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Olaf Grumby

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Everything posted by Olaf Grumby

  1. I don't know yet I might just have to ask her.
  2. Ifn' Animal needs a drink Olaf stands ready to deliver. Hey, is that a screaming orgasm in the tree over there.
  3. (a figure in shadows staggers towards the forcastle) Olaf to come aboard Captain. Me ......... No I been........uhmmmmmm........Meeting with prospective ingedrients for my Elixir. I have found several good possibilities but there gone now. Don't worry I know where they live. Diosa I may be needin' some o' those pretty Olaf tips for further adventures here. Doc I been taking me medicine so no worries. I am now off to wander with a viking princess as her pirate.
  4. I still think that the late night passages of things in the dark were the most disturbing.
  5. I would have to throw in Gun-Gu-Din.
  6. I would gladly report that no Haitians landed while I was on watch. Otherwise the event at the fort are still classified.
  7. Yes I do! But I'm not tellin' you who they be. I know of your dastardly deeds with that pen of yours.
  8. That's what that nun said before she dumped me and me friends into the briny' blue.
  9. Sorry can't make it have big show in North Carolina. Who know might suprise you another time though.
  10. Ba da der der der der der der derrrrrrrrrr. Squealllllll! Squealllllll!
  11. Yes, there are always fotos of me I am a legend. People need verification that there is an Olaf.
  12. Yes we know a fluffer is but this is a virtuous ship and a chaste crew. Animal distribute the wadders IT's getting deep.
  13. KW where be that plethora of foto's you have we are anxious to see them. no censorship is allowed send us the disc.
  14. I am only "fluffy' Olaf when I have a cold and in conference with the big Q.
  15. Now If'n ya'll like I could bring some of the other types o sausae from round yonder in the backwoods. Call it "southern sausage".
  16. Olaf does not fluff.
  17. Fame update For all those who particpated in the event an coworker witnessed our Tom-Foolery on the CBS Early Shore earlier this week. Oh Black Kat Morgan he said that my walking was the best he has ever seen.
  18. Let me defend the virtures of beef jerky's bigger brother summer sausage. Long ago on my wanderings I found that I was hungry. With no time to busy myself with fire starting I wandered still hungry. That hard tac was all gone. So it was grass and twigs. Munching away on these "vegatables' I happened along a most pleasent merchant. Looking succesfully fed, I quandried if he could spare some victuals for a wandering pirate. He immediatly passed over a summer sausage. I tried this interesting morsal and to my "amazement" it satisfied my hunger so I thanked this man and continued my wanderings. knowing that I would not be hungry again as long As I had a summer sausage, I saught the neccasary ingredients to my now famous elixir. So if not for the summer sausage the quest of the elixir would have faded in a far away tavern that I had to find food in.
  19. A flag that be yours. you silly people. But I may be auctioning a clean white un-Olaf like shirt.
  20. Merry you just want me to snore next to you late into the nite.
  21. Chief Apothocary that should be fine. Just wait for my future concotions. Hold on don,t apothocary's have to know something. that's scary.
  22. I be famous. A splash heard round the island.
  23. You all have to remeber that TBM is not gay. As for the other venues they are. Enjoy your initiation Skot.
  24. Oh yea! I want audio next year.
  25. Everyone is on the board next year. Even though I can't win.....we all know. ' nuff said. Olaf enters like no other.
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