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Olaf Grumby

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Everything posted by Olaf Grumby

  1. That was no dig, I meant it. Party on the patio, and from what I've heard in church I turn my other cheek. All you have to do is come down south. Y'all come down now, ya hear.
  2. I stand in my born glory as women run amok around me. Here is a demonsrtation of Olaf's power.
  3. To all warm weather pirates: Looks like we need a benifit for all our northern, western breathern. I propose we all venture to our favorite local tiki bar which overlooks the nice and sunny beach. (inland pirates outdoor cafe's will suffice.) Order a nice summer drink and toast the cold souls of the north until we can't see straight. To You Cold Pirates Cheers!
  4. Captain if any of your transgresions were cause for capture my new recruit is a lawyer. so don't worry bout it.
  5. Doc we have two here who have stumbled into the experimental elixir. Can you whip something up fer them. I quess I have to lock this door from know on. Sorry, Animal fer distrub the ship so much.
  6. you can't keep all the picture of me to yourself so share.
  7. run run hide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could kidnap you but paisley would be upset. She has my '------' in her cooler ya know" (forgive my blatant remarks o' omnipotent PGer')
  8. Sheila have you decided where your going to drop anchor, yet .......... I want a song next...
  9. The only thing that scares me is "____T__B__M____"'s Run, hide I'm not gay. I'M NOT GAY.
  10. That new recruit, new year's I was entertained . Me back still a little sore.
  11. Skot what just one 12 hour day, Studley and me just finished a three 18 hour days and on new year's eve it was 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. back at 2 a.m. till 5 and returning to work at 10 a.m. finally finished at 8 p.m. last night. So twelve hours...............I admire your stamina. LOL Happy new year's to all with new elixir I pour freely. Captain, I be workin' on a new recruit permisson to bring her aboard when she be ready. Cheers. And to the road less taken.
  12. Cheers (starts a marinade) Hopefully we can see picture soon.
  13. Either you can do what they did POTC which is to make cement with their outfits. Which is not pratical for one outfit. the easiest thing to do is basicly wash it with mud and stain making things between two cinderblocks then tie it to your car and drive around with it when it looks worn enough take it off. Done.
  14. Vile temptress you be weildin' yer sharpie a bit to freely. What wil ya do when your sharpie meets a little little girl drink.
  15. To this crew o mine a happy christmas and a merry new year. Our duties are preformed and merriment shall reign the next few days. Sorry Sheila, the elixir is being used right now to medicate Olaf seeing I twisted me back yesterday. but if the is any left after I 'm fixed it's all yours. Cheers.
  16. Don't worry Pais. Next Year you will not be able to resist my newly created "Little girl fru fru drink". Come to think bout it I might even make it pink for ya.
  17. MY summer sausage and porn. I must protest for the image of Olaf is becoming "soiled". Merry I hope you can find the movie so I can prove that I'm not the only one that snores. Pierre don't worry most people up there can't spell Appalachians either. It even takes me awhile and I went to school there. I would also like to share a holiday song with you but you have to find it yourselves. It's from Monty Python called" Ho Ho Ho." (The Christmas Song.) Do not play this to sensitive ears. Cheers p.s. Anyone seen the copy of Conquest?
  18. Ode to the season. Winding through the visible trangressions We stumble to indesicion. When to stand and fight our fears. Look not forward. Side to side Friends. Cheer the small to triumph Stand the strong to kindness. All in our circle Best wishes all. From then to here Time doth call. Heart of yours and mine agree Now and forever, Peace between. Olaf Wanders home to friends.
  19. I summit a retraction of all my bunny statements previously recorded; those responsible have been sacked. Enjoy the rest of the show.
  20. Do not worry Sheila. Olaf is an enigma, even to himself at times. Given the allowance of discovery I will return.
  21. Good thing the bunny I found was not in Key West. Seeing none of you have been here lately, I can hide her with ease.
  22. I have to excuse myself from ya medicines fer I brewed up a bit too many new elixir recipes the other night. And in me present activity I'll need me wits about me. So I beg your pardon on this round.
  23. Now, now, I don't exactly have her yet. But in first encounters we ran close haul quite nicley togeather. END OF DETAILS....................
  24. My conscience is clear. Meeting? .............. maybe Details. Olaf does not kiss and tell Vikings do what Vikings do. I'll just say in introductions, out of all her choices she chose to call me Olaf.
  25. All I know that it was louder than my snoring. Besides Olaf will stop being the smelly Olaf you all got to know down there. For I think I caught a rabbit
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