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Fort De Chartres - June 2010

William Brand

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On my end, we have the chest/trestle table with matching benches (sits four comfortably)... Plenty of cooking gear (except a coffee pot, which looks to be taken care of), we have our wedge tent for the wife and I, and assuming Sam is still coming, he will be staying in our tarp shelter (which is about 12 foot square).

I talked to Shannon last night, but he didn't mention whether he or Trish were able to come. I'll try and call him or Trish back tonight and try to get a more solid read on that.

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oh, forgot to add... we also have a 5 gal. drink container ( big blue plastic thing )... we usually mix in koolaid, lemonade or ice tea...

we are also bringing a large turkey we have been saving for special occassions... okay, it's been sitting in the bottom of the big freezer and we need to get rid of it, but the special occassion thing sounds better !! we plan on cooking it here at home and then just warming it up over the fire..

since we have two turkeys, does everyone just wanna have turkey for dinner ?? lemme know, and we'll pre-cook them both...

friday night has been designated as "chicago hot dog night" , some people from other encampments will be joining us... anyone who wants in, just bring a pack of hotdogs, bread or buns, and maybe condiments... we'll be bringing saurkraut (sp ? ) peppers, spicy garlic pickles and condiments as well...

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Two turkeys. Wow, but don't forget...

...My Lass has prepaired the menu and plans to feed you well...... Michael...I Have your HP Sauce.........Yo Ho

No end of food in sight. We may be feeding whole other camps.





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The cooking thing........It's all good ..... No problem........we can all have fun cooking all sorts of grub because as it looks we are going to have a full Crew to feed...I am picking up bags of lump charchol....any one have primative fire starting equipment ?...I have always have used gun powder and a shot, but maybe thats not a good idea this time !..thanks to all for the help and enthusiasm...this is going to be a big event......and we are going to have lots of fun (even if we do get caught)... dont forget about the big "Ball" held on Saturday night...bring your dancin boots......

Quartermaster do you think the live feed is a go?

less than a week YO HO!

Yo Ho.......

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I have a fire striker set.... I am out of char cloth at the moment, and to be perfectly honest I am uncertain as to whether I will have time over the next week to make some more char cloth.

Worst case scenario, I can cut up some linen and make char cloth the night we get there in whatever fire is going on that night, at least that way the rest of the weekend we can start our cooking fires in a period fashion.

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shall i address you as captain oatmeal or Michael ?????? I want to be grammatically correct you know>>>>> ok then>>Crew>>>>>I just got off a phone call w/ Darrell at the Fort...........Everyone that will be camping has to check in with Darrell before setting up.......He has taken the names that were listed on the tent layout that William generated and sent to him.....so when you check in, give him your names and tell him you are with the Crew of the Mercury and that we are here to rob and pillage........better leave off the last part......Also Darrell is laying out as we speak the Crew's encampment site...Just as William designed it...thank you William<<<<<<<< should we bring extra canvas to cover up non period, offensive, get thown out of the Fort kind of stuff??????? check Fort De Chartres web page please..Darrell said he updated it.......

Update>>>>>>the crew of the Mercury is mentioned twice in the Forts web page just updated.....please note we have been press ganged into hosting the TUG O War event right out side the Main Gate at the Fort...so i guess we have an opertunity to demonstrate our "PIRATUDE"....

Yo Ho

Edited by Capt. J...

Yo Ho.......

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Hello shipmates i went to the fort today, the spot is clearly marked with a scull and crossed bones should be easy enough to find in the day light how ever if you can't see that look for a bell back wedge went painted red and yello(think McDonald's colors). We left behind a centry at the grounds you will know him by his limping and bald head his name is Rusty and he will be there for the next eight days(lucky cuss isn't he). There is no shade so if you have awnings you should bring them, ther should be enough room.



Untill we meet again may you have fair winds and following seas.



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Hello shipmates i went to the fort today, the spot is clearly marked with a scull and crossed bones should be easy enough to find in the day light how ever if you can't see that look for a bell back wedge went painted red and yello(think McDonald's colors). We left behind a centry at the grounds you will know him by his limping and bald head his name is Rusty and he will be there for the next eight days(lucky cuss isn't he). There is no shade so if you have awnings you should bring them, ther should be enough room.



Well done C- ........ your a good man...good pirate........you didnt leave the rhum with Rusty did you?..... William and i will be there thursday.......my Lass will be there friday...........Fair winds and dry weather.............

Yo Ho

Yo Ho.......

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I arrived without incident, though my luggage was delayed for up to an hour. That had me a little nervous, what with so many one of a kind items tucked into my suit case. Of course the flag came with me all of the way and garnered a few inquisitive looks.

I'm at Janet and John's house now, uploading some files from home for printing tomorrow. John is making hard tack. The weather is warm and stormy.

Both cameras arrived safely and I'm prepared to shoot the whole event. Time permitting. See you all there.





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Always carry on important parts of yer kit or wear it, if you can... you'd look kind of funny draped in only the flag ....sniggering. glad all worked out

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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I'll be leaving Ohio tomorrow at about 3:00 PM, so I will be picking Sam up at close to 4:00 PM, and then likely rolling into Fort De Chartres at around 11:00 PM... The only phone number I think I have on hand is Silas Thatchers, but I seem to recall someone else posted theirs earlier in this topic, so I will try and write that down as well. We'll likely need some guidance finding our camp area once we arrive.

See you all there!

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micheal, at that time of night chances of them letting you drive to the camp site is poor... if it has rained recently, then no chance at all !! packing it in will probably happen... we'll have the wheels and can probably borrow more to help...

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Captain J is going to try to do a Skype set-up tomorrow with his computer and wants to know who's interested in having a live conversation with the camp.

This is our way of saying hello to anyone who couldn't make it.


"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

- Maria Robinson

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I arrived without incident, though my luggage was delayed for up to an hour. That had me a little nervous, what with so many one of a kind items tucked into my suit case. Of course the flag came with me all of the way and garnered a few inquisitive looks.

I'm at Janet and John's house now, uploading some files from home for printing tomorrow. John is making hard tack. The weather is warm and stormy.

Both cameras arrived safely and I'm prepared to shoot the whole event. Time permitting. See you all there.

Hello, kind sir,

This would be the bride of bosun Carl. I just wanted to make a request of you all that made it to the encampment this weekend. I used to get to attend the events and miss them deeply, so I beg photos from anyone who will share. Therefore your comments about cameras and such have led to this post. I am a scrapbook artist and try to make scrapbooks of the boys endeavors and through that get to be a part. Could you please include me in any picture sharing that goes on within the group! I would be ever so grateful and when you meet again, you would be able to see the resulting pages! I thank you for your time, hope you have a safe return home and had a delightful weekend!

The "bosun's mate"


Untill we meet again may you have fair winds and following seas.



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i was really immpressed with the event. the numbers of real 18th cen. reenactors warmed my savage heart. the fort was awesome, really was cool having that in the background.

saturday was the hottest day i can remember, stifling. today i officially declare the first saturday of june 2010 to be "the day southern illinois was worse than f----ing irag day". also the fiirst time i've just sprawled out and slept half the day. lazy, shiftless native. you can take the native out of the paint, but you can't take the paint out of the native.laugh.gif

definitely was nice meeting some of the folks i see here on the pub. and of course a big hand for thee thatcher tribe for hosting and all the guys and gals with the wonderful feast. and of course can't forget monster cookies, either.

william, i expect to hear a TRUTHFUL account of your pillages with the professor. nothing else will do. and bosun carl to have located a replacement for the glass horn i pilfered from him, er, WANTED to pilfer.

next up: pictures?wink.gif

Alright, but I'll kill anyone who gets in the way of me killing anyone!

let me break it down for ya:

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Prof Death, pictures will be coming..... And while the Thatchers did a ton to help with this one... I think (if I heard correctly) that Capt. J and Janet were the real movers and shakers behind this one. Regardless, I think everyone did an awesome job! It was great to see distant friends again, and meet some new folks.

Capt. J, please thank your darling Janet again for her hard work cooking on Saturday, specially in that heat and humidity! The food was awesome and warmed the soul! Also thanks for the HP Sauce! That little thing is going to bring me a great deal of joy!

Carl and Rusty did have some rather pilfer worthy toys... And were great companions on top of that!

I am sure William will have some great tales to regale us with once he gets home. ;)

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Prof Death, pictures will be coming..... And while the Thatchers did a ton to help with this one... I think (if I heard correctly) that Capt. J and Janet were the real movers and shakers behind this one. Regardless, I think everyone did an awesome job! It was great to see distant friends again, and meet some new folks.

Capt. J, please thank your darling Janet again for her hard work cooking on Saturday, specially in that heat and humidity! The food was awesome and warmed the soul! Also thanks for the HP Sauce! That little thing is going to bring me a great deal of joy!

Carl and Rusty did have some rather pilfer worthy toys... And were great companions on top of that!

I am sure William will have some great tales to regale us with once he gets home. wink.gif

We were delighted that all of you came down for this event....and hope that all had a fine time ...........william and I had some....excitement... on the voyage home but managed to pull into port safely......my Lass had two wonderfull steaks ready for William and I when we arrived and of coarse we broke open the HP sauce......Thank you again M,K and S

Yo Ho.......

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while connie and i did do some stuff, i think that the real work was done before hand by william and capt. j... without them, cooperation with the event directors wouldn't have happened...

and many thanks should be given to janet who braved the heat and sun to cook some wonderfully delicious meals for us....

and wait until you guys see some pics of the flag !! tracy did a wonderful job getting the flag done in time for our enjoyment !! even staying up until 2 in the morning to finish it !!

it was nice to finally meet william, capt j, and see everyone else again !! we had a good time despite the heat wave that finally broke on sunday... pics will be coming later...

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