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Goldcoast Pirate Faire-Ojai CA-Who's goin mates?!

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Found this website via Kahukini at the tikicentral.com website. Sound like a fun bunch of drunk in disorderly sea dogs the lot a ya. Got some swashbuckin duds layin in me closet with no place to use em. When and where exactly is this faire in Ojai?? Will there be any barmaids that'll need pilferin'? (hee-hee!) B)

Bloody Kidd John B)

ps: how'd ya get this blasted thing to include a small image of ye??

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Ahoy Bloody Kid John!

The Pirate Faire be in southern CA, which be in the wee hamlet of Ojai, on the shores o' Lake Casitas.

Aye, thar be wenches galore and this particular gatherin' be one that seems to have a mysterious phenomenon takin' place... an unwritten, unspoken revealing bodice competition... me husband and teenage son affectionately refer to this event as "The Breast Fest" if that be givin' ye any ideas!

So ye' have pirate garb already and just need a crew t' join says ye? Yer search be over mate! We'd love fer ye' t join Tales of the Seven Seas! We be based in Northern CA, but we'll be headin' south fer this event and we are always very happy to welcome new pirates! We will have an encampment at Ojai. Th' more th' merrier says we!!

If ye' be interested, drop me an email at talesofthesevenseas@hotmail.com and I'll give ye' all the details!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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*dances about* some of me crew and I will be going to the Pirate fest as well. We've gone and reserved a spot on the lake and should be there some time Friday. Iffn' any others are camping thatta way feel free to drop on by the Meirle. We'll have our flag up: it's a skull with crossed blunderbuss and cutlass under it on a red heart. Just listen for the sheep sounds, that'd be us.

*sings some happy tunes, like Roll Your Leg Over*

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Awesome! I will drop by and say hello. We'll be pulling in late Friday afternoon. "Jeff" of our "skeleton crew" who you see below, will be out in front of our encampment, and you can also look for the flags with the skull and scythe on them.


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Ahoy! We be goin' as well...An with that guy guardin' the encampment...It'd be hard to miss...(easy to find)!!! :huh:

I like the looks of him! He be an old member I takes it?!!

And by the way...if'n any of ye be wonderin'...me Pyrate name is:


If'n ye sleep with one eye open...Remember to take the eye patch off...So's you can see!!! :P:P:P:huh::P:huh:


Pause My Friend, As You Pass By. -As You Are, So Once Was I. -As I Am, So Shall You Be. -Prepare You Then, To Follow Me.

(written on a gravestone)

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Ahoy mateys! B)

Aye, it be Deadly Drucilla again! Been busy putting together me Pyrate outfit. Now it be lookin' a might strange If'n I shows up at th' Pyrate Fair with nothin' on but me Hat! B)


Nevertheless...I still gots almost two months t' gets it all! I think the only thing that'd be costin' me an arm and a peg-leg is me boots!


*I'd rather be plundering.....*


Pause My Friend, As You Pass By. -As You Are, So Once Was I. -As I Am, So Shall You Be. -Prepare You Then, To Follow Me.

(written on a gravestone)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sheesh... how did I misss this post??

I'll be ashore in Ojai Capt'n of the Seven Seas!! B)

Oh, wait... you KNOW that already!!! B)

(chuckle'ng into me hand)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Sheesh... how did I misss this post??

I'll be ashore in Ojai Capt'n of the Seven Seas!! B)

Oh, wait... you KNOW that already!!! B)

(chuckle'ng into me hand)

Hey Iron Bess!

So you can make it to Ojai! We have got to get together and cross words so we can execute our fight for all and sundry at the Faire. I know the weather is hotter than Hades but I know a place we might try on the weekends that air-conditioned.

Let me know. B)

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Ahoy Maria...

As it stands now I will indeed come ashore for the gathering...

We'll talk about the fighting, that all depends on the heat lass, not worth keeling over for!! B)

Where did you have in mind?? B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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(chuckle) Ah well Capt'n Claire... who is it now that would be after believe'n the ramblings of a ships figurehead anyhow?? B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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:blink: RR, Jellyfish, bring it on, it's 'the Age of Pyracy', not the 'age limit 'o pyracy'.....but be warned..some wounds don't heal well wif' gunpowder in 'em..ask the sirens,and if'n that's o.k., then ye best be signin' the articles. :ph34r: ...and Bess,lass...how'd ye get untied that quickly???
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(chuckle) :blink:

Now, now m'wave tossed scallywag! 'Tis no rope you'll be after need'n. A ships figuirehead is held to her place by the power of her own will.

Alrighty.. and maybe a peg or two. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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