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Olaf Grumby

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Everything posted by Olaf Grumby

  1. As I wander. News travels slowly. happy B-day to ya. Spanking? Mabye not with new girlfriend, perhaps next year. Cheers anyway.
  2. Well, Bein' that most time, I be a pirate it's for the enjoyment of myself and others about; so we at the Pyrates of the Coast found that: " FOTOS! " tends to work out the best.
  3. I recently purchased a pair of bucket "musketeer" boots from "By the Sword" These were recently priced and quite comfortable once worn in. They have uppers that can be pulled up to totally cover thighs, If you get these boots I would suggest a pair of sole inserts to greatly improve your disposition during long days of costume. Good luck of your purchase.
  4. we have two true busy seasons but as all you managers know when the business gets slow you cut you labor so you have to their job plus theirs. henceforth busier.
  5. To all of us who have vanished from this fair post I return to say hello to all our old friends here. Sorry I've been Away but we have begun to gear up for our busy season so I have had not had time to respond lately soo here I am.
  6. Been a long while since anyone be here. Alomst like a ghost ship. Mayhap the ner'do'wells be relaxing in the hideout. Nother long week ahead so off to the grindstone. cheers
  7. Aye Roger here be a takard o elixir to ease yer troubles o' the day. Cheers.
  8. I be here, but can't work hard this fortnight, need to be pretty for Sat. I be rubbing elbows wit the uppercrust fer a charity ball. I'll be disquised as a penguin with a beautiful whench at my side. Sorry no pictures fer those interested. Olaf has his pride. cheers
  9. Plus I can't type my own name.
  10. I must refute the slanderous remarkes made by the "other" side of the crew. I for one am Olaf, simply Olad one who is what I say. If you don't believe me you can ask Maeven. I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY.
  11. Female character- Celestina Rosa (heavenly rose) pirate persona- Neptunes' Thorn Male Villian- James Cruikshank, Lord Forsycht
  12. While all you be gawkin' at the new crew, Studley and I were doin' good deeds. The Unofficial count was over 33,000 dollars, and over 900 people showed up. So hussah fer us.
  13. The aspects of me and Roger's relationshipo is none of your business..........................
  14. All store boought but I were it till it becomes period. If ya have seen me there ain't much garb sides linen shirt and linen pants with musketeer bucket boots. But I have fun and its O.K.
  15. I haven't bilged down there in a while. Rules me out!
  16. The is no fear between me and Roger. Whether we be drinkin, elixir or not.
  17. Let our charity roll. We are participateing in a tsunami relief benefit on fri. With 100 percent of income generated given to the Red Cross. Wish us huge incomes. Cheers
  18. Pais, I just showed her the pictures I haven't told her all the stories. wink wink.......
  19. Sheila, glad you found the biker/pirate coralation I knew that fer awhile . From the PIP fotos this year, my mom made this remark" Gee, It looks like bike week but you're in different clothes." Diosa, I did my share for the crew entertaining an entire resort staff. I spent 3 hours dressed and appaering in a "Let's Make A Deal" game. the sauntered off to the bar for the rest of the evening. I represented for the crew up here.
  20. Roger! It be me brawther, ya never have to ask fer a drink the elixir fer all.
  21. If you need anymore tips on cockroaches let me know.
  22. Ya know how tough our six legged friends are. we use to freeze them and microwave them back to life when I was younger. And this happened. On day I was sharpening one of my knives and a large three incher ran by in front of me. So I preceded to implae him right at the back of his head. His forward momemtum carried through the knife's edge spliting him in twain from the head back. The amazing part was that, that cockroach ran the rest of the way across my room and into the wall seemingly no worse for the ware. True shocking tales of the cockroach.
  23. To all of you who try and bribe us to make the Journey. the distance is not the problem. Our company is suffering from the slow season right now so me and studley are the only competant staff and our weekends are busy. If we could make it we would be there but until we could survive in the same conditions as we do now by doing what we love (which is hanging out with you) we are cast ashore off the Blackheart. To you we miss and if the fates saw it fit we wouold be there. We ask you, the crew a favor. Saturday night please find a friend of ours at Pat Obrian's, in Universal. he be playing the piano and he is my best friend on this island. The music he plays is excellent. you'll have fun. PLease support him if you can. Cheers.
  24. Seeing that me and Studley have no itinerary we are just going to drink ourselves into a stupper, not scupper. So you in portlando have fun we will brave the not so frigid S.C. alone except for our rum.
  25. I'm just wondering do I every get me skivies back or do I have to mount an expedition of retrieval and retribution. Damn be the sharpies. Merry, looks like I'll be like this awhile so go get the camera.
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