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Olaf Grumby

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Everything posted by Olaf Grumby

  1. Some of these lasses are getting quite specific in their qualifications. Bold fer those not going over the edge!
  2. The article be finished I'll be sending them your way soon!!
  3. He might have, but now he can only dream of them because he came to work and is "taking a nap"! So much for intestinal fortitude. I have to whip him into shape before PIP.
  4. A fine pair of hands I am sure you have. My question is how would you inspect these kilt. Would there be penalties for non-historical presentation.
  5. Kilts? Who knows.........Umm *stroking his chin in though*.......... To bad a professional like myself keeps preformance secrets to himself. You'll just have to wait and see!!!!
  6. Glad to hear everybody made it trough safe. Here in S. Carolina we had not a wind from that no good Charlie. So to the first hurricane of the portlando crew, Cheers!!!!
  8. Life bodice? All we need do is throw a few empty keg of rum in the water fer the contestants to grab hold of. Simple solution with much more drinking involved.
  9. Stormy weather ahead me boys. Ya'll know what to do. don't get to wet buying yer grog. Ships all tightened up so don't worry. Two hurricanes won't blow us down. Cheers to the light show.
  10. There be a fine storm brewing here me lads. Bonnie's come up to give Studley and I a blow. After that Charlie will try a shot at us. We ain't going to let it get us upset......... been through it before... oh, and Captain, you and nigel 'bout to find out what Southern humidity is all about!!!!!!!! Be safe! Hussah
  11. Anyone who needs a refresh on the effects of the elixir look at me profile.
  12. Kids always be welcome aboard the Phantom. However, with the storms abrewin' down in the Carrib our Saturday's festivity might be cancelled. So we keep sailing lookin fer more fun.
  13. Thar be a bounce in me step and a board on me bottom. I'm in the running fer sher.
  14. Don't worry he'll be up soon enough. Here's some more elixir and tell me a faire tail.
  15. Ye be saying what I be thinkin' welcome aboard. Here be yer first tankard o' Olaf's magic Elixir drink fer we sail soon.
  16. I say here here, All others votes none oppose. welcome ye be Longarm We be given' ye the articles a soon a we figure out HOW TO WRITE.
  17. Two Years Before the Mast, is an excellent book which portrays a sailor's life. Great reference material.
  18. *Roberto drunkily looks over and asks?* " Can I touch your boob." * then proceeds to pass out yet again*
  19. The Elixir be ready!!!!! Just got back from the ether world where ya find the most potent of spirits. Tried to talk to me brethern from afar. Ya just don't to be minding our Unregistared guests. Yo ho and a Bottle o Elixir.
  20. Oh! To be captain o' this scuvy lot. Better a Captain than a not. Without me men should I dare. To relieve a whench of underwear. I dream of nights I have not. Sitting with me crew that Hell begought. "Taking a swig from the magic elixir I start the refrain"
  21. Thar be some good tales here but I be needin' the true horrors of piratical lore, with all them gory details.
  22. Thanks fer the stories if there be anymore out there please share Oh, Nigel don't worry there always be elixir fer everyone
  23. This be a small survey of the most terrible legends, haunts, and hells of the pirates world. I be looking for the most feared "ghost" and or metephysical location historical pirates feared. Thanks for all the terrible tales. Olaf Grumby
  24. This song ain't excatly piratical but similar characters they just happen to be on land. Loreena McKennit "The Highwayman" Sorry don't have the lyrics with me. I can get them if ye want.
  25. I was PIP this year and a fellow brethren was in a wheelchair but he went through the event with no problems I was aware of. Anything we did the had stairs i.e. Mel Fisher's, the art gallery all had wheelchair accessibilty. The rest of the events were in the open historic wharf area . I see no problems there, however I think the sailing cruises might prove tricky. Other than that plenty of fun fer a few more brethren. Hope to see ye next year. Cheers
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