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Olaf Grumby

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Everything posted by Olaf Grumby

  1. Looks to be a party that only the Kiwi's could put together.
  2. ARRRRRRRGHGHGHGHHG! I know but I thought you had blond hair?
  3. A tankard fer the land-lubber.
  4. Re-enacting verses faire I think it is all a farce My character during the PIP just was and that's all there is to it. I just acted like myself with historical accents. I was not emersed in the period the period was emersed in me. That way everyone can have fun and if you pompus here you would be pompus it that period too. Your character should be your natural persona with the accents of that historical period you wish to portray. This approach makes it easier to become a character and easier to relate to people aroun you.
  5. A keg o'grog for the Royalist; capn' and crew. Olaf reserves a new keg for ye safe return Happy Holidays.
  6. Glad to hear from you again so the honeymoon wonderful I hope. All of your mates from the Keys, hang out in the hot tub come Visit Olaf
  7. RyannMacGregor, you be a Scot, that be close enough to me homeland probably got some same blood. Ye be welcome to me grog anytime.
  8. Forgot to tell ye to worry my crew because I don't worry
  9. Only two days to recover! Nigel you need more elixir. Don't yerself and the rest of the crew more magnamious elixirs upon my next adventure . Betwixt drunk and passed out I stumble ready to mix!!!!!!!!!
  10. Now that I've sobered up! I return to the decks with my new crew (the Pyrates of the Coast). The festival was a blast and if you missed me grog, there is always next year.
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