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Olaf Grumby

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Everything posted by Olaf Grumby

  1. Mayhap a little closer to shore. Fer those less bouyant folks.
  2. Thanks for that rousing pescription. It will tighten Nigel right up. Now for the other nights.................... dodiloot dodiloot dodiloot dodiloot dodiloot dodiloot dodiloot............. (dream sequence)
  3. He's not gay. But enough of that or we'll get a *meeting*.
  4. Now Cascabel where was that bar again? Queen street?
  5. After much elixir poor Nigel succombs to oblivion. Paisley begins her assult on the stupified Nigel.
  6. I'll offer some little gurl elixir too.
  7. Glad you doing O.K. work hard on next year's event. But don't lose your focus on our conversation. you are your own strength.
  8. So ya be takin' bribes now. Hmmmmmmm. Oops. Sorry concious. We'll have to discuss payment however. hope all is well KW Is the Island surviving our departure.
  9. Studley and I made a list on the way home. I'll share it As soon as we unpack
  10. I never sleep there just snored.....
  11. It was your room pais.........
  12. fine a litle gurll version it will be the rest of us full force elixir. Skot the snoring only gives you a false sense of security.
  13. iinterresting....... hmmmmmmmmm.
  14. then there was always the breathing hard....... Diosa your elixir is mine beware.. I'll make a little little girrrrrl elixir for you
  15. I heard it was pretty smeared by the morning
  16. I greet all of thee even though some of you cast me into the sea. Better than tickling. The week spent in the Keys was an event of AMAZING memories and joyous encounters (everyone knows what theirs were!!). However you have forced me to research a new recipe for the elixir to clear up some of these errant memories of tickle spots on Olaf. I must remain impervious to those simple attacks. This year you may remeber these spots but I warn against the ramifications of a unleashed inner Olaf. Diosa can answer that question? Sleep well me crew elixir forever!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Then me best not hunt the bunnies fer ther be enough o' that down in key west from what I REMEMBER! The elixir and me will be just fine at the fort.
  18. Bon't be tellin' me there be bunnies down thar this year. Me and studley might get hungry at the fort. MMMMMM.......... Bunnie Stew.....MMMMM.
  19. Bay Point Buccaneers be ralling the crew fer the PIP engagment any of me crew be welcome. How was the rally Grendle. Hope you did our intreped crew proud. We are about again after some teidious dealings with 'other world' but that season be over. We are off to swashbuckle again . Cheers to me crew.
  20. After a evening o' experiment's the Pip 2004 elixir has been set aside to age. Woe to any hangover that olaf near's. Cheers!
  21. Mayhap a choir o rum filled bellies be soundn' more a pleasent to yer ear Animal.
  22. Aye, Aye! Animal such a task is what Olaf, with prodigious effort creates for thine surely crew . Tonight I have a hearty convinction to brew. Feel the surge o' the sea and rid thy self of woes fer mighty be the spirits an the crew stronger still. I feel yer hearts and stride the midnight hours amongst where my gran has gone. Live as we die fer tomorrow I fly. Spirits bid me welcome in this time as the boarders closely sail. You and me shall drink. Live on and praise what you have!
  23. I be thankin' the captain fer the shore leave as me family sent me gran on his last voyage. I thank all, fer yer support. Ye lifted me spirits through a tough voyage. The accountin of it be good. The entire clan made it home and were able to say good bye( ther be 21 of us all over the country). The old salt set sail amist the dreams of his two eldest daughters. A service fit fer admiralty was held and many were there to show their love. Thanks, to me crew again.... Olaf stands aready.
  24. (staggers up the gangway) Oh,..... Olaf be here. Tired and torn I return for respit amongst me brothers and sisters! (holds up a barrel o elixir, opens the spigot and downs a mighty gulp!) To you me hardys me worries fer you no more, now that the storms be quietin'. Just starting towards normality, when me grand sire be laid low by poor health. With the prospects not good, I drink wit me friends and stand wit me family. Cheers! (wanders aft in a moment of reflection)
  25. Glad to hear you rollin' fer the crew. Meself going to be very busy this weekend (faimly in hospital)and besides I only sail them fore wheeled horses bout the land. Fly our colors and do us proud gendle. Cheers
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