyfriend and I at one of his parties at his house. Just to the 2 of us that is. He doesn't usually talk about it unless someone brings it up, it just hit him so hard. Since then he has become so successful from creating Family Guy, but he never forgets that day.....

It's written on his biography on IMDB:

On September 11, 2001 Seth was scheduled to return to Los Angeles on American Airlines Flight 11 after being a keynote speaker at his alma-mater in Rhode Island. Due to a mix-up by his travel agent he was told that his flight was scheduled to depart at 8:15am but it really departed at 7:45am and he had arrived at Boston Logan Airport a few minutes after boarding was stopped on his flight and he was told he would have to wait for the next flight. At 8:45am one hour after the departure of American Airlines Flight 11 it was hijacked by terrorists and crashed into One World Trade Center (North Tower) in New York City killing all on-board. He was able to contact his parents within 20 minutes of Flight 11 striking the first tower to tell them he was okay. He also said that he thanked God that his travel agent had screwed up the departure time or he would have been on board and he wouldn't have known what to do when the terrorists took over the plane.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I feel incredibly relieved. Janelle had a series of MRI's run this morning, and they show no change in the progression of the multiple sclerosis when compared to the MRI's from two years ago. So it looks like we're on the right track! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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